How's the Civil War? (1 Viewer)


Sergeant First Class
Jun 7, 2012
Hello all! I have been looking into the American Civil War line of K&C and wanted to see what everyone thought about them. How are they overall as a line? I know they have not come out with any new figures as of late so I am not sure if that means anything or not. Thanks!
I have quite a few and they are very nicely done. However, they haven't issued any in quite awhile; 19th Century US is not a big focus for them.
it's a shame:redface2:
Kings X as a subsidiary of K & C in the United States should release the series of the Alamo, Civil War, West, ........ (19th US)

Hello all! I have been looking into the American Civil War line of K&C and wanted to see what everyone thought about them. How are they overall as a line? I know they have not come out with any new figures as of late so I am not sure if that means anything or not. Thanks!

They are beautiful. I am hooked on Civil War after getting my Texas Show Figure!! But when will there be a release again?

I have quite a few and they are very nicely done. However, they haven't issued any in quite awhile; 19th Century US is not a big focus for them.

..It does not seem to be......

it's a shame:redface2:
Kings X as a subsidiary of K & C in the United States should release the series of the Alamo, Civil War, West, ........ (19th US)


Francisco, I share your dismay in the lack of West, Civil War also Rough stated before American's as a whole really. Again it has been ten months on even WW2 soldiers. I am really wanting to go with these lines but that is if they are carried on. I have not collected the Alamo yet however. Kings X is a how they say here....a brick and mortar store that sells KC's product. They are not a design element and do not have the power to start or assume lines. They do not even really have their own website. It is a small mirror of the Hong Kong website. In the little I have come to know of the place it seems Martin and the young man JP really have their act together and are quite knowledgeable historians; collectors and modelers.

I wonder if KC corporate is missing opportunities by these fellas being more involved with and to design, conceptualize and what works in America.
If KC is not going to remain world wide on some of these lines then perhaps short runs could be made and handled out of Kings X and Treefrog...? Why not???

No offense to the operation just some thoughts.

Thank you for the information.
You have good ideas.
I collect US Cavalry.
I want to buy more cavalry and union marines.
Another fine series is the Real West. I hope more of those get made.
Hello all! I have been looking into the American Civil War line of K&C and wanted to see what everyone thought about them. How are they overall as a line? I know they have not come out with any new figures as of late so I am not sure if that means anything or not. Thanks!

Many of the Confederate pieces are retired now and will only get harder to find !
Many of the Confederate pieces are retired now and will only get harder to find !

True PA, but I think the overall deal here is why has it been like 1.5 years since any have been made? Confederate or Union.

Do you know Wayne?

G'day. to the forum , but not to collecting soldiers. Have all the K&C CW's EXCEPT Nathan Bedford Forrest. Yeah, I know...kick me. Anyone sees an ad for one out there, I'd appreciate a PM. ^&grin
G'day. to the forum , but not to collecting soldiers. Have all the K&C CW's EXCEPT Nathan Bedford Forrest. Yeah, I know...kick me. Anyone sees an ad for one out there, I'd appreciate a PM. ^&grin

Great to hear from you. I went to the Texas Toy Soldier Show and among other things I bought a show figure of John Bell Hood. I am hooked on the grey and yellow but also the Union. I love nothing better then the challenge of going after the old ones!! Good luck on your hunt.

I need to know if KC is going to keep it going or not.

I sure hope so.

It has been a while since I have posted in this side of the forum,And the reason is, As everyone pretty much Has stated, If you are just loyal to KC, And you are trying to get 10 or more pieces. It is going to take a couple of years or more to get that much from them. So if you want to complete a set of figures in a short time. try another manufacturer that is in this forum I try to stay away from recommending other manufacturers when I am in another one.. I have 12 pieces ordered in different poses, That wil be released at the middle of this month from another manufacturer, so scout around.
Andy, is approachable and A great man to meet. But there are just too many pots, in the KC Line. I personally am not A patient Man, I want my Interests Filled, in As little time as Possible.
I didn't get any of the union side, but was a completist as far as the Confederates go. They occupy the last shelf of my curio. Battling an unseen enemy.
I too was wondering why K&C have not continued the line.
I too got somewhat frustrated awaiting releases from the K&C ACW series-For what it's worth in my humble opinion the K&C Reb cavalry mounted pieces and the casualties are amongst the best posed mounted figures I have in my collection (see pictures below). But alas if you only stayed loyal to K&C within this era it would not amount to much of a collection-Maybe 40-50 figures or a little more. I managed to get them all except for a few of the very early single Reb infantrymen. George (Warrior) managed to get me a couple of my missing ones at one of the US shows awhile back but I still need a five more to complete the series. Whenever I see the odd one on Ebay it's going for Klondike gold dust.

At last December's London show Rob and myself had a good long chat with Andy and ACW came up in the conversation. Andy hinted at a release back end of this year with a stronger hint at artillery when he asked me Union or Confederate gun crews? I answered as you would expect "Reb-Bronze Guns-Men of Iron". Andy smiled and and said "Leave it to me". I personally live in hope with every dispatch from now until December.

Bob (UKReb)




They are indeed splendid mounted figures Bob and as usual you've brought out the best with them in your scenes. Must confess even though I've not purchase any of this line yet, any K&C artillery would be very hard to resist.

Great pictures of some beautiful figures Bob {bravo}}.......I have a few mounted ACW sets from another manufacturer.....mine are a might shinier though^&grin:salute::



Tell me which ones you're missing. I may have them and would be glad to send them your way.


I made myself a promise to stick with K&C, and only Confederate States. My gr-grandfather was an ordinance sgt. in the 37th AL, Company I, Army of Tennessee. Since his portrait glares down at the Yankees here. :p BUT, my weekend visit to Troops of Time broke the chain and I started picking up Collector's Showcase. Next to each other, it really is hard to tell scale differences and CS makes an artillery piece and appropriate figures. I did get Maj. John Pelham (on horse) and it looks like I'll add the others. Hate to break ranks with K&C but they seem to have other priorities...understood.

You lucky comrades that have shows to go to, please remember my quest for NBF!


By the way, UKReb, kudos on a well placed collection!!! It's inspiring.

In a Photoshopped watercolor image, Major John Pelham (normally an artillery commander) directs a charge on a Union position with elements of the 5th Texas and others. Oh well, my army - my scenario! :rolleyes2:
View attachment 99481

In a Photoshopped watercolor image, Major John Pelham (normally an artillery commander) directs a charge on a Union position with elements of the 5th Texas and others. Oh well, my army - my scenario! :rolleyes2:

Great soldiers and picture Bob. Like I have posted before...if KC continues the line I am going to hunt these all down from current dealers to the secondary market. Did you get one of the John Bell Hood Figures? Very nice indeed. I do not know if they are still available but they might be at Kings X or I have seen some on Ebay. A must have.

Post more pictures of your collection. I have much of mine in display cases and curios as well.


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