How about a K5 Railway Gun? (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Feb 18, 2008
After seeing some of the unbelievable items Figarti has released over the last little while I thought I'd throw out a crazy idea I've had floating around my head for awhile now. A 1/30 K5 Railway Gun.

How about "Robert" and "Leopold" aka Anzio Annie?



From the pictures I have seen those are the Baby ones. What about the frigging giant gun they used in Sevastapol?
When will these babies be released? :)

I really would like to see some train wagons, track etc being released.

And perhaps a steamtrain in limited edition.

Are the wagon from compaigne

Here it is in 1/35 so I guess add another foot to it for 1/30 scale.

Do you guys want marital discord?:confused: Can you imagine the financial/spacial issues a 5 foot long railroad gun would cause? I would bet $2,000+, without delivery, add on sets, track, etc. I would bet to see it done right, you would be in about $3,500:(. Then think about the space problems. Even I would catch a ton of flack on this one, and my wife is very very cool about my collection generally.:eek:
Do you guys want marital discord?:confused: Can you imagine the financial/spacial issues a 5 foot long railroad gun would cause? I would bet $2,000+, without delivery, add on sets, track, etc. I would bet to see it done right, you would be in about $3,500:(. Then think about the space problems. Even I would catch a ton of flack on this one, and my wife is very very cool about my collection generally.:eek:

Uhhh, Louis , his wife let him have one and that one is five feet long. What is one more foot?
Hey if we can dream for the Gun, we can dream for the SO to be happy about it too:D:D
Do you guys want marital discord?:confused: Can you imagine the financial/spacial issues a 5 foot long railroad gun would cause? I would bet $2,000+, without delivery, add on sets, track, etc. I would bet to see it done right, you would be in about $3,500:(. Then think about the space problems. Even I would catch a ton of flack on this one, and my wife is very very cool about my collection generally.:eek:

Hey, the original request was for the reasonable K5 but someone, not mentioning names, wasn't satisfied. I believe the word "Baby" was used. :D:D
Guys, think a bit smaller and you CAN get one. Both Trumpeter and Dragon have done the classic German K5e 28cm railway gun in 1/35th scale. The box alone is quite impressive. The "schwere Gustav" was to be done in 1/72nd scale and somebody talked about one in 1/35th! (I don't follow German items as closely as American so I haven't kept abreast of its availability).

"Back in the day" most models were small to modestly sized, now I have seen 1/35th scale PT boats, 1/72 scale US and German submarines, etc. Those are the mass-market injection-molded items, but the big stuff built by hand.

Be careful what you ask for, you might actually get it!

Guys, think a bit smaller and you CAN get one. Both Trumpeter and Dragon have done the classic German K5e 28cm railway gun in 1/35th scale. The box alone is quite impressive. The "schwere Gustav" was to be done in 1/72nd scale and somebody talked about one in 1/35th! (I don't follow German items as closely as American so I haven't kept abreast of its availability).

"Back in the day" most models were small to modestly sized, now I have seen 1/35th scale PT boats, 1/72 scale US and German submarines, etc. Those are the mass-market injection-molded items, but the big stuff built by hand.

Be careful what you ask for, you might actually get it!


How do our British brothers say it??


Guys, think a bit smaller and you CAN get one. Both Trumpeter and Dragon have done the classic German K5e 28cm railway gun in 1/35th scale. The box alone is quite impressive. The "schwere Gustav" was to be done in 1/72nd scale and somebody talked about one in 1/35th! (I don't follow German items as closely as American so I haven't kept abreast of its availability).

"Back in the day" most models were small to modestly sized, now I have seen 1/35th scale PT boats, 1/72 scale US and German submarines, etc. Those are the mass-market injection-molded items, but the big stuff built by hand.

Be careful what you ask for, you might actually get it!


I'm sure looking for that new 1/35 Schenellboote that's coming from Italari. :)

Do you guys want marital discord?:confused: Can you imagine the financial/spacial issues a 5 foot long railroad gun would cause? I would bet $2,000+, without delivery, add on sets, track, etc. I would bet to see it done right, you would be in about $3,500:(. Then think about the space problems. Even I would catch a ton of flack on this one, and my wife is very very cool about my collection generally.:eek:
The funny thing is that Louis ordered the Figarti K5 despite the financial and spacial problems and the ton of flak.:D
The funny thing is that Louis ordered the Figarti K5 despite the financial and spacial problems and the ton of flak.:D

And saved himself from is own original estimate to boot! 50% discount from his original budget of $3500.

The funny thing is that Louis ordered the Figarti K5 despite the financial and spacial problems and the ton of flak.:D

Oh, I am going to catch a ton of marital dischord over this:eek::eek: . . . but at half the price I figured it would be, and better detail than I imagined was possible, I simply couldn't pass on it.:p;)
At $1799 for the K5 or $2500 for the Lancaster obviously a much better deal ie: more for your money.

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