Here comes the Takeda Calvary!!! (1 Viewer)

Excellent looking Fig's, set-up and pics {bravo}} I am trying so hard to stick to my game-plan.
But seeing this Thread and the feedback from other collector's and you only live once, makes it
very very tempting.:p
Excellent looking Fig's, set-up and pics {bravo}} I am trying so hard to stick to my game-plan.
But seeing this Thread and the feedback from other collector's and you only live once, makes it
very very tempting.:p

Same here. I am so close to deciding to add a samurai.
My parents threw me a couple bones for my birthday so I took the plunge. Should get the Samurai commander sometime next month. Looking forward to this. One can only collect Romans and Barbarians for so long. {sm4}

Thanks for sharing bud!!
My samurai commander arrived on Saturday. He really is a sight to behold. Very robust figures these are. I plan on clearing out a shelf on my curio and want to recreate the scene in The Last Samurai- there in the beginning when they are charging through the misty forest. Right now though, he is sitting next to my Roman Onager- as my son says "Well dad, that is one interesting looking barbarian!!" {sm3}
Here's some pictures I was able to snap today:




Aren't those mounted samurai amazing up close! Good pickup!

Regards, Tom
The Samurais are just great figures, the mounted ones are really spectacular. Great photos, thanks for sharing.

SAM 21 came roaring into Camp Currahee last night. Beautiful figure with all sorts of detail. Will post pictures soon. One word of caution. These figures are packed extremely tightly. Please be super super careful when unpacking them. FL did an A+ job packing them but I was in a hurry and broke a small piece off one of the dressings on the horse- an easy fix but still something you will want to avoid in the future.
SAM 21 came roaring into Camp Currahee last night. Beautiful figure with all sorts of detail. Will post pictures soon. One word of caution. These figures are packed extremely tightly. Please be super super careful when unpacking them. FL did an A+ job packing them but I was in a hurry and broke a small piece off one of the dressings on the horse- an easy fix but still something you will want to avoid in the future.

Great!! Very soon you will have all six of them. They are all excellent pieces. FL really did a good job with them. Glad that you enjoy theses pieces as well as I do.:)
Here's some shots of the latest muchacho to join the ranks:



take a look at the headress on that dude's helmet!! AMAZING!!

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