Historical accuracy (1 Viewer)

I think historic accuracy is a good forum topic to discuss and review - but, some of these guys out there get their noses out of joint really bad over it. :rolleyes: I mean these are toy soldiers for goodness sakes - if you dont like the ones that come out....then dont buy them.

It is amazing to me how many of these self proclaimed "true collectors" get really upset of this issue? Yes, we should know what is real from the period or not - but, to get angry?

Historical accuracy has a place and is good to know - but, I collect what I like and dont get to lost on the details - it takes the fun of collecting away.


Back when I was model railroading ( This was when my hands and eyes would allow me to enjoy the hobby ) I was running an English Loco and cars on my layout. One my friends said It did not look right. My comment was it’s my RR I can run what ever I want. I later switched to modeling UK RR’s
It’s in the eye of the beholder .

I agree - there your figures and you can do as you want with them - my point that has been said many times on this forum.

I keep reading over and over the phrase, if you don’t like them don’t buy them. This is a phrase that I have taken to heart several times in the past. What I don’t understand is why the toy soldier companies don't do their homework before deciding on what colors to use. Two examples come to mind, both are K & C because that is what I collect. I am sure that other manufacturers are guilt of doing similar things. First was the French troop of the America Revolution series painted in white uniforms with blue facing, while all my research shows that that facing color was not present on any of the regiments serving in the America Theater of operation? The second was painting the Old Guard Horse Artillery’s platoon brown instead of black. Both examples I know are small things, however they bothered me enough that I didn’t purchase either of those items.

I just don’t understand why something as simple as the color of the facing should be chosen wrong with all the excellent documentation that is available these days on the Internet.

Please don’t think I’m attacking K & C, I love their figures and think overall they are a fabulous company. I just want people to realize that small mistakes in historical accuracy can and do affect sales.

To me my toy soldiers are loved more as military miniatures then toys. It is very hard to compare today’s military miniatures to the toy soldiers available for sale just ten short years ago. This is a new generation of figures, a generation that is far more demanding of what we expect in historical accuracy and excellence in sculpting. The new generations of toy soldier manufacturers are meeting these new standards of accuracy. Let us continue to set that bar or standard high.

King’s Man
I will confess- I am the creepy guy that Ypres1 was referring too- for goodness sake- look at my avatar- that is creepy enough.

Yes, I redeploy (guess that is a grown up way of saying play) with my troops often. I have taken some of them to clients with me and even to the bar. When I am out of town and work at a client with a toy soldier store nearby, I will usually break em out and display the new ones in my hotel room.

So yes, I am creepy- perhaps I should rename myself to CreepyChris :D

One thing I have learned in the age of the internet is to not read too much into emails or posts- I have gotten burned by that in the past- I think emails and posts are a clear example of how different interpersonal communication can be and how body language can affect it.

My 2 cents regarding historical accuracy- and this is more geared to those of us who collect figures representing the middle ages and going back- a lot of the information available has been either interpretations of writers writing sometimes several centuries after the fact, or our current understanding of the archaeological record.

I love my troopers, always have and always will. I am at piece with my inner creep and make no excuses about it. :D

Chris I see no need for you to make any excuse. I do not see your behavior as creepy, far from it. You enjoy your toy soldiers as much as I do. I too like to spend time arranging and rearranging my displays.

We are both brothers in our application of this hobby. The more collectors we have the merrier we will be. More collectors mean more sales and more sales means more new soldiers to choose from. And so it goes. The future is looking bright.

King’s Man
I hope Ypres1 posts again soon.We are all collectors and all have different views,its what makes this forum so good!.

Everbody is entitled to their opinion and has the freedom to do whatever they want with their collections. I really dislike people who try to play themselves off as the "Pure Collectors" and the rest of us are people of lesser grade because we collect, sell on ebay or just buy what we like.

So speak free - read other peoples posts freely and enjoy our wonderful little forum - which doesnt require "group think" to participate. :D
How boring it would be if we all had the same opinion.I think there is a difference between being an enthusiastic supporter of K&C and telling someone their opinion is wrong.All opinions are just as valid,and i believe anyone has both the right to praise or complain as much as they like.Just my opinion

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Hi Guys,

Not to beat a dead issue but dont you think that maybe you've had enough to say on this issue and just maybe we can all agree to disagree and leave it at that.


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