Greatest Tank Battles (2 Viewers)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
Just seen an ep of this series about the battle of Arracourt , fought between US and German AFVs
as the US Army advanced towards Germany. It demonstrated with good graphics how Hellcat Tank
destroyers and Shermans, using the ' shoot and scoot' method managed to to halt and defeat a larger
formation of German Panthers and Tigers. Was interesting as I knew little of this action and so
thoroughly enjoyed it. Those Hellcats had a hell of a punch and moved fast, but sacrificed armour as a result.

I saw the other day, that there will be a seaon two of "Greatest Tank Battle."
Just seen an ep of this series about the battle of Arracourt , fought between US and German AFVs
as the US Army advanced towards Germany. It demonstrated with good graphics how Hellcat Tank
destroyers and Shermans, using the ' shoot and scoot' method managed to to halt and defeat a larger
formation of German Panthers and Tigers. Was interesting as I knew little of this action and so
thoroughly enjoyed it. Those Hellcats had a hell of a punch and moved fast, but sacrificed armour as a result.


One of my favorite series, if you have time on this christmas eve check out
It's been a fine series. I have liked all the episodes, especially the Kursk and Ardennes shows. Glad to hear there will be a second season. -- Al
It's been a fine series. I have liked all the episodes, especially the Kursk and Ardennes shows. Glad to hear there will be a second season. -- Al

Yes I agree & hopefully (Andy & the KC Arsenal)Have been watching. Battle of Kursk!!!! HINT HINT ;)
The German armor guys who love Panthers and hate Shermans get real quiet when you discuss Arracourt and the Lorraine campaign :) The US 4th Armored and the Free French 2nd Armored gave rather nasty bloody noses to several brigades of factory fresh Panthers. Control of the air really helped but doesn't explain away the major defeat of the Panther brigades.

Greatest Tank Battles is a decent show for TV. Some nice graphics used. Someday when they release a DVD set in US format I may have to get one.

Gary B.
Well thats what I found quite interesting Gary, in that it was not only the Hellcats that knocked out Panthers but Shermans also . It appeared that the shoot and scoot tactic had to be timed to perfection because if the American AFV's stayed just too long in one spot then they were easy meat for the Panthers. However these were skilled crews and by hitting and moving they did in halt an advance by far greater numbers of Panthers and indeed Tigers. It was an interesting docu and has made me want to learn more about the action and Arracourt's position in the allied advance.

I believe the series is already out on dvd in the US (Region1).

It was an interesting docu and has made me want to learn more about the action and Arracourt's position in the allied advance.Rob


Find the Osprey Campaign series book "Lorraine Campaign" by Steven Zaloga, a quick read with a lot more info on this series of actions.

Thanks fopr the comments on the DVD availability.

Gary B.
Thanks Gary, will get a copy of that.

All the best

I love these Shows- being a tanker and all. The Canadians in Normandy of course ranks up there! There is another show out there that talks about the demise of Witmann, and whether it was Brits or Canadians that Destroyed that Call sign. It is a Canadian poduction :(seems to remind me of the Red Baron...somewhat)

I think there may be more of those shows in the makes. I think they have been improving the computer animation season by season as well.

Just watched the episode on the tank battles in the Baltic states in early 1944, pretty incredible stuff.

During the show it was noted the German Stug III tank by February of 1944 had knocked out 20,000 Russian tanks.



One of the German tankers they interviewed said "We had a saying not to worry about the Russians as they always missed the first shot".......................
Like you George, I thought this episode was one of the best so far. I hope they continue to improve the show.

Like you George, I thought this episode was one of the best so far. I hope they continue to improve the show.


The next episode looks to be a show stopper, all about Stalingrad, already have it DVR'd.

Still can't get over 20,000 kills by the Stug III assault gun.

And as the show pointed out, Carius was no slouch either.....
Like you George, I thought this episode was one of the best so far. I hope they continue to improve the show.

Hit the wrong button! I will have to do the same because I will be on a plane flying across the country for the 4th time this year!

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