Thanks Kollos, glad to hear you enjoy seeing my pics! And sorry to delay your purchase, lol, though the Hetzers are still showing in stock at First Legion. My Hetzer (the camouflage version) should be coming this week. I’ve got a small vignette already planned for it… I didn’t order the winter whitewash version, but may very well do so in the future. I’ll have some pics up in a few days, hopefully. Still, glad to see the Hetzers are selling!Yikes! Hetzer's are sold out, I ended up getting one on Ebay. I was going to wait until Tman displayed his before purchasing one as his displays cover every angle, I love it! Oh well
I misspoke there, Kollos. I saw the Hetzer listings in the FL site, but didn’t click on the links. They are indeed currently out of stock on the FL website. I’m certain Julie will keep us posted on when they’re back in stock!Can't wait! That's weird, I'm seeing them out of stock on FL's website, anyway, I ordered the camo version as well!
Stug, I am very glad to see I’m not the only person to receive a busted First Legion Hetzer! I received my BB078 camouflage Hetzer today, and have exactly the same issue with the shattered tracks. It is immensely frustrating!!Here’s the one I received. Not good. Anyone else have this issue?