I think that the thing which has really changed and made modern war different is not so much the weapons and technology but the attitude.
Stricter and more tightly enforced ROE. Scrutiny and accountability in an age where virtually anybody has the ability to record what is happening to, or around them. And, for the 'West' the will to wage war itself. We go in half cocked, our politicians send other people's kids off to fight conflicts that most people may have an opinion on, but very few actually have any connection with, through family members being involved etc. So, few have a direct stakehold in the outcome which means that we fight with one armed tied behind our back (see my earlier points) and doing only as much as is politically acceptable... And as soon as our politicians sniff a change in attitude that may affect their own position, they shift the goal posts and create new 'benchmarks' that indicate 'victory' so that we can get out of the mess that has been created, because. We don't pursue victory through a set of defined goals that are adhered to... and that has a trickle down effect to how war is conducted at the sharp end regardless of the technology being used.