I like K & C but sometimes!!!!!! (2 Viewers)

I'd love to see one of these 71 Ton Monsters from K&C.With the 128mm gun and 250mm armour it was a beast on the Battlefield.Despite its pro's it did not have a glorious History by any means and although 150 of these were ordered considerably less were produced.Another problem was the fact that many European bridges simply could not take its massive weight,however despite all this, with that gun it could take out allied armour at long distances almost with immunity. Terry gave a good example the other day of it being defeated by a group of the ever reliable Shermans who penetrated the Jagdtigers side armour when a panicked driver exposed his side armour when trying to flee.

Some were destroyed by Allied airpower and the dwindling German fuel supply forced some crews to abandon these huge AFV's.I think this would be a stunning release and I'd sign up straight away;)


I think it was a silly diversion of resources desperately needed elsewhere. Contemporary German tank guns such as the 8.8 cm KwK 43 L/71, 7.5 cm KwK 42 L/70 and even the venerable 7.5 cm KwK 40 L/48 were more than enough to deal with Allied armor. The Jagdpanzer 38(t) (Sd.Kfz. 138/2) "Hetzer" was a far more practical weapon system considering Germany's situation at that point of the war.
I think it was a silly diversion of resources desperately needed elsewhere. Contemporary German tank guns such as the 8.8 cm KwK 43 L/71, 7.5 cm KwK 42 L/70 and even the venerable 7.5 cm KwK 40 L/48 were more than enough to deal with Allied armor. The Jagdpanzer 38(t) (Sd.Kfz. 138/2) "Hetzer" was a far more practical weapon system considering Germany's situation at that point of the war.

Frank,without doubt not a sensible or practical use of resources,but impressive nonetheless:cool:

I think it was a silly diversion of resources desperately needed elsewhere. Contemporary German tank guns such as the 8.8 cm KwK 43 L/71, 7.5 cm KwK 42 L/70 and even the venerable 7.5 cm KwK 40 L/48 were more than enough to deal with Allied armor. The Jagdpanzer 38(t) (Sd.Kfz. 138/2) "Hetzer" was a far more practical weapon system considering Germany's situation at that point of the war.

I agree absolutely. And don't forget the long barreled Stug as a top notch tank killer. But since they did make a Jagdtiger (about 75 produced), they are a legitimate part of history and I would like to have one. Only 2 schwere Panzerjäger-Abteilungs (512 and 653) had them, so we could even get the correct unit emblem on it.

I think it was a silly diversion of resources desperately needed elsewhere. Contemporary German tank guns such as the 8.8 cm KwK 43 L/71, 7.5 cm KwK 42 L/70 and even the venerable 7.5 cm KwK 40 L/48 were more than enough to deal with Allied armor. The Jagdpanzer 38(t) (Sd.Kfz. 138/2) "Hetzer" was a far more practical weapon system considering Germany's situation at that point of the war.
Very true statement. The powers that were in Nazi Germany never could concentrate their efforts where they were needed, thankfully. Too many different weapon systems in developement and too many departments (read Hitler) involved. Heck, what did they think they were going to do with the Maus? Should have built more Panthers. -- lancer
Very true statement. The powers that were in Nazi Germany never could concentrate their efforts where they were needed, thankfully. Too many different weapon systems in developement and too many departments (read Hitler) involved. Heck, what did they think they were going to do with the Maus? Should have built more Panthers. -- lancer

Yep and the V Weapons were never going to win the war either,as you say more Panthers and Stugs.

Very true statement. The powers that were in Nazi Germany never could concentrate their efforts where they were needed, thankfully. Too many different weapon systems in developement and too many departments (read Hitler) involved. Heck, what did they think they were going to do with the Maus? Should have built more Panthers. -- lancer

Panzer IVs would likely have been sufficient against the Shermans, especially since since Allied air superiority gave no place for the big Tigers to maneuver anyway. Although more tanks may not have been the answer - they were running out of trained tank crews and crew replacements too.

Panzer IVs would likely have been sufficient against the Shermans, especially since since Allied air superiority gave no place for the big Tigers to maneuver anyway. Although more tanks may not have been the answer - they were running out of trained tank crews and crew replacements too.

True enough Terry, but as you know, the big threat were the Russians. The Mk5's and 6's were needed in the east as well as more assault guns. That 2 front war problem is a real nutcracker. -- lancer
Out of respect for Terry I won't post an amour poll,but I warn him its only temporary!.:D.I don't think theres any harm in them,its just a bit of fun to see who wants what.They can get too much if theres one after another but now and again is not hurting anyone.


