How many of you guys complete a full range? (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
Tommorow on my snow covered doorstep will arrive the last two figures I need to complete my collection of the British and Canadian D Day troops.I have gradually worked my way through the range and wanted to finish the whole set before the next wave of Arnhem arrives in the next few months.There is something satisfying in finishing a range or wave of releases,perhaps it appeals to the completist in me.

Was just wondering how many of you set out to complete a range if all the sets appeal to you,and do you stick to plan in completeing it?.Also which ranges have you completed?.

I know exactly how you feel Rob. My collection currently consists of the Durbar and the Zulu War. I have one figure left to get before the next Durbar releases and I have about 14 before the next set of Zulu releases.
I know exactly how you feel Rob. My collection currently consists of the Durbar and the Zulu War. I have one figure left to get before the next Durbar releases and I have about 14 before the next set of Zulu releases.

My problem is finding the discipline to keep on track Scott,I often see another nice release and that gets me sidetracked!.So I'm glad I've stuck to plan with the D Day figures,its only taken me about six months:rolleyes:;)

It depends how you define a range Roberto. I don't believe the British and Canadians constitute a range, just a subset within the D Day range. Collecting all within that range is very difficult.

I do have almost all of the EA range (except for the Churchill set and the associated band, etc.; just didn't seem to go with the remainder of that range).

Don't know if Nelson's Navy or Royal Navy counts but I have all that :)

A few years back before Andy decided to make the amount of product that he makes now, collecting a range wasn't that all difficult; it's quite hard now.
You are right Brad,the D Day figures are a subset within the whole D Day range.I have a large part of the range,but not the resistance figures or US reporters.I guess one of the results of lots of releases is that it concentrates the mind on what you really want as opposed to the more scatter gun approach I used to have.

I have most of the AK and 8th Army and Fields of Battle ranges, many of the D-Day and WS ranges and all of the 2nd group of Russian pieces (Fall of Berlin). Also most of the Battle of the Bulge pieces. My focus is on AFVs and fighting soldiers - no marching or parade pieces. I have all the ones I want from those ranges except one old Krupp truck. So my concentration is on new releases in those ranges plus the Italian army.

I like to collect pieces from several different ranges, mostly WWII, but also ocasionally Alamo or Crusaders as well. I have not completed any range so far. There are so many good choices that I buy lots of different ones. I'm like Terry in that I mainly like AFV's and fighting combat soldiers. There are several pieces I wish I had gotten, but with all the new stuff coming out month after month, I don't seem to be able to pick up all those retired items I missed.
I sometimes buy whole subsets of ranges, such as trying to get all the 2nd Ranger sets from the D-Day series, but I have never tried to collect whole ranges. I certainly see the desire to do so and commend those who have managed to put together these collections. I definitely used to do this with sports collectibles. With soldiers, I am among those who get sidetracked too easily and prefer to buy small groupings to make lots of mini dioramas on my shelves.
great idea for a post ........I
myself have all the Egyptians....all of German Bulge the latest RAF....only missing a few 8TH army....most of the later Celts and Romans......75% Knights.....All Luftwaffe....lots of Waffen SS...some Civil war......and all the latest DD Day.....not to mention ......Thomas Gunn...JOHN JENKINS....and all the Civil War Britains has come out with in the past 10 years or so!!!! and I will keep my address a secret.......PS I also have a Rhodesian Ridgeback that sleeps in my collection room.............KEEP IT SILLY!!!!!
great idea for a post ........I
myself have all the Egyptians....all of German Bulge the latest RAF....only missing a few 8TH army....most of the later Celts and Romans......75% Knights.....All Luftwaffe....lots of Waffen SS...some Civil war......and all the latest DD Day.....not to mention ......Thomas Gunn...JOHN JENKINS....and all the Civil War Britains has come out with in the past 10 years or so!!!! and I will keep my address a secret.......PS I also have a Rhodesian Ridgeback that sleeps in my collection room.............KEEP IT SILLY!!!!!

Thanks for warning me about the dog. :eek: :D

I have quite a bit of K&C World War II. I do have all the Fall of Berlin Range, and mostly caught up with all of the Battle of The Bulge. D Day and some others still have quite a bit to catch up on.
I plan on getting the full range of WBritain Zulu matte range. I am currently up to date.

