Griner released... (2 Viewers)

You certainly have bought into the US state media’s propaganda. To each his own.

Just for fun though, let’s list all the countries that the US has invaded. The list is long my friend - very, long.

And nuclear weapons? The US dropped two on civilian populations. Yet Putin is the war criminal. And let’s not forget the nuclear-equivalent fire bombing of Dresden and other German civilian population centers.

The level of ignorance in your posts so beggars belief that it is not even worth my time to respond to them.
You certainly have bought into the US state media’s propaganda. To each his own.

Just for fun though, let’s list all the countries that the US has invaded. The list is long my friend - very, long.

And nuclear weapons? The US dropped two on civilian populations. Yet Putin is the war criminal. And let’s not forget the nuclear-equivalent fire bombing of Dresden and other German civilian population centers.

I agree that nothing reported by the current US media should be believed. At best, they just parrot what they are told. At worst, they are complicit in promoting agendas of the government. As bad or worse than Russian or Chinese propaganda. It defies belief that no one was ever held accountable for the endless lies told about Afghanistan that led to two decades of war for no apparent purpose. The same folks who assured us that the things were going well in Afghanistan, and that we just needed to stay the course a bit longer (and spend a few more billion each year) are the same ones telling us to do the same in Ukraine. There is no clear US objective in Ukraine nor apparent effort to find a means to settle the conflict. Just one endless war to replace another. A pattern dating back to Vietnam. I read we are currently spending TWICE as much money each month in Ukraine as we did in Afghanistan and that we have already spent THREE times the entire military budget of Russia on the conflict. How much money have other countries spent in comparison?
I agree that nothing reported by the current US media should be believed. At best, they just parrot what they are told. At worst, they are complicit in promoting agendas of the government. As bad or worse than Russian or Chinese propaganda. It defies belief that no one was ever held accountable for the endless lies told about Afghanistan that led to two decades of war for no apparent purpose. The same folks who assured us that the things were going well in Afghanistan, and that we just needed to stay the course a bit longer (and spend a few more billion each year) are the same ones telling us to do the same in Ukraine. There is no clear US objective in Ukraine nor apparent effort to find a means to settle the conflict. Just one endless war to replace another. A pattern dating back to Vietnam. I read we are currently spending TWICE as much money each month in Ukraine as we did in Afghanistan and that we have already spent THREE times the entire military budget of Russia on the conflict. How much money have other countries spent in comparison?

Again, I agree, you are asking the questions no one wants or will answer. It is what our press is supposed to be doing. As I have stated many times before, the press has become mouthpiece of certain points of view and agendas, it is not the factual based reporting of old. Just sad.

Go home Russian soldiers, go home.
Have you no happy homes of your own?
For over seventy years
We fought you without fear

And we'll fight you for seventy more.

But if you stay Russian soldiers, if you stay,
You'll never beat the West & USA
So be a human and leave Ukraine while you may.

I write that. Since this thread is bound for deletion, enjoy it while you may.
You certainly have bought into the US state media’s propaganda. To each his own.

Just for fun though, let’s list all the countries that the US has invaded. The list is long my friend - very, long.

And nuclear weapons? The US dropped two on civilian populations. Yet Putin is the war criminal. And let’s not forget the nuclear-equivalent fire bombing of Dresden and other German civilian population centers.

Putin hasn’t dropped any nuclear bombs (yet, perhaps, but still). So what do Nagasaki and Hiroshima have to do with whether Putin is a war criminal? Dumbest “argument” I’ve read in a while.

Personally I don’t like the term war criminal. War is full of terrible acts, big and small, by all sides. Certainly some sides more than others, as in the Holocaust, or the Japanese @ Nanking. But really the winning side gets to call the shots at the end. That’s why if Putin loses, and he will, he should be executed. End of story. No f***ING apologies. Start a war you lose, the winning side will make sure the losers pay a very steep price.

