Greek Soldiers (2 Viewers)

I just found out how to gather more photos of new purchases without having to wait on them to arrive by the post. Here is a handsome Tommy Atkins Greek WW1 officer. I find his face to be quite "dashing".
ToyBoxArmy produced the other figure with a modified helmet. At last, I have a Greek in a fighting pose.TommyAtkins Greek Officer WW1.jpgToyBoxArmyGreekInfantryWW2.jpg
I saw that someone on ebay made a quick and wise purchase of Greek Infantry 1900. They are 42mm and made in Austria during the 1980s and 1990s. Does anyone have any idea of the name of the manufacturer?
42mm evzones 20 sold for $40.jpg
soldiers flats and semiflats 006.JPG
These Greek Evzones are 70 mm were made before the war, but they are of unknown origin. Anyone have an idea of the maker?
CBG Mignot Evzones on Parade.jpgCBG Mignot Evzones 1907.jpgCBG Mignot Greek line Infantry 1907.jpg
The topmost set is my third set of CBG Mignot Greeks. I only have one more modern set to go.

Anybody else out there who collects Mignot?

TommyAtkins Greek machine gun and crew ww1.jpg
I had had a rough day at school, but I came home to these figures at my doorstep: Tommy Atkins WW1 Greek machine gun crew. Now, that is what I call a great way to end the day!
I picked up this Greek Revolutionary figure off of ebay. More are soon to come...I hope.
Unknown Manufacturer 70mm Papaflesas pic 2.jpgUnknown Manufacturer 70mm Papaflesas.jpg
These came in the mail. Markos Plytas' Cadet of Army Military School, Cadet of Military School of Military Justice & Med.jpgGrey Iron Greek Evzone G102 in blue and brown pic 2.jpgUni Art Four Ancient Greek Macedonians.jpg:
1. Two sets of special commission Greeks: five cadets from the school of justice, economics, and medicine and five Balkan War Infantrymen.
2. one Grey Iron dimestore Greek Evzone in light blue and brown
3. four ancient Greek Macedonians in resin 5.5" in height
The figure on the far left is the Balkan one. I will be getting in a different one next week. I will post a photo when it arrives.

That is a very nice set of WWII Greek Infantry from Dorset. I must admit that I have never seen them done before. However, I believe I saw WWII Greek Air Force figures from Palmetto (aka Captains and Cavalry) about 20 years ago. We don't see Dorset's figures much out here on the west coast. How much does a set cost? Are there any US dealers? You also mentioned that they carried many other Greek themed sets. What are they?

Have you or your club members any idea of the different sets produced by Palmetto Miniatures(aka Captains and Cavalry)?
The figure on the far left is the Balkan one. I will be getting in a different one next week. I will post a photo when it arrives.

Hi Mike,

I didn't think the figure on the left was from the Balkan Wars, because of his rifle. It appears to be a post-World War II/post-Korean War weapon with a 20 round box magazine in .303, 30.06, 7.62MM NATO, or similar, caliber. The 1912 Balkan War Greeks had bolt action rifles with internal magazines.
Hi Mike,

I didn't think the figure on the left was from the Balkan Wars, because of his rifle. It appears to be a post-World War II/post-Korean War weapon with a 20 round box magazine in .303, 30.06, 7.62MM NATO, or similar, caliber. The 1912 Balkan War Greeks had bolt action rifles with internal magazines.

I didn't notice the rifle till they arrived. I recently picked up this figure. The rifle seems to be much more accurate. Unknown Manufacturer Private of Greek Infantry Balkan Wars.jpg
Have you or your club members any idea of the different sets produced by Palmetto Miniatures(aka Captains and Cavalry)?

I haven't seen Palmetto or Captains and Cavalry out here on the west coast for years. None of the club members I am aware of have any in their collections with the exception of Bob Walker, who I sold a WWII Finnish Ski Troops set to. I just won a Captains and Cavalry set of WWII French Fortress troops in berets on eBay, yesterday.

I am not aware of any catalogs for their figures, either, so I don't really know what they produced. At one time, Michigan Toy Soldier Company had a fairly extensive list of Captains and Cavalry sets for sale which had more than three dozen sets, but that is no longer the case. They were the only dealer that comes to mind that sold them.
I haven't seen Palmetto or Captains and Cavalry out here on the west coast for years. None of the club members I am aware of have any in their collections with the exception of Bob Walker, who I sold a WWII Finnish Ski Troops set to. I just won a Captains and Cavalry set of WWII French Fortress troops in berets on eBay, yesterday.

I am not aware of any catalogs for their figures, either, so I don't really know what they produced. At one time, Michigan Toy Soldier Company had a fairly extensive list of Captains and Cavalry sets for sale which had more than three dozen sets, but that is no longer the case. They were the only dealer that comes to mind that sold them.


These are the only sets that I have seen on the web.

By the way, I was also bidding on the French fortress troops but decided to save my money for more Greeks.

Palmetto are intriguing. They remind me of Hiriart but without as extensive a range.

Palmetto Miniatures Captains & Cavalry French Fortress Troops pic 2.jpgtwo french sets.jpgJapanese Infantry.jpgGreek Evzones 1940 pic 2.jpgFinnish Infantry.jpg

Hi Mike,

Captains & Cavalry (Palmetto) had a focus on World War I and II infantry sets. I don't recall that they made cavalry sets. I like them because of their unusual subject matter which is not covered by the major manufacturers. Their figures' faces are more primative than Hiriart and their sculpting is cruder, in my opinion. The set of Greek Evzones in the green box is interesting. About 10 years ago, someone at the Chicago Show was selling Palmettos in those very green boxes without labels. I don't remember if he was a dealer or collector, but he had a table just to the right as you came through the entrace of the main display hall. The last photo of the Finnish Ski troops is the same set Bob Walker has.
Hi Mike,

Captains & Cavalry (Palmetto) had a focus on World War I and II infantry sets. I don't recall that they made cavalry sets. I like them because of their unusual subject matter which is not covered by the major manufacturers. Their figures' faces are more primative than Hiriart and their sculpting is cruder, in my opinion. The set of Greek Evzones in the green box is interesting. About 10 years ago, someone at the Chicago Show was selling Palmettos in those very green boxes without labels. I don't remember if he was a dealer or collector, but he had a table just to the right as you came through the entrace of the main display hall. The last photo of the Finnish Ski troops is the same set Bob Walker has.

I agree on the more simplistic nature of the sculpts. Here is my only set, Greeks 1914: Spanish Fort & soldiers 037.JPG
I'm thinking about starting a thread on Palmetto/Captains and Cavalry to see if anyone else has a set that is unknown to either of us.

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