How I build large scale dioramas! (1 Viewer)

That is good news John, and yes I agree our summer will be gone before we know it. Hoepfully the rain will ease off for a while so we are able to enjoy some time out of doors.
Very clever stuff. This has been a rather interesting thread to follow. :cool:


Any ideas about finishing this corner?
I plan to fence off the far neighbors back yard for storyline purposes.With washing on the line and its pristine condition it represents normalcy and the life he left behind before he went off to war.The tall wooden fence at the end of the lane way will have an "Enlist Now" poster.Along this fence behind the airplane will go the old wrecked "T".

The near backyard I will use as a sort of stage for the airplane with no fences or obstructions for the viewer.It will represent where he is today physically and mentally.(Loss of Innocence,will it ever be the same?)
I like the idea of the low stone wall that decorates the stage but what I was wondering is how do I finish the rest without taking anything away from the main subjects, the man and his Flyer. ?
The sloping lane way on the right could contain an old Army Ford "T" in subdued Army colors or I could eliminate it altogether and let him walk home. The near road or lane way is the question.Other than vegetation should I put anything here?Maybe a small bicycle parked well down the street near the Garage/Toolshop.I plan to have an old car half way into the wooden garage with the door open but this is far enough away as to not gain too much attention.I could have a few tools laying around and a rear tire being changed to show some human activity without actually using a distracting human figure.I kind of like the sense of isolation this gives ,just him,his thoughts and his Flyer.
From this upper bedroom window I plan to hang a child's airplane model that can be seen both from the inside viewer port and the outside backyard.
RAF commission.
Way back in this thread I mentioned an RAF Museum, London U.K. commission that was agreed upon.We never got down to pinpointing an exact storyline and I never heard from them again.It was to be a donation as well and they seemed happy and were supposed to send me research material, which I never got. Strange eh!
I mention this because I didn't want my buds here to think I was them at the time.
Backyard Flyer ,Will It Ever Be The Same?
I have changed the title of the piece again.The loss of innocence part of the original storyline is obvious so I shortened it.
I added the division in the road as a sort of "road not taken" idea which everyone is familiar with.At the end of one road will be an" enlist now" sign tacked to the fence and at the end of the other road,his shop and the life he knew before joining up.
The airplane will be facing the "V" in the road with no wooden fences or any else to block the view.It will be sitting on kind of a "stone wall base" "of its own.
This will emphasize the most important part of the diorama ,the airplane and the man's relationship to it.
This will be the backyard of the meticulous Victorians who live next door.In the foreground will be a vegi garden and along the fence the stone outline of a bush and flower garden.The small stik outline on the other side will be a garden shed of some kind.Beside the garden in the right foreground will be a path leading to a garden gate opening to the back lane way.On the opposite side is a small area for flowers and shrubs.The figure is there for scale only.
This will be a Spring scene so the grass will be a different color than what is shown here.Probably with a little mud here and there.I opted for Spring because I want it orderly but not too colorful to be in competition with the airplanes yard next door.Just over the fence will be the old wrecked T to provide a stark contrast to all this neatness next door.

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