The US has never lost a war it really wanted to win. The Russian military cannot compete with it at scale. The Russians are decimating themselves over a dumb little war with an historical ally. Dumb dumb dumb dumb. Putin will go out like in The Death of Stalin, with Russian hyenas fighting over the scraps of power. What a terrible culture Russia has. It’s people are eternally ****ed. Bye-bye Russia.
I agree that nothing reported by the current US media should be believed. At best, they just parrot what they are told. At worst, they are complicit in promoting agendas of the government. As bad or worse than Russian or Chinese propaganda. It defies belief that no one was ever held accountable for the endless lies told about Afghanistan that led to two decades of war for no apparent purpose. The same folks who assured us that the things were going well in Afghanistan, and that we just needed to stay the course a bit longer (and spend a few more billion each year) are the same ones telling us to do the same in Ukraine. There is no clear US objective in Ukraine nor apparent effort to find a means to settle the conflict. Just one endless war to replace another. A pattern dating back to Vietnam. I read we are currently spending TWICE as much money each month in Ukraine as we did in Afghanistan and that we have already spent THREE times the entire military budget of Russia on the conflict. How much money have other countries spent in comparison?

Well, the objective is to support Ukraine till they win pushing Russia out of their borders. The brave ukrainians are actually doing this job and they would do it faster if they receive long range missiles and Leopards 2 german tanks and/or Abrahms tanks and possibly nato fighters.

We have to remember that invading Ukraine ( where Putin is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity), was supposed to be only the first step for the russian terrorists before menacing the eastern European countries of Nato ( Poland, baltics, Romania...). So, we like the Ukrainians or not, they are fighting to protect the Nato borders in Europe. And not allowing any nuclear state to invade a neighbour country with impunity ( this can be a warning for China's appetite on Taiwan).

USA are by far the biggest help for Ukraine.
Well, the objective is to support Ukraine till they win pushing Russia out of their borders. The brave ukrainians are actually doing this job and they would do it faster if they receive long range missiles and Leopards 2 german tanks and/or Abrahms tanks and possibly nato fighters.

We have to remember that invading Ukraine ( where Putin is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity), was supposed to be only the first step for the russian terrorists before menacing the eastern European countries of Nato ( Poland, baltics, Romania...). So, we like the Ukrainians or not, they are fighting to protect the Nato borders in Europe. And not allowing any nuclear state to invade a neighbour country with impunity ( this can be a warning for China's appetite on Taiwan).

USA are by far the biggest help for Ukraine.

That's basically a case for endless war. There will always be a conflict in the world with a moralistic basis to intervene. Americans have been sold various narratives for participating in certain wars for over 50 years now. Vietnam was to keep the Commies from taking over the world - a lie and total failure. Afghanistan and Iraq were about terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. A lie and total failure. It went on for two decades with the military and politicians claiming all was going well. Hundreds of thousands dead and maimed. Now it's on to Ukraine. There is a long, complicated history between Ukraine and Russia. But Americans are just told it has something to do with "democracy." Billions will be spent for years destroying the country, killing people, but achieving very little. When it is eventually over, the US will have pay to rebuild the country. No one is ever held accountable for the lies told to promote involvement in these wars. But some people feel good about themselves by flying their Ukranian flag. So it's all good.
That's basically a case for endless war. There will always be a conflict in the world with a moralistic basis to intervene. Americans have been sold various narratives for participating in certain wars for over 50 years now. Vietnam was to keep the Commies from taking over the world - a lie and total failure. Afghanistan and Iraq were about terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. A lie and total failure. It went on for two decades with the military and politicians claiming all was going well. Hundreds of thousands dead and maimed. Now it's on to Ukraine. There is a long, complicated history between Ukraine and Russia. But Americans are just told it has something to do with "democracy." Billions will be spent for years destroying the country, killing people, but achieving very little. When it is eventually over, the US will have pay to rebuild the country. No one is ever held accountable for the lies told to promote involvement in these wars. But some people feel good about themselves by flying their Ukranian flag. So it's all good.

I totally agree with you about the past wars, but this one is very different.There is a BIG difference today:America is not fighting, no boots on the ground this time. The NATO is only supporting.

And it is not about moralistic or ideological reasons.Putin is the new Hitler without the Wehrmacht, hopefully, let's understand this. You are very far from Europe, but the same was with Hitler. If you ask your British friends, they will tell you what they think about Russia today. Today, there is a real danger for the western world, it is a clash of civilizations: liberal democracies against dictatorships. If the dictatorships win, it will be a very dangerous world where the strongest destroys the weakest any time he wants; again, nothing to do with morality...And a real danger for the eastern NATO countries near Russia, it means for all Europe.

About rebuilding Ukraine, well, the biggest amount will be paid with the russian billions dollars funds freezed all over the western countries, and there will be a kind of Marshal plan.
I totally agree with you about the past wars, but this one is very different.There is a BIG difference today:America is not fighting, no boots on the ground this time. The NATO is only supporting.

