Heco Tinplate Models (3 Viewers)

Hi Mark,

I have nothing to add only that I think this another great addition to this Thread and of course to your collection . The colours match this Morane very well and it is a most interesting plane to look at (and own ;) ). As a non-owner of any of Heco´s models I am very happy to see that this wonderful thread is kept fed over the years. Truly wish that this will be continued in the future.
Thank you for sharing and converting. Glück auf!
Sopwith F1 Camel - Jasta 5? 1917

Whilst 2024 generally did not go well but in terms of my HECO collection it was probably my best yet as my five plane windfall was quickly followed by two more albeit less spectacular HECO acquisitions via E-bay. Although I had known that the Bavarian Ace Otto Kissanberth had crashed flying a Sopwith Camel recently I had become aware that at least two Camels had fallen into German hands and later flown in German markings. One of these B6385 was the subject of an interesting article in the new online magazine 'Contact' from the Great War Aviation Society. Thus I was on the hunt for a Camel by HECO when this turned up on E-bay which I probably paid too much for, but it was a nice model and only needed a little embellishment and a repaint to create the desired plane thereby completing 'meine HECO erbeutete Beute-Sopwith-Sammlung'. I hope that is right Wolfgang!
Sopwith F1 Camel B6385 was captured on 20/11/17 after pilot 2Lt. T.J. Kent was forced down when his fuel tank was hit by ground fire and German troops captured him and his machine before he could destroy it. Apparently Tom Kent along with three other aircraft from C Flight 3 Sqn. RFC were assigned to attack the German aerodrome at Estourmel which was in reality Jasta 5 at Boistrancourt on the first day of the Battle of Cambrai.
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B6385 was extensively photographed and later flown by the Germans possibly Jasta 5 for evaluation purposes but like Kissanberth one of those flying it also managed to crash it although the fate of the German pilot is unknown.
Fokker DrI Triplane - Bretschnieder-Bodemar - Jasta 6 - 1918

I then came across this HECO Fokker DrI Triplane and although I only ever intended to have one DrI. in my collection this was too tempting as due to the obvious lack of paint I was able to purchase the model cheaply. Moreover, the lack of paint was not a problem as I always repaint my purchases anyway. On arrival the model confirmed my early impression that it was a late HECO product and better still it was identical in size to my original purchase (not always a HECO trait as Louis can testify) although my original model having been specially made for me by Tony Williams does have some extra details.

The new model enables me to complete my set of figures and the planes of all 36 of the aces who had enlisted in the Royal Saxon Army prior to joining the Air Service. Thus the model is finished in the conjectural markings of the wonderfully named Saxon Ace Moritz Waldamar Bretschnieder-Bodemar who had originally enlisted in the 1st Saxon Uhlan Regiment but later scored six victories in Jasta 6 before being killed in action on 18/07/18.
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Unlike most metal Triplanes which always seem to be red for some reason the originals were usually painted in a streaky olive green hue with Jasta markings confined to the nose and tail and personal markings usually on the rear fuselage.

My two triplanes shown together with the original in the markings of the Jasta 36 Saxon ace von Haebler complete with the jasta's unusual round access panels and strengthened landing gear, whilst the new model sports the new style of cross introduced in May 1918.
Sopwith F1 Camel - Jasta 5? 1917
Thus I was on the hunt for a Camel by HECO when this turned up on E-bay which I probably paid too much for, but it was a nice model and only needed a little embellishment and a repaint to create the desired plane thereby completing 'meine HECO erbeutete Beute-Sopwith-Sammlung'. I hope that is right Wolfgang!
Hi Mark,

yes why not,- let us act a bit educational.
No doubt your German is improving gradually. The spelling is perfect (Iron Cross 2nd class for that).
To make it native speaker you might want to decide which one of the two "Beute"-words ought to go.
In "meine HECO erbeutete Beute-Sopwith-Sammlung", we actually don´t use double expressions in one sentence very often. Unless you wish to stress that you took a Booty-Sopwith-Collection as your booty away from some poor bastard. :cry:
That of cause would be something a British Gentleman, like you, is never prepared to do!

Now with the important stuff finished, congrats to your latest repaints and additions to your HECO collection.
Unbelievable, you managed to complete your saxon airforce collection with HECO models and scratch builts. Always admired your determination and endurance. The paint-job on the DR.I is fantastic. Talking about the german tribes and while my wife shouts
"Dinner is ready" how about a new collection like the Bavarian Luftstreitkräfte???? That would be something.

Hope our Anglo-German special interest group on building tin-plate models does continue to live on.
Great work as usual - thank you for sharing :giggle:

Best Regards


Hi Mark,

yes why not,- let us act a bit educational.
No doubt your German is improving gradually. The spelling is perfect (Iron Cross 2nd class for that).
To make it native speaker you might want to decide which one of the two "Beute"-words ought to go.
In "meine HECO erbeutete Beute-Sopwith-Sammlung", we actually don´t use double expressions in one sentence very often. Unless you wish to stress that you took a Booty-Sopwith-Collection as your booty away from some poor bastard. :cry:
That of cause would be something a British Gentleman, like you, is never prepared to do!

Now with the important stuff finished, congrats to your latest repaints and additions to your HECO collection.
Unbelievable, you managed to complete your saxon airforce collection with HECO models and scratch builts. Always admired your determination and endurance. The paint-job on the DR.I is fantastic. Talking about the german tribes and while my wife shouts
"Dinner is ready" how about a new collection like the Bavarian Luftstreitkräfte???? That would be something.

Hope our Anglo-German special interest group on building tin-plate models does continue to live on.
Great work as usual - thank you for sharing :giggle:

Best Regards

Thanks Wolfgang
Thanks to the thoughtfulness of good friend Steven Chong, I have added two of the last three Heco floatplanes I needed to complete my collection of Heco Floatplanes, sadly from the estate of Al Fisher.


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  • Heco Bleriot Floatplane 1.JPG
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  • Heco Bleriot Floatplane 2.JPG
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