Well they had a camo scheme called ' Batik' which was five different irregular sprayed colours ; Cream White,earth Grey,oxide,Olive Green,Chocolate Brown.This i believe was first tested in June 1943.
Another was called the 'Flame' scheme which had three of the above colours Cream white Earth Gray and Olive green.These were applied in a 'Wavy hard edged Pattern' with broad white bands.This was the least common camo scheme.
The most common pattern was the 'Jagged' scheme this was painted in the above three colours but in large Jagged Patterns.
There were also some in plain Olive Green,as is the one at the IWM.
The Figarti version appears to have wide wavy bands of Cream white and Olive green,so maybe nearest to the Flame pattern.However i guess there may well have been other patterns too?.Hope this is of help.
I was a bit late getting my order in for the Camo version and it looks like I missed out. I do have an option of getting one from a fellow forum member but I have decided to order the Black and White version.
I actually think the Black & White scheme will look more stunning as I used to have a model Black and White Corporal Missile.
Another plus for the B & W version is that being an experimental coloration it would be more appropriate displayed with the three guys gazing in wonder at it as later versions would have been a bit old hat.
totally agree there..
the black white V2 has the historic moment kind of feeling..
though i hope there will be an albert speer (nazi germany minister of armament) figure somewhere down the line.
Thinking about it would some of the hierachy personalities from the LSAH k&C series not fit in quite nicely? You could have a small Honour Guard with Goerring visiting the V2 site etc etc - I will leave the rest to your imagination!
totally agree there..
the black white V2 has the historic moment kind of feeling..
though i hope there will be an albert speer (nazi germany minister of armament) figure somewhere down the line.
Thinking about it would some of the hierachy personalities from the LSAH k&C series not fit in quite nicely? You could have a small Honour Guard with Goerring visiting the V2 site etc etc - I will leave the rest to your imagination!
Hi mate,
thats a good idea but from my knowledge, neither the LAH nor the nazi personalities were anywhere near the V2.
the ceremonial LAH serving Hitler in the new Reich Chancellory and Eagle's nest were almost stripped bare, and served in the 1st SS Panzer Division.
Goering, and other nazi personalities weren't there for the V2 launch.
There were the luftwaffe officers, heer officers, and officials from Organization TODT of which Speer was in charge.
so i dont think that it'll work.
Hi mate,
thats a good idea but from my knowledge, neither the LAH nor the nazi personalities were anywhere near the V2.
the ceremonial LAH serving Hitler in the new Reich Chancellory and Eagle's nest were almost stripped bare, and served in the 1st SS Panzer Division.
Goering, and other nazi personalities weren't there for the V2 launch.
There were the luftwaffe officers, heer officers, and officials from Organization TODT of which Speer was in charge.
so i dont think that it'll work.
I'm not sure who posted the above quote,
But, Albert Speer was the first government minister to witness a rocket flight, and he was much impressed - indeed it was Speer's insistence on the merits of the idea which converted Hitler. But Hitler himself only witnessed static firing.
Albert Speer book has to be taken with a grain of salt, as he had a very convenent memory
Their were many high ranking officers and ministers from all services that visited the rocket testing establisments
So a group diorama with general officers and government ministers would be fine. In fact I have this idea as well
I'm not sure who posted the above quote,
But, Albert Speer was the first government minister to witness a rocket flight, and he was much impressed - indeed it was Speer's insistence on the merits of the idea which converted Hitler. But Hitler himself only witnessed static firing.
Albert Speer book has to be taken with a grain of salt, as he had a very convenent memory
Their were many high ranking officers and ministers from all services that visited the rocket testing establisments
So a group diorama with general officers and government ministers would be fine. In fact I have this idea as well
Hi Paul,
i think i have successfully misquote myself.
what i actually meant was that the idea of the group diorama (general officers and government ministers) would work, but must exclude glaring exceptions, like the ceremonial LAH troops, and major Nazi personalities - like Hitler, Goering, Bormann, Goebbels etc.
Speer being the Minister of Armament, have to be present. In fact, if you check my previous posts, i am basically pestering Rick for the Speer figure (pls Rick)
i am in the process of getting a new display cabinet ready, just for the V1 and V2 sets to be displayed separately, hopefully there is enough generals, officials and officers to inspect both V rockets.
Hope that clears up some.
nasir kasmani.
My V2 arrived today. I was wondering why it was so much to ship.