And it is not about moralistic or ideological reasons.Putin is the new Hitler without the Wehrmacht, hopefully, let's understand this. You are very far from Europe, but the same was with Hitler. If you ask your British friends, they will tell you what they think about Russia today. Today, there is a real danger for the western world, it is a clash of civilizations: liberal democracies against dictatorships. If the dictatorships win, it will be a very dangerous world where the strongest destroys the weakest any time he wants; again, nothing to do with morality...And a real danger for the eastern NATO countries near Russia, it means for all Europe.

About rebuilding Ukraine, well, the biggest amount will be paid with the russian billions dollars funds freezed all over the western countries, and there will be a kind of Marshal plan.

The notion that Putin is somehow equivalent to Hitler is just another false propaganda narrative to garner support for the war. No different than the false narratives to support the other recent wars. Putin lacks the resources or intent to start a world war. Russian capabilities and intent have been overstated by the US military complex for the last 70 years to justify the enormous military spending. If the Russians can't even overrun Ukraine, how much of a threat do they pose to the rest of Europe? Very little. This is one of many regional conflicts that have existed for centuries and will continue forever.
Maybe Russia isn't Nazi Germany but Putin is a version of the Hitler type. He has no regard for human life, not even Russians.
Maybe Russia isn't Nazi Germany but Putin is a version of the Hitler type. He has no regard for human life, not even Russians.

How do you feel about Bush II? Many in Iraq and elsewhere will tell you he had no regard for human life.
The notion that Putin is somehow equivalent to Hitler is just another false propaganda narrative to garner support for the war. No different than the false narratives to support the other recent wars. Putin lacks the resources or intent to start a world war. Russian capabilities and intent have been overstated by the US military complex for the last 70 years to justify the enormous military spending. If the Russians can't even overrun Ukraine, how much of a threat do they pose to the rest of Europe? Very little. This is one of many regional conflicts that have existed for centuries and will continue forever.

Ever heard of nuclear weapons? I heard they have a pretty large arsenal. Look at what he did to Grozny during the Chechen War. He’s invaded Georgia and basically bent them to his will. He’s got Belarus under his control as he came to Lukashenko’s aid. If he was toothless, why has practically all of Europe come to the defense of Ukraine. He believes that the breakup of the USSR was a catastrophe and would like nothing better to do than build up the empire again. Whether we are talking about the Romanovs, the USSR or the present country, the country has always posed a danger to its neighbors.
Ever heard of nuclear weapons? I heard they have a pretty large arsenal. Look at what he did to Grozny during the Chechen War. He’s invaded Georgia and basically bent them to his will. He’s got Belarus under his control as he came to Lukashenko’s aid. If he was toothless, why has practically all of Europe come to the defense of Ukraine. He believes that the breakup of the USSR was a catastrophe and would like nothing better to do than build up the empire again. Whether we are talking about the Romanovs, the USSR or the present country, the country has always posed a danger to its neighbors.

Is that why Germany launched a preemptive strike in June 22, 1941?
How do you feel about Bush II? Many in Iraq and elsewhere will tell you he had no regard for human life.

🤪🤪🤪🤪 You must be referring to AOC and her ilk.

Undoubtedly, the Sunni and Shia are models of how one should respect human life! 🤨

A british town has elected putin as a d......d of the year and built the statue..Free eggs are available to be thown at him.
So zero US personnel are in harms way, and all we have to do is send weapons and aid and the Ukrainians kill Russians and break their toys for us? To include strikes on airbases inside Russia?

And people have a problem with this? Sounds like a hell of a deal to me. We should double our aid. Send as much arms and material as we can. Keep those Javelins and HIMARS flowing...
Well, for me, it will never reconcile as a Country that we brought home a professional basketball player who knowingly violated another Country's laws (ignorance is zero excuse in law), yet we left an obvious political prisoner, Former US Marine behind. AND someone in our government more likely than not put him up to what he was doing in the first place despite all our denials.

Well, for me, it will never reconcile as a Country that we brought home a professional basketball player who knowingly violated another Country's laws (ignorance is zero excuse in law), yet we left an obvious political prisoner, Former US Marine behind. AND someone in our government more likely than not put him up to what he was doing in the first place despite all our denials.



Great, succinct post.

I posted his name so that he was not forgotten.

So many “great professional” athletes claimed that once the Bout exchange was complete Paul Whelan would be their next target.

Brittney Griner was “even” heartbroken that he was left behind.

No one has even mentioned his name in over 2 months.


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