Instead of Waterloo British and French, go in a completely different direction and do all of the major combatants for The Peninsular Campaigns, 1807-1814.
British Infantry, Highlanders, 95th rifles, Dragoons, Hussars, Brunswickers, Portuguese Cacodores, Spanish Infantry, Dragoons, Hussars, Guerillas, French infantry in campaign dress, cavalry, artillery, Swiss, Irish Legion, Kingdom of Naples, Italians, Westphalians, Duchy of Warsaw, Nassau, Confederation of the Rhine, Hesse-Darmstadt, Baden, etc, etc, the list really is endless, you could do hundreds of figures.
I'd too would like to see Austrians, a totally neglected army that was involved in a major way in the 1805, 1809 and 1813-1814 campaigns, Austerlitz, Aspern/Essling, Wagram, on and on it goes.
Fusiliers, Grenadiers, Chasseurs, Grenzer Regiments, Cuirassiers, Hussars, Lancers, Artillerymen, quite a massive army to represent in miniature.
Also, Russians and Prussians would be most welcome too.............