Idea for new LAH set (1 Viewer)

Joey,i wasn't saying one atrocity was worse than the other.I was trying to say the reason people still get so upset and angry about what the Nazis did to the Jewish people is because(as well as being one of the darkest acts in human history) its still in living memory for thousands of people, and continues to cast a shadow over their lives.Where as of course no one can have an experience of the Romans,it would be bizzare to get personally angry about events of a thousand years ago!.
Also Germany was a modern, civilised and cultured country not an ancient civilisation.

I say people can collect what they like. It makes no difference to me. I just don't understand it myself and dislike the series.

Watever you say about it serving as a warning from history you just know that there are nutters with these miniatures in their Nazi shrines.
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While I believe Andy has the right to manufacturer the LAH series, perhaps the comments on this forum will help him make the decision to stop. But, if he does not stop, more power to him. I won't buy 'em.

And, as my old sweet old grandmother once told me when I was but an itty-bitty babe, on the front porch as she was gently rocking me to sleep in her loving arms, as the sun set gently in the west in a pink glow, "Michael," she said, "who cares a hundred years from now nobody will even remember you, now go to sleep." :p Michael
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Combat said:
... Obviously, it is perfectly reasonable for folks not to collect items they find objectionable. Most have left it at that, but I think it would be something else to suggest that others should not collect or produce certain items ...
I agree with Combat's comments. This forum is about collecting toy soldiers or military miniatures, and a forum member has suggested an idea for a new set. Lost in the emotions of the subject, there is still the proposed idea about the last days in the bunker. Well, I do not think it is a good idea. First, Andy has told me dead and wounded sets are the worst sellers in the DD and WS lines. Alone those lines, I would think a set with a dead Hitler and Eva Braun would be a poor seller. In addition, the subject enflames the passions of many people, and could quickly become very controversial, which is something I think no business needs.:(
I Was hoping Andy would introduce a Few new sets to the Berlin 45 Series, Both SS/H Youth and Russians taking fire and being killed. and also a Dead set for both sides. I think it puts a good perspective on War and the cost to win it. Also it boosts up your diarama.
Hey maybe it could be a (SL) If its not as popular as the other sets. :)

Normally, I would agree about dead & wounded sets but, a personality set like this would have a greater appeal. There is already 3 Hitlers at various stages of the war. Early war (on the balcony) mid-war (in the staff car) late war (in the overcoat). The final scene in the bunker would be the last act set, as it were. I personally don't collect this series however, they are very well done and I can appreciate them on that level. I don't have any heartburn over people who collect these sets. They come from all walks of life. I've heard of Israelis buying them. As I stated before, can we put the political rhetoric aside and discuss Toy Soldiers? We all get that Nazis are bad and that there are still surviving victims out there. If you don't like this line, then don't read this thread. If you have something to add to the discussion (other than ranting on about how evil Nazis are, we take that as wrote) then lets discuss it.
I think that some of the dead/wounded sets work really well,i am thinking of the D-day set "Beach under fire" which i think adds to any beach diorama.But if you look at the old german set of ss dead,they don't look so good to me.It maybe because they are on a base which can make them look unconvincing.
Mr Man said:
Normally, I would agree about dead & wounded sets but, a personality set like this would have a greater appeal. There is already 3 Hitlers at various stages of the war. Early war (on the balcony) mid-war (in the staff car) late war (in the overcoat). The final scene in the bunker would be the last act set, as it were. I personally don't collect this series however, they are very well done and I can appreciate them on that level. I don't have any heartburn over people who collect these sets. They come from all walks of life. I've heard of Israelis buying them. As I stated before, can we put the political rhetoric aside and discuss Toy Soldiers? We all get that Nazis are bad and that there are still surviving victims out there. If you don't like this line, then don't read this thread. If you have something to add to the discussion (other than ranting on about how evil Nazis are, we take that as wrote) then lets discuss it.

I personally didn't see any ranting. I just saw some reasoned opinion. Oh well.

On the subject of a dead Hitler and Eva it wouldn't appeal to me. It seems kind of ghoulish but then i'm not that keen on the Bulge series execution set either.
I'm not hung up on the dead Hitler, it was just one possibility. An alternative might be Hitler, reviewing the HJ Berlin defenders, pinching the cheek of the young boy he is sending off to die? Rather than after the suicide, the moment before? I suppose that I am hung up on doing a Hitler, at the end of it all or, at least that is my suggestion to Andy. Another one that might be interesting is Hitler, awarding Rudel (Stuka pilot) with his final Knight's Cross with gold oak leaves, crossed swords & diamonds.
i think that would be great to do a hans ulrich rudel figure,he was the only one to be awarded the knights cross with golden oakleaves swords and diamonds.i doubt many k/c collectors would have heard of him.
I agree in principle but Rudel didn't receive the higher awards until 1943/44 therefore I feel it would not fit well within the LAH range which is mainly pre/early WWII.

There are still a few pre war 'personalities' that haven't been molded in early black uniforms as yet. And some early vehicles and or artillery (towed?) would make nice additions to the mainly parade theme of past LAH pcs.

Why not cut the political correctness altogether and start a 'Nazi' range that can include early, mid and late variations of personalities etc. A broader range such as that could include the Rudel idea, or even a 'tattered uniformed' Hitler after the bomb attempt, etc.
Maybe some of the collectors haven't heard of Rudel, but Andy sure has. One of the 4 glossy Luftwaffe Pilot figures is intended to be Rudel, and Andy did an Eastern front Stuka in Rudel's markings. I will be presenting my Rudel Stuka to co-sponsor Hans Hedrich, whose uncle was a Stuka pilot, at the Symposium next week.
If I recall correctly, Rudel flew into Berlin during the siege (according to his book "Stuka Pilot). The LAH line does include many pre-war personalities/figures. I grant that it has been more of a parade line. Perhaps the Fall of Berlin line would be a better venue. I like the idea of the towed artillery on parade idea. The howitzer has been done already and the Prime Mover too. That would reduce the initial investment.
I'd be surprised if many of us hadn't heard of Rudel.
My Phillipine Rudel Stuka with Del Prado and K&C figs and vehicles. Not quite K&C but I still like it


  • Rudel at Kursk 1.JPG
    Rudel at Kursk 1.JPG
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I would like to see a Rudolf Hess figure added to this line. He certainly was an interesting character and played a large role in the pre-war days. Maybe throw in his ME110 for good measure.

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