The fighting Poilus were promised "at the end of 2010" so hopefully they will be in next months dispatches, but you never know it could be a few more months. As far as future releases are concerned Andy has confirmed he does intend to release Doughboys, when they will be released however is unknown. I believe colonial British for the Lighthorse series as well as Arab irregulars were also mentioned. And of course the big news for the series is the new Aviation line Andy confirmed a few weeks ago. As far as speculation on my part, I dont believe Eastern front stuff will be seen, seeing as how WW2 Russian stuff doesnt sell, I cant imagine Russian WW1 stuff selling any better. Some really cool ideas I would like to see brought to fruition are Zouaves, winter Germans in greatcoats, french and british in sheepskins and balaclavas, and 1914 English. Until then, I'm biting my fingernails in anticipation for the fighting poilus!