Greek Soldiers (1 Viewer)


Jul 17, 2009
Anyone else out there have an interest in Greek soldiers?
My collection ranges from ancient Greece and the Byzantine Empire to the 21st century. I have plastics and metal.
The attached pictures include one set by Palmetto Miniatures and an old photograph of an assortment of Greeks from various makers.
I would like to connect with others who have a similar fascination with the Greek world. Please join in.


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    Spanish Fort & soldiers 037.JPG
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Very good collection Mike, (and a nice opportunity to rejoin the forum). I think some of the figures deserve a closer picture. Could you please identify the sixth from the left pictured evzone at attention in the 3rd shelf, (the one next to Johilco and the PAL evzones)?
Very good collection Mike, (and a nice opportunity to rejoin the forum). I think some of the figures deserve a closer picture. Could you please identify the sixth from the left pictured evzone at attention in the 3rd shelf, (the one next to Johilco and the PAL evzones)?


The one that you are looking at is made by Jones. I saw one for sale on ebay for $44. The manufacturer was based in the US and has ceased production.

My wife's camera has not been working well lately. When it is repaired, I will try to post better photographs.

Mike.....Great photos. I especially like the WW I group on the left. The photo on the right is a great display venue. I'll send some photos in the next few days.
Joe D
Mike...I have an original Jones EVZONE bought several years ago at a show I paid $20.00 for it and thought I was getting ripped off. I found out later that they are relatively rare.
Mike...I have an original Jones EVZONE bought several years ago at a show I paid $20.00 for it and thought I was getting ripped off. I found out later that they are relatively rare.

Lucky you.

I once found a PAL evzone for $3.00 dollars. On ebay, one can easily go for $30 to $40.


Per your request on a Hiriart thread, I am attraching photos of Hiriart catalog set 1119 GREEK EVZONES and a companion, non-catalog GREEK EVZONE BAND set wearing the same uniforms.


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  • 1119 BAND.JPG
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Here is an earlier version of Hiriart's GREEK EVZONES BAND where the officer is wearing dark blue rather than maroon. I believe that the standard catalog set 1119 originally came in these uniforms.


  • 1119 Greek Evzones Band.jpg
    1119 Greek Evzones Band.jpg
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Here is an earlier version of Hiriart's GREEK EVZONES BAND where the officer is wearing dark blue rather than maroon. I believe that the standard catalog set 1119 originally came in these uniforms.


Do you happen to know if Hiriart makes Greek Evzones similar to the Dorset ones in Dark Blue seen in this photo?



  • Greek bands by Dorset2.jpg
    Greek bands by Dorset2.jpg
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Do you happen to know if Hiriart makes Greek Evzones similar to the Dorset ones in Dark Blue seen in this photo?


Hi Mike,

They do not make Greek Evzones in those uniforms; however, they may have done so in the past as a special, but not to my personal knowledge. Your fellow Greek toy soldier collectors may be interested in knowing that, in 2013, I will be starting to order a series of special, non-catalog Hiriart sets based on the Balkan War, 1912-14. The first two sets I plan to order are Greek Infantry, 1914 and Bulgarian Infantry, 1914. Each set will have nine figures: an officer, flag bearer, bugler, and six men, all marching. Each subsequent year, I will order two more special sets from Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, and the Ottoman Empire.
Thanks for the photos and information.

Do you happen to know if someone can still purchase the older band set that you have pictured?

Also, do you have any plates to post of the Greek infantry of the Balkan War?

Thanks for the photos and information.

Do you happen to know if someone can still purchase the older band set that you have pictured?

Also, do you have any plates to post of the Greek infantry of the Balkan War?


Hi Mike,

Yes, the older band set could be made as a special, just as the current band set has been. In addition, although I don't have a photo of the older set 1119 GREEK EVZONES in the same uniforms as the older band set, it could also be made as a special. I have three of the standard catalog set 1119 (like the one you have) on my pending 2012 order with Hiriart, I can add one or two more for other collectors, if anyone is interested.

I attempted to attach colour plates to my previous message, but Forum size limitations made that impractable to do. The colour plates are 590 pixels long and must be reduced to 280 pixels to be attachable. Unfortunately, that would make them the size of a postage stamp and therefore, not really helpful. If anyone would like to see copies of the colour plates, I can attach them to an email. If interested, contact me directly at and I'll send them to you.
Hi Mike,

They do not make Greek Evzones in those uniforms; however, they may have done so in the past as a special, but not to my personal knowledge. Your fellow Greek toy soldier collectors may be interested in knowing that, in 2013, I will be starting to order a series of special, non-catalog Hiriart sets based on the Balkan War, 1912-14. The first two sets I plan to order are Greek Infantry, 1914 and Bulgarian Infantry, 1914. Each set will have nine figures: an officer, flag bearer, bugler, and six men, all marching. Each subsequent year, I will order two more special sets from Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, and the Ottoman Empire.

Balkan War Sets by Hiriart is a great idea. Congratulations!
While on ebay I noticed that Henry Heyer makes some Greeks. I rather like his flags in general and his WW2 set in particular. For some reason they remind me of the work of VC Miniatures.
I am in the process of purchasing all of them.
Here is his email address should anyone want to contact him:
MikeNickHenry Heyer Evzones in black.jpgHenry Heyer Evzones in blue.jpgHenry Heyer evzones in khaki.jpgHenry Heyer Greeks WW2.jpgWW2
I just received a set of Dorset Greek Infantry 1830. They look great! greeks_1830.jpg
This makes my second set. I already have Dorset's Greek Infantry WW2.WW2_greeks_2 copy smaller.jpg
There is so much more to collect from Dorset. Their Greek sets number in the teens.

That is a very nice set of WWII Greek Infantry from Dorset. I must admit that I have never seen them done before. However, I believe I saw WWII Greek Air Force figures from Palmetto (aka Captains and Cavalry) about 20 years ago. We don't see Dorset's figures much out here on the west coast. How much does a set cost? Are there any US dealers? You also mentioned that they carried many other Greek themed sets. What are they?

That is a very nice set of WWII Greek Infantry from Dorset. I must admit that I have never seen them done before. However, I believe I saw WWII Greek Air Force figures from Palmetto (aka Captains and Cavalry) about 20 years ago. We don't see Dorset's figures much out here on the west coast. How much does a set cost? Are there any US dealers? You also mentioned that they carried many other Greek themed sets. What are they?

I think that there is someone who sells Dorset in the States but I go straight to UK store. Each of the two sets that I bought run about $125 with shipping. Greek_Composite[1].jpg. This attached image contains most the Dorset sets with the exception of the Byzantines, 1860 Greek Infantry, Greek Patriots 1821, and Macedonians.
Thank you Mike for the information on Dorset. Those are really some neat sets. Their seven figure sets are approximately the same price as the Hiriart nine figure sets are on a per figure basis, excluding shipping.
Heyde Evzones.jpg
I picked up these 40 mm Evzones last week on ebay. I am not sure if they are are Heyde, Spenkuch, Heinrichsen, or Kober. Can anyone help me?

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