I'm In Arnhem (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
I'm in Arnhem:D:eek:!!!!!!!!!!! It's been a great trip,got loads of pics,but I will be going home tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!:D:eek::cool:
:DI am!!!!!!!! I've missed the forum though!!!!!!!:eek: We went to Arnhem, then the places where the Allies carried out the Operations to get the British Paras back from the other side of the Rhine. After that we went to Rmagen in Germany. The next day (Today!!) we went to te Remagen bridge museum, and I got fright because I thought the bridge at Remagen was still intact!!!!!!:eek::eek::D
Thats great - make sure you share your pictures with us.

And I am sure you also read the bad news about the British Paras - we were all upset about the news too. Well get back safe and we will look forward to your posts.

The devil's making up a special guest room for you Ron:D

Nothing yet Scott. The K&C site suggests sometime next week.
Hope you had an interesting time over there.

Thanks!!!! Yes very interesting!!!!:D
After I realised there was no bridge at Remagen( :eek: ).
,I was ok until we got to the other side of the Rhine!

At the side where the Americans were there are still two towers, but they have American flags over them, and in the towers is a museum. However when you get to the other two towers at the other side of the Rhine, there is barbed wire, nettles, bushes, and the towers are closed up:( !!!!!!! And there are still German Mavhine guns up there!!!!!:eek:

I thought if you're going to make something good at one side, why not make something good at the other!!!!:eek:
Thanks!!!! Yes very interesting!!!!:D
After I realised there was no bridge at Remagen( :eek: ).
,I was ok until we got to the other side of the Rhine!

At the side where the Americans were there are still two towers, but they have American flags over them, and in the towers is a museum. However when you get to the other two towers at the other side of the Rhine, there is barbed wire, nettles, bushes, and the towers are closed up:( !!!!!!! And there are still German Mavhine guns up there!!!!!

I thought if you're going to make something good at one side, why not make something good at the other!!!!:eek:

I agree. You'd think that they'd do the honourable thing and get rid of the museum and get some barbed wire and machine guns put up on the other tower. :)


You'll probably have heard this already, but did you know that the WWII film about the Ludendorff Bridge "The Bridge at Remagen" actually helped the hardline Soviet elements to drum up a series of scare stories about American tanks moving for the Czech border to support a fifth-columnist régime? Dubcek's "Prague Spring" was crushed in the following weeks, but the film went on to be reasonably popular, trying to show the effect of war from the Allied and the German side, with Robert Vaughn starring as a Nazi officer. (You're too young to have known about the 'Man from UNCLE' series but you would have seen him in the BBC TV series "Hustle").

More about it all here:

http://appalachiacoal.com/Remagen Bridge jul14.01.htm
One of my fav war movies. Well worth watching.

Didn't know about the history behind the release though. Cheers for the info.

My grandfather was in World War II and served with the 1142nd Combat Engineers. He was wounded in November 1944 at Zichen Zuessen Bolder, which was then called Sichen. The school house where he was wounded is still standing today. He got out of the hospital just in time to get caught up in the retreat of the Battle of the Bulge where he got severe frostbite on his feet. They still have a blue tint to this day. His name is William Alga Pace and he will be 94 years old this August.

If any of you would like to see a bunch of WWII photos, over 500, of his unit during the war, you can see them on the "Photos" page on a website I keep for his unit. They are located in the Bill Stephenson gallery.

One day I hope to visit some of the places where his unit stayed.

God bless your grandfather! What a story. Thanks for the link to the photos. Amazing stuff. I am so glad you are keeping your grandfather's memories on line for the future.
So has anyone heard what Andy is going to do about that factory burning down in China?? Its really bad that the British Paras and the new WS figures are put on hold.

Do you think he will use a new factory - I am sure it would only delay production of those British Paras for a few months more - something like an mid-2008 release.
Thanks for the website which is very interesting and has a lot of pictures.

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