HIRIART Inspired by Britains (2 Viewers)

Thanks JB. Once more you have come through for me on this thread with your additional information and perspectives. Since you posted a photo of the Britains cavalry version, I'll attach a photo of Hiriart's take on this set for comparison purposes which is 1134 GRANADEROS de SAN MARTIN a CABALLO. Did Britains make a band version of this set?


  • 1134 Granaderos de San Martin a Caballo  Argentina.JPG
    1134 Granaderos de San Martin a Caballo Argentina.JPG
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Hi Mike - no band of the Argentinian Cavalry that I know of. They didn't make that many mounted bands - therefore - I doubt it. jb
Here is Hiriart's nine figure band. Set 1235 FANFARRIA GRANADEROS a CABALLO. For some reason the stock photo has a drum horse, but no drums. Bob Walker has this band in his collection. I will try to find a better photo, if I can, from his Open House in November.


  • 1235 Fanfarria Granaderos a Caballo Argentina.JPG
    1235 Fanfarria Granaderos a Caballo Argentina.JPG
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Found it. Here is Bob's set. The figures on the lower shelf look like they might be Britains foot and mounted versions of this unit.


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A rather attractive band - or should perhaps say bands. The first "stock photo" version might be a work in progress - as some figures are different to the one that Bob Walker has. Note the sax and non-playing Euphonium rider - who has his instrument in a non-playing grip in the first version. Bob's version is a little different. I'm guessing that you could probably order a range of players/instruments (by changing arms) and end up with a pretty good sized band - if you wanted one. Love the helical coil type of instruments - they always look so spectacular, wound around the players. Can be tricky to paint those. Nice and colourful group.

You could be right about the figures on the shelf below, which could easily be the Britains versions we discussed earlier. Nice thing to do, that - and would show the progression very well. jb
Both Bob and I have ordered extra band members for various sets, in the past. This particular band needs to two more members, to my mind's eye, since it has a band leader in addition to the drum horse (1 X 1 X 3 X 3 X 3). When I have ordered extra band members, Hiriart has asked what instruments I wanted. Nice, huh? For example, when I ordered my nine figure set 1332 Swedish Horse Guards band, I ordered an extra trumpeter with banner, since the band only came with two of them originally (1 X 3 X 3 X 3 rather than 1 X 2 X 3 X 3).

The Britains (?) cavalry on the next shelf appears to have a least 15 figures. I am fairly sure that the eight figure foot set is Britains set 216 ARGENTINE INFANTRY.
I have several Mounted Bands in my collection - all of which I have made up from castings. I regularly choose between the following instruments - (in alphabetical order):

Bassoon, Bombardon, Clarinet, Cornet, Euphonium, Picallo, Sax, Tenor Horn, Trombone, Trumpet, Tuba. That's in addition to (usually) a Kettledrummer and Musical Director. There are some exceptions of course - see my latest Canadian Mounted Rifles with mounted pipers and three sorts of Drummers!(Note that British mounted bands never have a French Horn as one of the instruments).

It would be perfectly possible to use multiples of the above list though - as I sometimes do - and make up a band of over 20 quite easily. I usually also have an "Escort" with a band to get to at least that figure - as I think that a group of that number always looks better than a smaller one.

I have just commisioned a band of the 1st Lifeguards in review Order, from Yeomanary miniatures (as castings) which will have 27 members. I'm really looking forward to painting that - and hopefully, it will look excellent when completed sometime next year. Maybe we can compare notes with a Hiriart version when it's ready? jb
I have been following your progress on the Canadian Mounted Rifles band. Hiriart has a set 1028 LIFE GUARDS MOUNTED BAND in its catalog, but I don't have a photo of it. There is another version, set 1110 LIFE GUARDS MOUNTED BAND, WINTER CLOAKS which I do have a photo of. Bob Walker ordered this set a couple of years ago and it is very striking.


  • 1110 The Life Guards Band Winter Britain.JPG
    1110 The Life Guards Band Winter Britain.JPG
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I just remembered that Hiriart also did a 19 figure non-catalog band based on set 1135 GRANADEROS de SAN MARTIN a PIE.


  • 1135 BAND.JPG
    1135 BAND.JPG
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I have been following your progress on the Canadian Mounted Rifles band. Hiriart has a set 1028 LIFE GUARDS MOUNTED BAND in its catalog, but I don't have a photo of it. There is another version, set 1110 LIFE GUARDS MOUNTED BAND, WINTER CLOAKS which I do have a photo of. Bob Walker ordered this set a couple of years ago and it is very striking.

I do like that band in Winter Cloaks - despite the common error of including a French Horn player in it - which will never occur. If a Houesehold Cavalry Band is on foot - it can be included - but when mounted - a Tenor Horn is substituted for the French Horn. As I understand it, this is because the French Horn is held and played in such a way, that the reins cannot be held.

