Hinchliffe (1 Viewer)

HI Mirof,
Thanks a lot for sharing the catalogue with us.....The quality of the digitalizaion is fantastic.
I was too young to have enjoyed the sets that today I have in my collection...just now I see they were launched between 1977 and 1982!! At that time I was still on my earl teens and happy as ever collectinf HOO Arfix sets....Metal soldiers were a distant reality for me then.....{sm4}{sm4}
You can also notice how the Napoleonic period had an predominant presence in the offerings...and WW2/WW1 were just coming in and with few samples...
Pitty so many of the sets no longer exist and the few that come up on e-bay and other venues command rediculous prices when compaired to the catalogue price even if you discount inflation....{sm4}{sm4}Who ever hand sets hidden in the attic and were to sell them now are making good money....

I finaly made it ...

78 pages of adverts Hinchliffe / Caldercraft
Just refresh your memories

Free PDF to donwload here : https://www.mirofsoft.com/nostalgia-old-catalog-pdf/
Under the name : "Hinchliffe en publicités /in adverts"

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Este mes he comprado cientos de cajas de esta marca que llevaban años guardadas sin abrir en un coleccionista, todas en sus estuches originales y completas la colección de 25 mm,30 mm, 54 mm y 75 mm, algo creo que solo sucede una vez encontrar el catálogo completo y sin abrir, creo que Mirof disfrutaria viendo, yo en esa época era un estudiante y ahora en mi jubilación encontre y compre todo eso.
Tambien está toda la artilleria y los carros complementarios como las ambulancias o los carros de munición y como curiosidad estuches de 30 mm con escenas completas.subire fotos, solo las cajas ya merecen la pena y algo curioso cada caja lleva una ficha del control de calidad firmada, algo excepcional en esa época.
Hello Mirof,
Many thanks for your post below. I spent some time yesterday looking at some of the references held on your site, especially the Ensign Miniatures and Hinchcliffe figures. An old friend of mine, now sadly passed, had many of the Hinchcliffe figures particularly the artillery pieces, British and French. The mess dress Ensigns I can also remember being advertised in the old Military Modelling magazine Unfortunately at that time I was not a collector of figures. Maybe someone knows where the moulds are and once more become available. (Todays Dream.)
I can barely imagine the amount of time your site must have taken to set up. Once again thanks, and apologies, the short earlier message was due to my poor typing skills, made worse by cuts to the ends of my fingers and thumbs. No big cuts but they do get annoying. So no figure painting etc just now. I believe we have a great many nerve endings at the end of our digits.
Yours Aye,
Douglas aka Blackbob.
Happy you enjoyed the catalogues and lists

Yes it take time to collect all those infos but, as for everything; just a first step then it become easy, and in those time 70ies, internet didn't exist so you found info's in catalogues or Militay Modelling Magazine, I kept all those in my library . For the PDF I use a bedscan furnished with a photoshop program, even able to scan negative photos . The PDF converters and lot of tools are availables completely free on the net . A good tool is a converter for high resolution pictures to webb quality and resizing with good results .
By chance, I discovered the joy of painting figures early in the 70ies, and to paint for a shop here in Brussels and later in Antwerpen . The figurines were provided by the shopkeeper, I was paid 1,5x the value of the unpainted figurine ( shop price ) or better, with 2 unpainted figurines of the same maker .

As usual if you ( forum members ) liked what you found, you are welcome to enlarge the collection of catalogues collection by broadening the ranges with any digital information you would like to share with all of us .
Even informations as simples as links to Museum showing Toy Soldiers Collection .

Hello Mirof,
Many thanks for your post below. I spent some time yesterday looking at some of the references held on your site, especially the Ensign Miniatures and Hinchcliffe figures. An old friend of mine, now sadly passed, had many of the Hinchcliffe figures particularly the artillery pieces, British and French. The mess dress Ensigns I can also remember being advertised in the old Military Modelling magazine Unfortunately at that time I was not a collector of figures. Maybe someone knows where the moulds are and once more become available. (Todays Dream.)
I can barely imagine the amount of time your site must have taken to set up. Once again thanks, and apologies, the short earlier message was due to my poor typing skills, made worse by cuts to the ends of my fingers and thumbs. No big cuts but they do get annoying. So no figure painting etc just now. I believe we have a great many nerve endings at the end of our digits.
Yours Aye,
Douglas aka Blackbob.

