Help on these Marx WW2 Soldiers? (1 Viewer)


Jan 24, 2010
Hello, I am still rather new to marx toy soldiers and wonering if anyone knew if these were marx I am thrown off because none of the had the little logo except maybe 10.. anyway here are the photos thank you for your time.


The large figures are not Marx, don,t know what brand.
The gray figures are Marx Germans, also looks like there are a few Marx GI,s, but the main group of green GI,s look to be I believe MPC. They were really massed produced.
From just a quick look nothing of any value.
Gary - Actually, the large figures are Marx 6 inch figures. I had some as a kid...and now got some for my son.
Hello, I am still rather new to marx toy soldiers and wonering if anyone knew if these were marx I am thrown off because none of the had the little logo except maybe 10.. anyway here are the photos thank you for your time.



Send these to the MARXPLAYSET group at YAHOO Groups.......
A lot of the smaller figures are. The grey Germans are Marx, and some of the GIs are, but not as many. I don't think the large figures are Marx either. Marx made 6in WWII figures but these don't look like them. The German tank and the 88 are also Marx. So is the barbed wire and the small raft.
Send these to the MARXPLAYSET group at YAHOO Groups.......

I agreee that the 6 " dont look like Marx. Some of these pictured appear as though they had separately molded weapons which are missing. From what I recall, the marx 6" all had weapons molded as part of the figure.
The tanks, barbed wire, raft look the same as some pieces i have in a marx battleground set .
I agreee that the 6 " dont look like Marx. Some of these pictured appear as though they had separately molded weapons which are missing. From what I recall, the marx 6" all had weapons molded as part of the figure.
The tanks, barbed wire, raft look the same as some pieces i have in a marx battleground set .

I agree they are not MARX or two perhaps but cant tell from photo. Marx just didnt do separate weapons on the large figures.
If they were Marx, would they be marked under the bases, with that circular marking that Marx used?

Hi, thanks so much for your help guys! I was wondering can they be marx without having the actual marking/logo on the bottom? because none of this stuff does.. although a did pull a few that did have the louise marx marking which look exactly alike.
Hi, thanks so much for your help guys! I was wondering can they be marx without having the actual marking/logo on the bottom? because none of this stuff does.. although a did pull a few that did have the louise marx marking which look exactly alike.

Most Marx did not have the marking under them. When the "new' Marx company started up some years ago some of the molds they had were from Multiple Plastic Corp (or Company, not sure which) had MPC marked on the bottom. That led some people to think that it stood for Marx Playset Company. I think most of the Marx figures you will find aren't marked as Marx, however, neither were most of the other companies either so it makes it difficult if you aren't real familiar with the line.
Upon further review...

These are NOT the Marx 6 inch that I have. The poses are exactly the same, but the figures don't have proper helmets and the weapons should be molded to the figures.

Sorry for the confusion...I saw the poses and assumed they were the right ones.
Most of what you have there are Processed Plastic figures which were once made by TimMee. The 6 inch figures are MPC not Marx. Not all Marx figures had the logo underneath. It is generally hit and miss. For example none of the Blue and Gray figures have a logo under the base. Most WW 2 figures did, but not all. The first series GI's and Marines do not. So don't assume that because you don't see a logo on the base the figures are not original Marx.
From the looks of the light gray Germans you have the remains of a later issue Battleground set. Earlier versions would have dark gray Germans and vehicles.

It is also possible that you have a MEGO Battleground set, because after Marx folded, Mego had the rights to the Battleground molds for a couple of years. MEGO also used the light gray colors and the GI's would be a very light waxy green color. Hard to tell without seeing it in person.
I see Marx, Tim-Mee, Ajax and Lido.
Vehicles from Marx and Tim-Mee,
Cannons, Jeep and raft as well as the concertina wire also appear to be Marx.
There seems to be a little disagreement about my comment about some people claiming that MPC on the bottom of figures stood for Marx Playset Company. If you recall sets put out by the New Marx in the early 90s and the Fort Apache (also seems to me there was a dinosaur set as well, I may be wrong on that) by Toy Street had MPC figures or pieces that were purported to be Marx. I'm not saying that this was done on purpose, but simply that some people were not as well informed as others.
Upon further review I do see some Marx GI's and at least one Lido, the Lido would be the standing figure without a base, not sure who makes the6" figures, perhaps MPC. The raft and tanks appear to be Marx. One cannon appears to be Auburn.

Looks like the Germans are Marx, the GI's are Timmee and the small GI's are Peyton.
there seems to be a little disagreement about my comment about some people claiming that mpc on the bottom of figures stood for marx playset company. If you recall sets put out by the new marx in the early 90s and the fort apache (also seems to me there was a dinosaur set as well, i may be wrong on that) by toy street had mpc figures or pieces that were purported to be marx. I'm not saying that this was done on purpose, but simply that some people were not as well informed as others.

mpc=multiple plastics corporation
thanks i never even heard of ajax or auburn :) something new learned.

Auburn had some cool frontiersmen and I think a woman as well as some Indians. I seem to recall them being bigger perhaps 60mm and I have childhood memories of getting some in a set with Lincoln Logs . Could be wrong on this as my parents may have just packaged them together as one present.
nice figures but rubbery

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