How good can it get (1 Viewer)

Back in the seventies I went to the Chicago show where I was fortunate to be invited to Shep Paine's flat where he was checking over a number of his dioramas which had been gathered together for an exhibition. They were magnificent. A night time fight from the War of Independance lit only by the muzzle flashes of the muskets, the priming flashes in the flintlocks pans and the glow of fuses in the shells, all done with fibre optics. The gun deck of the Victory with the glimpse of a moving ship through the gun ports. The highly detailed Board of Admiralty plus many others. The man is a master of the craft and a modest gentleman. I recommend the study of his book on How to make Dioramas, it contains much of interest to all collectors.

I have tried to find the book any info as I drew a blank is it still in print??

Back in the seventies I went to the Chicago show where I was fortunate to be invited to Shep Paine's flat where he was checking over a number of his dioramas which had been gathered together for an exhibition. They were magnificent. A night time fight from the War of Independance lit only by the muzzle flashes of the muskets, the priming flashes in the flintlocks pans and the glow of fuses in the shells, all done with fibre optics. The gun deck of the Victory with the glimpse of a moving ship through the gun ports. The highly detailed Board of Admiralty plus many others. The man is a master of the craft and a modest gentleman. I recommend the study of his book on How to make Dioramas, it contains much of interest to all collectors.

Have you tried They have quite a bit of out of print items.

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