Have any forum members served in the military? (3 Viewers)

The General

Feb 13, 2008
I was just wondering how many among you are currently or have previously served in the armed forces?

I was in the Australian Regular Army (A.R.A.) from 1986 until 1989 (aged 20 to 22) where I worked as a production clerk with the rank of Craftsman (Private equivalent) in the Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (R.A.E.M.E.).

I belonged to the 9th Transport Regiment and was assigned to a mobile mechanical engineering workshop attached to a Field Force transport unit known as the 18th Transport Squadron (18 TPT SQN).

Our motto was FIRST IN, LAST OUT.

Anybody else?
I was not privileged to serve, but my prediction is that a majority of forum members were. I've noticed that about the toy soldier hobby, and about scale modeling, too.

Maybe, in our free societies, with voluntary military service, if you've served, you're probably likely to have an interest in history and things military as well, and would tend towards hobbies such as ours.

To all of you veterans, thank you for serving!

And to my fellow Americans, let's remember our war dead, on this occasion of Memorial Day.

Yo Trooper, put me down served in the Queens Own Hussars (Tanks) we had a lot of R.E.M.E. attached to the Regiment, well somebody had to fix the Centurions if they broke down, not are job we were just the Exercutioners get in the way and you were iced lol. Just two small photo's of years gone by, first was outside Bovington Tank Museum our camp, me on the left as a young 16 year old Boy Soldier Royal Armoured Corps. Second me on the right with my Buddie Arnie 3 years later on the Tank Park Munster Germany (Happy Days) by the way thats not a guitar Arnie is holding lol.



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US Army Medic during the Viet Nam era. Fortunately I was stationed in Germany
I have never served in the military, but both my grandfathers have (one in the Royal Navy, one in the Royal Air Force). My Uncle served in the Royal Air Force. My cousin in the Army and also my Dad was in the Army (he was in the R.E.M.E.)
Served in the USA, 3rd sqd 7th Cav and 1st Cav Div.

Gary Owen!

I served in the Marine Corps in the early 60's and was discharged honorably right before the Third Marine Div. went to VN. Thanks to the draft I was not recalled like they do nowadays.

I was going to go back in in 67 but my wife said you are not going anywhere with two kids at home.

Oh Yeah: I was a communicator with the 2nd battalion, HQ company,9th Marines, 3rd Marine Division for 18 months overseas the rest of my three years in the states at Camp Pendelton and South Carolina. Leadmen
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Reservist infantry officer - the Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary's), Victoria, BC, Canada, and 2 years with Reg Force at National Defence HQ, Ottawa - all the time was spent training or paper-pushing, no deployments :(
My favorite vets:

Great Grandfather- fought in France, WW1, PH

Grandfather on my Dad's side- WW2- ETO, Korean, Nam x2- Bronze Star x2, PH x2- combat medic- favorite saying "saved lives in France, treated frostbite in Korea and kept the working girls clean in Nam"

Grandfather on my mothers side- Retired USAF LtC- Nam x6, numerous air medals, flew the Agent Orange defoliant planes. Passed away about a year ago in Ft. Worth due to cancerous agents related to flight missions.

Uncle Mike- blacksheep of the family, retired 24 years, USN :p

Dad- the REMF of REMF's :D:D Served 22 years, retired Master Sergeant. Was my recruiter- I was 17 plus 4 days when I got enlisted. :D

Uncle Jeff- Retired High Speed, Low Drag- Ranger NonCom, Instructor at the Ranger school at Benning and Camp Darby for several years in the 80's. Lead one of the Ranger teams tasked with searching for Noriega. Made it through 35 days of SFO-D (Delta Force) training before washing out due to injury.

Uncle Jim- retired USAF- Reserves CSM- Has held a position with the DoD for several decades now. Currently a WMD Policy expert at the Pentagon- left on his 9th rotation to the Middle East on Mothers Day a couple weeks ago.
Liieutenant, USNR, for three years during Cold War plus reserve time afterwards! Served as first lieutenant and gun boss on seaward extension of the DEW Line. Lots of rough weather, but no shotting in anger.

On board with current rank of Major, US Army Reserve Medical Corps. No overseas deployments, but 2 stateside tours since 2005 to support GWOT/OEF/OIF.

Have met and worked with a lot of wonderful people in this capacity. Anticipate another tour late 2008 or early 2009.

I never served but my father served in Army right after WWII.He guarded German war criminals.My great grandfather joined Union Army in 1864 at the age of 16.He was in the 1st NJ cavalry.He died in 1933.My uncle was in the Navy in WWII.Saw combat in the Pacific.
Great grandfather was WW1, grandfather was WW2, father was post-Korea and all were US Army. I was 4 years active duty US Army as a grunt serving with 101st and Berlin Brigade from 1983-1987 and then another 12 or so in army and air guard as grunt and an mp. Called up for Noble Eagle in 2001 for another 14 months of active duty.
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Hi Guys,

Retired Major U.S. Army, Armor Corps.


Yo Trooper, Major well no pulling rank on this site "SIR" lol. Do you have one of these as a Model. Have not seen anyone mention this Tank on the forum, who is going to tell me what it is and if any maker made one, it was a real mean machine you did not want to mess with.


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drafted in 1966... served 14 months in nam 67-68 as field radio operator and surveyer protection squad out of pleiku for combat engineer battalion.
Both of my grandfathers served in the US Army during WWI, both have passed.

My father was in the US Army at the tail end of WWII, he's still with us, turned 80 this week.

Of the three uncles on my fathers side, two served in in the US Army during WWII, one was in a bomber crew for the USAF, was shot down twice, landed in Italy and Germany, escaped captivity both times. All three have passed.

Of my four uncles on my mothers side, all served in WWII; three served in the US navy, one in particular piloted a higgins boat, the other was a US Marine, toughest SOB I ever met in my life. All have passed aside from my uncle who piloted the higgins boat.

Both brothers did tours in Nam, one was in the honor guard for the tomb of the unknown soldier.

I'm proud as Hell about all of them.
I did national service but not military.

My two grandfathers served in WWII - one as a photo-recon analyst and the other as a PT insructor.

Great-grand uncle Sid was a PT boat captain

Great-grand uncle Bill was a medic on DDay landing through to the end of The War.

Another great-grand uncle Mike was also on DDay. I met him when I was very young, I remember he missing fingers on both hands. He passed shortly after I met him.

Another great-grand uncle flew a B17 - shot down over Italy - KIA. I have his wings.

Another great grand uncle was a scientist and contributed to the Manhattan Project.

Met another great-great-grand uncle who fought in WWI as a Jew fighting for Germany. I remember him saying once "that the French uniforms were so brightly colored that you could close your eyes and shoot one."

My dad was int eh NG at Ft Totten in Bayside, Queens. Never deployed.


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