I almost forgot I collect AZW..... (1 Viewer)


Aug 25, 2012
Is it just me or wbritains only releasing ACWs and not much else in 2013. Note: No disrespect for ACW collectors intended... Almost nothing has been released this year with respect to AZW. I also collect the war on the nile but that seems to have dried up too (pun intended) While I can appreciate that wbritains is trying to add new clients via key ACW anniversaries but I think they are starting to alienate existing clients who already buy their products? We have already seen the spring catalogue and just 20121 has been released from the WINTER catalogue todate wth respect to AZW? I can't remember that last war on the nile figure I bought... I give Britains credit for keeping their prices inline while maintaining their high standards but I am guessing the production is being shifted to keep ACW on track during these anniversaries... Am I the only one starting to feel slighted?
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Is it just me or wbritains only releasing ACWs and not much else in 2013. Note: No disrespect for ACW collectors intended... Almost nothing has been released this year with respect to AZW. I also collect the war on the nile but that seems to have dried up too (pun intended) While I can appreciate that wbritains is trying to add new clients via key ACW anniversaries but I think they are starting to alienate existing clients who already buy their products? We have already seen the spring catalogue and just 20121 has been released from the WINTER catalogue todate wth respect to AZW? I can't remember that last war on the nile figure I bought... I give Britains credit for keeping their prices inline while maintaining their high standards but I am guessing the production is being shifted to keep ACW on track during these anniversaries... Am I the only one starting to feel slighted?

There are quite a few AZW releases in the pipeline. Check out the TF catalog. We just have to be a little patient, one fig has already arrived at dealers. Chris
They have been thin on the ground. The one figure they did release they didn't have enough to go around. My dealer didn't receive his full quota. He does assure me that he will be getting some more so fingers crossed.
I'm more concerned with the timing...I had placed some pre-orders with the hope of spreading them out over two or three months -- now I'm thinking they'll all hit at once and that bill will come due all at once!
I am happy with the announced releases for 2013. Let's wait and see what happens in 2014.

I imagine that with the 150th anniversary of the Civil War in full swing and this year being a pivotal year in that war, what with the battle of Gettysburg, they are/were trying to capitalize on business opportunities the remembrance of the third year of the war presented.
It is difficult keeping motivated with the Zulu series as the releases are far and few between. Seems there will be number during Sept-Nov, but this seems along way off and from past experience there is every chance some of these will be pushed out to a further date. I know there must be something amiss as I have felt little financial pressure from Britain's for the last year, which has suited, as the other makers have been pushing my pocket heavily. My series of Zulu, Nile & Durbar could be revived with some mounted figures and would be most welcome, but I would not hold my breath, could be years away, if ever. Still love all the series, but starting to consider them as completed. Robin.
Hi all, not wanting to sink anyone's boat but remember we still have the 150th anniversaries for the 1864 and 1865 battles still to come.

I am happy with the announced releases for 2013. Let's wait and see what happens in 2014.


Good point i think the key word is announced....if Britains did not have such tempting products in the pipeline people would not be so concerned about the delays. Now saying all that do u think k&c collectors would not have an uproar if dispatches were three months late
We have had quite an eventful year, and I'm sure Ken will announce what we have in the pipeline when he's ready, but I do know that there are more AZW figures and sets on the way .....

At least I know that I have been making new figures and sets ....:) I think it's safe to say that ?

I cannot say anything about what or when though .
I can understand how other collectors feel about not having their favorite series of figures produced. But the 150th anniversary of the ACW here in the states is quite significant to the USA. Some one correct Me if I am wrong, but ACW collecting is the second or third most most collected figures on the market now. Even though I am an ACW collector myself, that is 98% of my collection as of now. Best regards to all collectors and happly collecting: "Mr Colt 45"
We have had quite an eventful year, and I'm sure Ken will announce what we have in the pipeline when he's ready, but I do know that there are more AZW figures and sets on the way .....

At least I know that I have been making new figures and sets ....:) I think it's safe to say that ?

I cannot say anything about what or when though .

Thanks so much for letting folks know there are more Anglo-Zulu War sets imminent Alan! I am glad you noticed this as I have been very busy these days and haven't had a chance to catch up much less post!
I thought I should let you know that our entire creative team has been engaged in researching and creating new models for existing ranges, and new ranges for 2014. I think many of you will be happy with some of our new choices, I know we are all excited about them.

