Great time in Chicago (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Apr 7, 2008
Going into this trip I was a little hesitant with my 7 and 9 year old making the journey with me. I wasn't sure how it was going to play out since my kids are usually at each others necks for some reason or another but to my surprise they were very good for the majority of the show. I met some great folks in Chicago and really wish I had more time to sit down and talk with them a bit more but 2 youngins can be awful demanding at times. Well this is my haul for the show and I have to say I was never much of a crusaders fan but as I was walking out the door to get in my car 3 mounted Templar FL pieces caught my eye. I pondered back and forth if I should get them or not because my wife would kill me if she knew I was taking on another FL line. In the end FL I rationalized that I would only collect the mounted Templar pieces. I hope that that rationale is enough for her to accept but something tells me she might be a tad mad:rolleyes2: Oh well, she will live^&grin I'll post some pics of the US airborne soon in one of my dioramas. They are awesome!!
Wow, Joe . . . that's certainly a very nice (and certainly diversified) array of OTSN acquisitions . . . . congrats. It was certainly nice to get to meet you and spend a few moments chatting with you about toy soldiers . . .
:smile2: Mike
Nice bunch of figures!!!! And a helicopter. It looks like you really enjoyed yourself.
Wow, Joe . . . that's certainly a very nice (and certainly diversified) array of OTSN acquisitions . . . . congrats. It was certainly nice to get to meet you and spend a few moments chatting with you about toy soldiers . . .
:smile2: Mike

I can't believe I walked out of there w/o a single Roman. I guess I'm just waiting for the next great release by FL in the glory of Rome line. It was indeed very nice to meet you. I enjoyed our conversation and wish I had a bit more time to talk with you but my 7 year old can get a bit squirmy sometimes. Hopefully next year we will have a little longer to chat.
Hobby purchases verses kid's education fees, looks like hobby wins out yet again, some really nice pickups in this haul, cheers, Robin.
The Huey was definitely the hit of the Show. They had two copters with blades whirring and in the background was Apocalypse Now playing. I liked the FL figures and think they're very compatible with the Figarti figures.
Joe, did you see the mounted Samurai and if so, what did you think?

Yes, I did see them and they looked fantastic. With that said I have to admit that I really don't know to much about the Samurai so I really can't say for sure if they are historically correct. But what I can say is the sculpts and paint job are top notch.
Joe, an awesome haul ! Can't wait to see some close ups of your mounted Crusaders. With Regards your wife and your purchases, what happens in Chicago stays in Chicago {sm4}.
I wish I could have made it to the show this year. I had a lot of fun last year. It looks like you left with a nice selection of items.

Joe, it is great to hear how you had an enjoyable time with your kids. On top of that, you picked up quite an impressive array of figures. You should be very happy with your varied selections. Can't wait to see how those FL Vietnam figures go with Figarti's excellent Huey. Not to be too cliche, but it looks like a match made in heaven!^&grin

Joe mate,
I don't wish to hi-jack your thread but I was just wondering if you had a chance whilst at the show to compare side by side the Nam figures from both FL and Figarti for compatability.
It would help me to make a big decision. Many thanks for your thoughts.
Cheers Howard
Thanks Noah, Mike and Frank. I had a great time with the kids. My son really enjoyed it alot and is already planning for next year^&grin Mike these ones are for you. The pictures don't do these guys justice. They are truly spectacular to look at in person.



Here are some picks with the FL NAM figures that IMO match pretty well with the Figarti Huey.



Joe mate,
I don't wish to hi-jack your thread but I was just wondering if you had a chance whilst at the show to compare side by side the Nam figures from both FL and Figarti for compatability.
It would help me to make a big decision. Many thanks for your thoughts.
Cheers Howard

Yes, I did make the comparison in Chicago and the Figarti figures that were made for their NAM series appear to be done much better then their previous figures that they have produced in the past. IMO I prefer the FL figures because the detail and sculpt but I would see no problem if they were mixed. Here is a pics of the Figarti figure that came with the Huey next to a FL Nam figure.
What a scorching haul Joe!! {eek3} Did you let your kids play with the Huey on the way home?:tongue: You know they wouldn't fight over it if you got a Huey for each child (as long as they both had the same version, of course!) LOL,
Seriously though, all are tremendous acquisitions. I like how you amassed all the items in your catch for the pic. The mounted Crusaders certainly do look great, and they caught my eye too. It looks like you procured the whole first wave FL Airborne figures as well; bravo!
What a blast you must have had and will continue to have with all of your new treasures! Thanks for sharing your show experience.
Great pictures! These pictures of the HUEY are very tempting. My wife is going to kill me if I'm starting another line. But how can I fit a HUEY into a LAH, WW1 or Barock collection???

Great that your children share your hobby. Thats very nice indeed.

Thanks Joe and Oliver. Thankfully my son is still into 1/72 plastics so a hands off the the Huey rule will be in place for some time yet:rolleyes2: However, I don't think it will be long now before he starts collecting the big boy toys. I bought him his first set of figures this year so he always have something to remember his 1st show by and his eyes lit up like light bulbs on a Christmas tree. The whole ride home he kept asking when I would be buying him his next set^&grin
Thanks Joe and Oliver. Thankfully my son is still into 1/72 plastics so a hands off the the Huey rule will be in place for some time yet:rolleyes2: However, I don't think it will be long now before he starts collecting the big boy toys. I bought him his first set of figures this year so he always have something to remember his 1st show by and his eyes lit up like light bulbs on a Christmas tree. The whole ride home he kept asking when I would be buying him his next set^&grin

Well makes a change from are we there yet? ^&grin

Those are some great purchases you have there - that's what going to shows is all about - that and meeting fellow collectors.

Jeff :salute::

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