you know...
it just all depends on the climate you like...
you like it cold...
I like it hot...
to each his own...
I don't want to wear an undershirt...
long johns...
a flannel shirt...
a sweater...
a coat...
a muffler...
and ear muffs to go get groceries...
a hot climate does not shut down roads...
and make me a captive in my own house...
housebound til it clears up...
and you tell my friend Larry...and yourself...
to find another weather channel to watch...
New England does get hurricanes and flooding...
a long history of hurricanes...
deadly and costly hurricanes...
most recently you must remember Sandy and Irene...
just to mention some of the most recent...
Yup, all depends on the climate you like.
When I was younger, I loved the Summer; beach every weekend, pool everyday after work, I was hitting the weights like a madman, used to love to go to Cape Cod, go to the beach, hit happy hour, go out at night, hit the clubs, had a ball, had the time of my life, I looked like George Hamilton, all you could see was my teeth and my eyes.
Labor Day used to depress me, the drive off of the Cape was sad, wouldn't see the beach for another year.
Now; forget it.
Four or five years ago I did a wargaming show in July.
In Fredericksburg VA.
The day we unloaded, it was 98, hot and humid.
The genius running the show was from Louisiana, he shut the AC off in the building as we had both overhead doors open, his comment was "Its nice and hot in here, keeps the blood flowing, AC is for babies, so deal with it."
At one point, I thought I was going to pass out, got dizzy and light headed, went back to the hotel, took a shower, changed my soaking wet clothes, bought several bottles of Gatorade and a cooler, loaded it with ice and went back.
Insanity, that's dangerous, beyond stupid.
I told you already the time I visited my friend in Horseshoe bay in May about 15 years ago.
When I got off the plane, I felt like I was a mile from the sun, by the time we got to her car, I was drenched.
It was Africa hot, at night when you went outside, it was oppressively muggy and humid, I went through 47 bottles of Gold Bond in two weeks.
We can go round and round on this all day long; you fellas from the great state of Texas like it Africa hot, I don't.
End of story.
And Sandy missed us, it clobbered NJ and PA, but missed us.
We are not in hurricane alley here, we're inland, so by the time a hurricane works it's way up the coast and hits us, it's weakened a great deal.
Enjoy the rest of the Summer.
I know I won't.