I also like very much, the 19 strong Argentinian Foot Band. So much more spectacular in a larger number. It's difficult to beat a band for sheer spectacle. jb
I do like that band in Winter Cloaks - despite the common error of including a French Horn player in it - which will never occur. If a Houesehold Cavalry Band is on foot - it can be included - but when mounted - a Tenor Horn is substituted for the French Horn. As I understand it, this is because the French Horn is held and played in such a way, that the reins cannot be held.

I also like very much, the 19 strong Argentinian Foot Band. So much more spectacular in a larger number. It's difficult to beat a band for sheer spectacle. jb

As someone who has nevered played a musical instrument in his life, and to whom musical notes appear as indecipaible as Arabic script, that is interesting information about the French Horn. The 19 figure Argentine band is very attractive, especially because of their colorful uniforms. It appears that Hiriart has covered all the bases with their four versions (i.e., foot, mounted, and two bands) of Britains "Argentine Infantry."
Here is a comparison of Britains set 28 MOUNTAIN ARTILLERY with Hiriart's 1322 BRITISH MOUNTAIN ARTILLERY, KHYBER PASS.


  • 28 mtn arty (2).jpg
    28 mtn arty (2).jpg
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  • 28 mtn arty (1).jpg
    28 mtn arty (1).jpg
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  • 1322 British Mountain Artillery Khyber Pass.JPG
    1322 British Mountain Artillery Khyber Pass.JPG
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  • 1322.JPG
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Here is Britains set 32 ROYAL SCOTS GREYS compaired to Hiriart's set 1053 THE ROYAL SCOTS GREYS.


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    32 royal scots greys.jpg
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    32 royal scots greys (2).jpg
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  • 32 Scotts Greys.jpg
    32 Scotts Greys.jpg
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  • 32.jpg
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  • 1053 Royal Scots Greys Britain.JPG
    1053 Royal Scots Greys Britain.JPG
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This is Britains set 8 KING'S ROYAL RIFLE CORPS compared to Hiriart's set 1192 THE KING'S ROYAL RIFLE CORPS.


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    98 KRRC (2).jpg
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    98 KRRC (1).jpg
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  • 1192 The King's Royal Rifle Corps (1).JPG
    1192 The King's Royal Rifle Corps (1).JPG
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  • 1192 KRRC.JPG
    1192 KRRC.JPG
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  • 1192 The King's Royal Rifle Corps (2).JPG
    1192 The King's Royal Rifle Corps (2).JPG
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Britains FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION set compared to Hiriart's set 1142 LEGION ETRANGERE, MARCHE OU CREVE.


  • FFL (2).jpg
    FFL (2).jpg
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  • FFL.jpg
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  • 1142 French Foreign Legion 1900.JPG
    1142 French Foreign Legion 1900.JPG
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This is Britains ROYAL MARINE LIGHT INFANTRY set compared to Hiriart's set 1010 ROYAL MARINE LIGHT INFANTRY.


  • royal marine light inf.jpg
    royal marine light inf.jpg
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  • 1010 Royal Marine Light Inf Britain.JPG
    1010 Royal Marine Light Inf Britain.JPG
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  • 1010 RMLI Colour Party (1).JPG
    1010 RMLI Colour Party (1).JPG
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    1010 RMLI Colour Party (2).JPG
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  • 1010 RMLI Colour Party (3).JPG
    1010 RMLI Colour Party (3).JPG
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Thanks Mike for posting the pictures of Hiriart and Britain's sets. The Hiriart look neat. J
Hi Mike - I love your comparisons too. I particularly like the Mountain Gun Teams you showed - comparing Britains version to the Hiriart one. I thought you might like a look at my version - which really involves some converted re-casts of Britains look-alikes which came from Dorset Soldiers.

They aren't exactly copies of the Britains version - as I have added a couple of rifles at the shoulder for an extra two of the gunners - and a drawn sword at the shoulder for the Officer on a cantering horse. Note also that the walking gunners don't have the rolled greatcoat tied over the shoulder. I think my Dorset version sort of fits in rather nicely between the two. The Hiriart version is very nice, and neatly done. jb

Hi JB,

It has been fun showing the comparisons between a contemporary toy soldier manufacturer which was inspired by a giant in the industry who made their figures decades ago. Unfortunately, I don't always have a good photo of the vintage Britains sets and the figures can be a little rough at times, but you can still get the idea.

I love your version of the Mountain Artillery set. That was a nice touch adding the rifles to the two extra men. I am interested in your bases. Were the Dorset castings normal thicknesses and you added the bottom, larger base or did they come that way? I usually prefer skinny bases to thick ones. Also, I notice you did yours in sand color instead of green---artistic license! Who said they had to be green?

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