somebody that is enterprising could probably by acouple, enjoy them for a couplke of years and than sell them to somebody in the shipping or sailing business that loves history. just a thought. unfortunately there are not many of those in iowa
Depends on how you define break even; something like this is easily in the realm of advertising.I wonder how many they need to sell to break even.To create this must have cost in the six figure range.I would say at least 25-30.
Thanks for the information Mike; that is good to know. I wish he were on the east coast.Just got off the phone with my good friend, Bob Walker, who informed me that he had purchased the Victory and was hoping that it would arrive in time for his 4th Annual Open House in San Jose on November 6th and 7th.
Since Bob does not own a computer or a cell phone for that matter, I will vote on his behalf. No, this isn't exactly like Acorn.
BTW, if anyone is interesting attending the open house, please send me a PM.
Even without the Victory, Bob's amazing 15,000 to 20,000 figure collection is a delight to behold.
Nice link, thanks Alex. Wow, they have some really nice ships. H'mmm, that is a very nice looking Surprise.Unless you have a comprehensive wife, I think Figarti's version is too big.
I would prefer this 50'' version
for just 1300$ (around 1/54 scale)
Well after a long campaign of persuasion my wife has agreed to me getting one,she's also agreed to it being delivered by Jennifer Anniston and Penelope Cruz dressed as Nurses and I answer the door and....oh oh what the...sorry guys must have been asleep
Wonderful model but out of my league I'm afraid
If you could pull that off with those two the revenue from tickets alone would pay for the ship and probably all of next years collecting budget. Looks like your having some decent dreams!!!
Great model though isn't she, what a talking point that would be in the living room. Shock and awe indeed.
Well after a long campaign of persuasion my wife has agreed to me getting one,she's also agreed to it being delivered by Jennifer Anniston and Penelope Cruz, I answer the door and....oh what the...sorry guys must have been asleep
Wonderful model but out of my league I'm afraid
Well after a long campaign of persuasion my wife has agreed to me getting one,she's also agreed to it being delivered by Jennifer Anniston and Penelope Cruz, I answer the door and....oh what the...sorry guys must have been asleep
Wonderful model but out of my league I'm afraid
Well after a long campaign of persuasion my wife has agreed to me getting one,she's also agreed to it being delivered by Jennifer Anniston and Penelope Cruz, I answer the door and....oh what the...sorry guys must have been asleep
Wonderful model but out of my league I'm afraid
Speaking of Jennifer Anniston, my taste in restaurants is very middle class: The Outback Steakouse, the Rainforest Cafe (where I take my grandaughter to lunch), Chili's (chicken fried steak or grilled salmon), Panda Express, etc. However, we occasionaly dine in some high-end reastaurants. One night my wife and I were eating at L'Orangerie on Melrose Ave. in L.A. I noticed that the empty table next to us had a much nicer floral arrangement on it than our's did. Soon thereafter, Kirk Douglas, Jack Valenti, and their wives were seated next to us. I was struck by how frail and small both men were. Maybe 5' 6" and 135 pounds. This was not the Kirk Douglas of my youth---Spartacus, the Vikings, etc. As We were leaving the restaurant, I struck up a conversation with the owner who mentioned that the night before, Jennifer Anniston had been sitting in the very seat I had that night. Boy, I wished that he had mentioned that earlier, I would have really enjoyed the meal even more knowing that.
You had to go tell that story didn't you!! Rob will be on the next flight to socal
Rainforest cafe rocks!! My daughter got scared there though (when she was younger)