Although I will not disclose what is coming in the Summer catalog, I would like to remind our AZW collectors that the Spring catalog had a nice offering for your collections and these are well into production.
20132 "Captain Younghusband's Forlorn Hope"
20119 Commissary Dalton Standing Firing No. 2
20124 "Martini's Harvest" 2 Zulu Warrior casualties.
20131 "Stuck" 24th Foot OR and Zulu hand to hand.
20130 "Pulleine's End" Lt. Colonel Pulleine and Zulu hand to hand set.
20135 Zulu Warrior uMbonambi Regiment.
20123 "A Pistol indeed' 2 piece 24th Foot set.
20129 "Seaman Aynsley's Demise" hand to hand set with R.N. Seaman and 2 Zulus.

This offering alone will add 8 new choices totaling 15 new figures to your collection, and we promise you that we have fully committed to creating further interesting additions to the AZW in upcoming catalogs.
I hope this helps a bit!
Ken Osen
W. Britain
Thanks so much for letting folks know there are more Anglo-Zulu War sets imminent Alan! I am glad you noticed this as I have been very busy these days and haven't had a chance to catch up much less post!
I thought I should let you know that our entire creative team has been engaged in researching and creating new models for existing ranges, and new ranges for 2014. I think many of you will be happy with some of our new choices, I know we are all excited about them.

Although I will not disclose what is coming in the Summer catalog, I would like to remind our AZW collectors that the Spring catalog had a nice offering for your collections and these are well into production.
20132 "Captain Younghusband's Forlorn Hope"
20119 Commissary Dalton Standing Firing No. 2
20124 "Martini's Harvest" 2 Zulu Warrior casualties.
20131 "Stuck" 24th Foot OR and Zulu hand to hand.
20130 "Pulleine's End" Lt. Colonel Pulleine and Zulu hand to hand set.
20135 Zulu Warrior uMbonambi Regiment.
20123 "A Pistol indeed' 2 piece 24th Foot set.
20129 "Seaman Aynsley's Demise" hand to hand set with R.N. Seaman and 2 Zulus.

This offering alone will add 8 new choices totaling 15 new figures to your collection, and we promise you that we have fully committed to creating further interesting additions to the AZW in upcoming catalogs.
I hope this helps a bit!
Ken Osen
W. Britain

Ken, I appreciate the update and the outlook for 2014... and I am not going to be cheeky and ask how are we making out on the winter catalogue items? But would like to know what is happening with the modelzone AZW exclusive now that the firm is experiencing financial issues?
Sorry for the delay but it has been very busy here,
Please feel free to ask any questions you might have and I will be happy to answer as best as I can.

I am well aware of the great time lag between the issuing of catalogs and the delivery of product to the marketplace. This has been an issue since day one and it is always at the forefront of our thoughts. We are working hard to minimize this as we move forward, but it will take some time to change.
Perhaps this is the downside of issuing four full color catalogs a year that show both in stock items and future releases. With that said however, I feel it is a tradition well worth continuing.

In the future we will be offering a small selection of special monthly releases with details to follow on that soon.

The exclusive sets have been popular with the shops that have commissioned them to date and we are hoping that others will participate in the program in the future.

The special Anglo-Zulu War set recently advertised by Modelzone will be available very soon.We have had to react to the unfolding situation of these shops too and have decided that this new set will be marketed through our W. Britain Collectors Club. We are working out the details with our U.K. partners at the moment so we can print the updated information in the Summer catalog and The Standard. The details are still a work in progress so I ask that you please not speculate. I will post the full information as soon as I have it in the various public spaces, the catalog and The Standard.

We have already developed a good number of Anglo-Zulu War products along with figures and accessories for all of our larger ranges. We have released so many new multi-figure American Civil War sets that several new items for this range (and ones close to my heart mind you!) will skip a catalog and will be offered in the Fall selection.

We will also be launching a few new ranges over the next few months but more on that when the time comes.

I hope some of this will help answer questions, or at least give you a sense that many things will be made clear soon. As always thank you for your interest in W. Britain products, our creative team and I really appreciate it!

All the Best,
Kenneth Osen
General Manager & Creative Director
W. Britain/First Gear

It appears that 20121 - THE EVACUATION OF THE HOSPITAL NO.6 - 24TH FOOT LYING WOUNDED WITH AHC ATTENDANT has sold out. My dealer says he didn't get his full order and is waiting on some more. Was there a shortage? Are more being made?

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