I have to agree with Rob, there is no harm done on Polls. some might say its a waste of time and space. But, we are in a forum Where ideas and Opinions are shared. That by itself we are spending time and space. My bet is that we enjoy it. So why Not? share opinions in a Poll and Such.
Hitlers arrogance made him think he could first sudue Britain and then Russia.He must have counted on the traditional quick victory and not the long hard fight he faced in both theatres.

I have to agree with Rob, there is no harm done on Polls. some might say its a waste of time and space. But, we are in a forum Where ideas and Opinions are shared. That by itself we are spending time and space. My bet is we are enjoy it. So why Not? share opinions in a Poll and Such.

Thanks Spartan,they are just a bit of fun and its great to see where other folk vote.I fully agree about sharing this wonderful hobby,I'm sure my friend Terry doesn't mind the odd poll now and again;):cool:

Hitlers arrogance made him think he could first sudue Britain and then Russia.He must have counted on the traditional quick victory and not the long hard fight he faced in both theatres.

Well the simple solution is to not start the second until you finish the first.;) But then Napoleon had a bit of a problem with that as well. In both cases, fortunately for us I think.:)
I should have spoken up about this quite some time ago, I posted early on in this thread, but after reading it in its entirety I felt compelled to say a few things.

I am not sure what level I am as far as collecting. My collection seems to be pretty decent in size, but without knowing the true vastness of anyone else’s I can’t say for sure. To that end I do collect from a few manufacturers, but without a doubt K&C dominates my collection by percentage and value. There are many reasons for this and as has been said by other collectors, I buy what I like. But there is so much more to K&C than what they produce.

For me there is no “I like K & C but sometimes”, for me there is only “I love K&C.”

The very fist time I met Andy at the Westcoaster through Mike & Myszka at Sierra, I was in awe. I was meeting the creative force behind the hobby that I loved. After only a few moments I knew why I liked K&C so much and why my loyalty to them and their products would be eternal. After using every superlative I could Andy started to ask me questions. I was shocked. Here was a man who was at the pinnacle of his business and he was interested in what I had to say about what he had created, what I liked about a particular item and what I did not like. The times that I have had the pleasure of speaking with Andy tells me everything I need to know about him and his company. His voice and his actions have earned my business and that loyalty is forged in his customer service and his outright respect for collectors.

And it is not just Andy that reflects these values. He surrounds himself with people who are extensions of these ideals. His brother Gordon has always accepted my compliments, while at the same time downplaying his own genius. And like his brother, he always wants to know what I like and what I do not like about a particular diorama. I know a few artists and very few, if any, ever ask me what I do and do not like about their artwork. But Gordon listens intently and shares his views and reasons for his creations.

And then there is Patrick. I can’t say enough about him. The minute I met him I knew why Andy had hired him. He was made for what he does. Again, like Andy and Gordon he takes the time to listen and then follows up by wanting to know more about one’s likes and dislikes. And I will always consider him in the highest regard because I have noticed how he remembers each and every collector. I was riding up in the elevator at last years Westcoaster having just arrived. Patrick got in the elevator and immediately called me by name and extended his hand. I spent maybe 15 minutes talking to him the year before, and yet he recognized one year later.

And of course there are so many others at K&C that help make my hobby a reality. I can’t mention K&C and forget about Helen. She is another example of Andy and his customer service based values. Always wanting to know what K&C can do better. Her concern for the individual collector and their needs cannot be understated.

I could go on and on, but in my opinion, suffice to say, K&C are the best in the business. And it is not just their superior products that have put them there. Andy and the team he has assembled are King & Country, the superior products are just a byproduct of who they are.
Regarding your comment :
"As someone once said "never argue with a man whose paycheck depends on not being convinced."

Just a bit of perspective. As somwone who lived in Hong Kong for 22 years (1975-1997) I saw Andy's business grow from the start as his first shop was next to the shop where my wife worked. I bought K&C long before I ever became a dealer. Whilst I may appear biased because I am a dealer I can assure you I would appear just as biased if I was not a dealer :D.

yes, but sometimes....Hitler entertaining guests?? Himmler relaxing on Adolf's beach chair at his mountain retreat? it goes too far...goose-stepping Parade ground marching soldiers is appealing but a collection of Hitler and his mass-murdering friends having a good ol' time is pretty sick in my opinion...obviously people want it..I don't get it..what's next - crematoriums?
yes, but sometimes....Hitler entertaining guests?? Himmler relaxing on Adolf's beach chair at his mountain retreat? it goes too far...goose-stepping Parade ground marching soldiers is appealing but a collection of Hitler and his mass-murdering friends having a good ol' time is pretty sick in my opinion...obviously people want it..I don't get it..what's next - crematoriums?

I certainly hope not. I agree that the Berghoff series goes to far for me - I don't even collect the LAH series except for the Panzer I and Krupp truck.


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