I would also like to complete the Little Legion Zulu War range, I have maybe about 70% of the range. I am not sure I will ever do it, but it will be fun trying to complete it.

I'm fairly new to the hobby, but am guessing I'm in the minority here!

I started out collecting nothing but ACW, but as the past year and a half have gone by, I've ventured all over the globe and time! I've got bits and pieces of WWII (Normandy & LAH), WWI, Alamo, and just last night I ordered my first batch of Napoleonics (Capitalron's enthusiasm finally got the better of me!)

I collect ranges as completely as I can, there are some items that were produced before I began my collection so I do not have everything within some ranges but I have (or plan on getting) everything that was available from the first day I started to collect K&C (September 2004). I collect all the ranges and sub ranges within, World War 2, American Revolution, Crusaders, Napoleonics, Romans, and ever since I bought my K&C diorama, World War 1. There has not been an instance where I bought a K&C piece and did not like it on the spot or have it grow on me eventually.

I will not give out my address either but as the Pit Bull/Shar Pei mix roams the house and is often asleep near my collection I am not too worried. Then again she is afraid of the cat and the vacuum. She has tried to eat the vacuum though………literally…………
Would love to complete a range, however unfortunately the funds just aren't there.

Instead I pick and mix mostly K&C WW2 ranges and there fantastic AWI range; however I still have some nice Britains Napoleonics & Zulu war figures and some great Conte AWI & WW2 Para's and SS Germans.

When dollars are tight it's real hard sticking to any one range.:(

Would love to complete a range, however unfortunately the funds just aren't there.

Instead I pick and mix mostly K&C WW2 ranges and there fantastic AWI range; however I still have some nice Britains Napoleonics & Zulu war figures and some great Conte AWI & WW2 Para's and SS Germans.

When dollars are tight it's real hard sticking to any one range.:(


Ain't that the truth!.Its so hard to stick to one or two ranges,pretty much impossible for me I'm afraid,so I narrow it down as best I can and slowly catch up with releases.With Arnhem on the way it'll give me about five months to finish that before D Day arrives again,but hey its still a golden age for collectors so I'm not complaining!;)

Tommorow on my snow covered doorstep will arrive the last two figures I need to complete my collection of the British and Canadian D Day troops.I have gradually worked my way through the range and wanted to finish the whole set before the next wave of Arnhem arrives in the next few months.There is something satisfying in finishing a range or wave of releases,perhaps it appeals to the completist in me.

Was just wondering how many of you set out to complete a range if all the sets appeal to you,and do you stick to plan in completeing it?.Also which ranges have you completed?.

I'm working on owning every Limited or Special Edition Piece available NIB of WWII. Seems Im very close. So far I have only been collecting 2 months...I may be divorced anyday now!

Heres the two final figures I needed to complete the wave of releases and also Lt Col Vandervoort.All of these are excellent figures and I'm very pleased with them.

Short answer is NO I'm not a completist. If interested a long winded answer follows. :eek:
I think Andy said it best in a recent post. I'll paraphrase here but essentially he said collecting can be difficult if you like a wide variety of historical periods............unfortunately for me I do!
I would say I have a figure or two from just about every K&C range. The areas that I have concentration in are the Napoleonics, Crusaders and some WWII periods. I also occasionally dabble in some outside manufacturers for very unique pieces to "fill in" my collection.
In WWII I concentrate on Commonwealth troops and I have a lot of FOB, Arnhem, D-Day etc. I do also have a lot of Bulge and Germans to oppose the Allies ( can't resist those Panzers ). The only major omission are the desert troops and so far I've stayed strong otherwise my collection would grow out of proportion.
I don't feel the need to be a completist. I buy what I like and can afford and unfortunately thats still a ton of merchandise.:eek: The closest range I am to being a completist in is Arnhem ( not the originals ). Very little in this range doesn't appeal to me. All I'm missing are a few Polish para's and yes I'm very much looking forward to upcoming releases. I fear I'll also be close to a completist in the RAF and USAAF lines in the near future.
My interests are too wide ranging for me to be a completist. I collect many manufacturers (basically, whatever strikes my fancy) and time periods from ancient Greece through WW2. The closest I come to a complete range is JJD's Jacobites and I'm behind on those! -- lancer

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