How I build large scale dioramas! (1 Viewer)

I added more spices and now it looks OK.Early spring,unkept yard,was wet but now has dried out in the sun.Around the wheels of the airplane I plan to have it look much like this except for more vegetation around the tires.There never was a lot of grass there to begin with and most of what you see is crud and leaves and stuff from the fall season.I will put some leaves in a pile near the fence where someone has made a half-hearted attempt to clean things up a bit.
This is going to be something different that I have never seen or tried before.
What I want to do is make kind of a series of shadow boxes in the rear of the facades.When you look through a small reveal you will see the windows giving out to a view of the backyard.From the front the windows will look curtained ,as the Victorians hated sunlight in their homes.The interior will be a matte black paint or fabric of some kind and hard to see into,especially from across the yard,I will not light the interior of the rooms but will use porch lights only.
The view from the back, through the curtained windows on the inside, will be restricted so that it will only be the yard and airplane that is readily viewable.
I haven't seen anything like this before so a lot of this will be just "winging it" and makin things up as I go along.If it doesn't work out I will just use blinds along with the curtains. I still plan for a nosy neighbor to be sneaking a look through one of the windows.Should be fun!
Bad idea,well they all can't be gems!
Sounded good in theory but it just didn't pan out in fact. I did a mock up reveal and realized that this would only detract from the real storyline and therefore would be a big waste of time.
That big blank space could be better used for text or pics or whatever.Any ideas?
I think that the following this is a better idea.
I will put Victorian type curtains on the windows and just do a little mood lighting in the different rooms.I will experiment with a little soft colors in each room for variety but nothing will actually be viewable through the windows(except maybe the nosy neighbors head)On some of the upstairs bedrooms I could use blinds of some sort from the era.I will research this and see what I can find.
A better idea still,may be to use of pictures.
Instead of forcing the viewer to squint through peep holes in the back,I will simply take high quality pictures through each window, frame them and post them in position over their respective views.
I decided to make some blinds for some of the windows.I measured the window to be covered and made it oversize in width. I then took some double sided tape and allowed a small area to remain uncovered so the slats would stick to it.I cut the slats to length and carefully laid them together overlapping at the edge.I then laid down a bead of glue along the outer edges.
I try to decorate each window a little differently in order to add a little variety.When I find a drapery fold I like I will spray it with a little lacquer from behind to set in permanently in that position.I plan to build the framework behind and add a little soft lighting,nothing fancy maybe just a few Christmas bulbs.Colored bulbs could be used to reflect the color of each room.

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