He219 (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Aug 28, 2007
Has everyone read this good news ??

LMAO!!! You see, now that is creativity!! Nice pic and post. Yes, I am a bit slow in updating and truth is, I have been on the road lately. I just posted that we will be at the MFCA Valley Forge show. Once I get back to Shanghai, I will update everyone on what is coming. BTW... the HE219, remember, that OWL I said we would make (Like ages ago) but had problems making it (Like it took ages) is now back on track with production as we seem to have overcome all difficulties.

Ohhh Baby . .

That's what I'm waiting for . . .

Thanks for the update . .
thats great news. looking forward very much to this release
OK, I'm getting in line....

While I imagine the price and size will be up there, this will be hard to turn down. Looks like manufacturers are trying to one up each other with planes lately and we're the winners.
Agree, price will be a hugh key. I had one specially made out of Mahogany in The Phillipines last year and absolutely love it. Of course, I know that the price I paid for my wooden warbird will be much lower that the one Rick is building. Regards, Larry.
Love to have this bird, but like everyone else, price will be the major deciding factor. I'll bet it will be a beautiful rendition. -- Al
Agree, price will be a hugh key. I had one specially made out of Mahogany in The Phillipines last year and absolutely love it. Of course, I know that the price I paid for my wooden warbird will be much lower that the one Rick is building. Regards, Larry.

Hi Larry,
Can you post a pic of that baby? I priced one several years back, custom in 1/30th and as soon as I said 1/30th the price significantly jumped!{eek3}
I have to feel that it won't be huge from the Storch, maybe in the three hundreds, cheaper than most high quality woods I would think, since it's not made of wood.
Ray, would love to send a pic, however, it is still boxed up from a transfer move. I Do have a couple others, including a Horsa, that I have unpacked and will try and post. Mine are made 1:32, so they are a little more manageable. Also, the Horsa had such a wide wingspan that the P.I. Company that made it packed it with detachable wings. It worked out great. I can see where 1:30 would be a lot more expensive (as well as overseas shipping). Regards, Larry.
Hello guys
Ihave a 1/32 HORSA GLIDER made of wood by delta bravo a picture is on my albums
if you want a look{sm4}
Regards Scott
Go rick go, can't wait to see it. Saw the master back in chigago and it looked great

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