Well , first of all , the decission about the item . What period would be of more interest for the customers , where are a hole to cover ,or simply , our own interest for aq period or figure. The second step is decide the pose or poses , and create a wire skeleton with the correct proportions. then cover it with puty to complete the anatomy . I have a collection of heads and hands i modelled two or three years ago , so i only mut choose the basic head more accorded to the pose , age or etnic . I also modelled a big collection of weapons, and this step , the equipment of the soldier is near to be ready. The following step is modell the clothes and headgear . When the figure is finished , it must be cut in pieces to make the mould .Some figures could be moulded in a single piece, but usually a figure is conformed by at least five pieces.
The figure is ready to be moulded. We made our moulds ( i think the moulds of all manufacturers are simmilar) with vulcanizable rubber. The casting is made with the help of a centriphugal machine .
Once the figure is casted, we must glue the different pieces , imprimate it and begin the painting process. when the paint and varnish is dry
only rest the packaging.
I know it is a litlle resume , but basically it's my daily work