Hi Douglas,

Re: Ensigns, look for "Errol John Studios" (a bloke named Errol Pace) he has/had the moulds for the Ensign "N Range" of Naval subjects. H e was also "filling in the gaps" with the figures from that range of Cigerette Cards which was the inspiration for MAJ Bob Rowe. Doing the ones Bob didn't do.

He might have a lead on the "Mess Dress" range.

Good Luck with your quest!

Happy Collecting,

There was even a commemorative stamped enveloppe

ensign commemorative  stamp.jpg
If Hinchcliffe was to reappear, what sets would people be interested in? I am guessing that the artillery and equipment sets would be the most popular?
Los trenes de artilleria son muy buenos, asi como los cañones y los vehiculos auxiliares, las ambulancias, carros de munición, todo con gran detalle y la serie de 75 mm realizada por Ray Lamb es una joya, lo mas importante es que no falta ni una sola referencia y todas las cajas están cerradas y nuevas despues de tantos años, subire fotos de todo ello.
If Hinchcliffe was to reappear, what sets would people be interested in? I am guessing that the artillery and equipment sets would be the most popular?

I'm a great fan of Hinchliffe equipment, and have been 'collecting' a few kits when they appear on EBay. It's taken me over 12 months to get an almost complete set of the RHA Napoleonic 6 horse gun team and limber.

I don't even have a gun to tow yet, but I do have one 'in action' but I am planning on using the spare wheel carrier to be towed by this team.

Last year I finished assembling and painting the French 4horse gun team, sen here hichgunteam.jpg

I have recently obtained a French 12 Pounder, and the Horse Artillery gunners to man that, so yet another project to get started on :)

I see in the catalogue that there is also a Larrey Ambulance and a Forge so they would be good to get too.

As far as their foot figures, I have some of the Napoleonic like these Spanish

and a mounted Lifeguard figure, with a standing dragoon,

but would like more.

If Hinchcliffe was to reappear, what sets would people be interested in? I am guessing that the artillery and equipment sets would be the most popular?

The Zulu War series for me. I could add to the few I have collected over the years.



  • Hinchliffe Zulu War.JPG
    Hinchliffe Zulu War.JPG
    117.2 KB · Views: 176
This thread has got legs. Nostalgia, particularly for certain brands is obviously something toy soldier/model figure collectors and painters can relate to.

Regarding Ensign Miniatures, many thanks again Mirof, your posting of the image of the envelope reminded me that I have that somewhere. Will probably, no definitely annoy my wife hunting for it, must put it in a cabinet alongside my Waterloo 200 envelope. Also thanks for name for a possible source of Ensign figures - "Errol John Studios, I have tracked down an address but not contacted yet. The Mess Dress and the Undress Ranges would be my main interest.

Hinchcliffe, for me it would be the Napoleonic period artillery and the various associated bits of kit.

This thread also, I believe demonstrates the positives of this forum in keeping collectors / addicts in touch and helping each other with information etc. Thank you Julie and all associated with Treefrog Treasures.

Finally to all readers in the U.S.A. have a great 4th of July.

Yours Aye,
Here are a few of my Ensign Mess Dress figures. I have 5 more to paint to add to these.
Got them from EBay

These are my favourite figures

There is a huge collection of Ensign figures on eBay right now


Happy you enjoyed the catalogues and lists

Yes it take time to collect all those infos but, as for everything; just a first step then it become easy, and in those time 70ies, internet didn't exist so you found info's in catalogues or Militay Modelling Magazine, I kept all those in my library . For the PDF I use a bedscan furnished with a photoshop program, even able to scan negative photos . The PDF converters and lot of tools are availables completely free on the net . A good tool is a converter for high resolution pictures to webb quality and resizing with good results .


thanks for this and what an excellent resource for nostalgia. It appears to have even given an impetus to reviving old companies and moulds.

Of course, Hinchliffe also advertised regularly in Airfix magazine then. Lots more for you to do...:):):)

Rgds Victor
I have noticed that Tradition of London have many Ensign and Hichliffe kits for sale on their website.

Maybe they have found old kits in the storeroom somewhere, but they are not cheap, still if its a long lost kit you are after, you may decide to pay for them rather than wait for a chance on EBay and have to bid.

This is the Ensign page https://traditionoflondonshop.com/2...res_Limited&osCsid=410aourdlqe4folqqo47mbio04

and this is Hinchliffe https://traditionoflondonshop.com/2..._Hinchliffe&osCsid=410aourdlqe4folqqo47mbio04


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