Hitler's First War (1 Viewer)


That may be quite an apt phrase as some will certainly see anything connected to the anti-semetic views of Hitler as provocative and, as nobody has been able to see when, how or why they started its all conjecture which, Weber dances around for me.

Interesting to see where this leads us

That may be quite an apt phrase as some will certainly see anything connected to the anti-semetic views of Hitler as provocative and, as nobody has been able to see when, how or why they started its all conjecture which, Weber dances around for me.

Interesting to see where this leads us

I'd say "Weber dance" is simply.....a new attempt at revisionism....

No doubt I just don't think he has cracked it with the book or come anywhere near. I don't think there is much more we have learned about Hitler that was not already available in one for or another. Its an interesting read but, he seems to me anyway move between ensuring he allows the reader to see he wishes to side against Hitler and attempt to be fully objective in his research IMO.

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