Thank Tom for taking the time to work at out the price and £452.00 plus shipping sound about right but still a lot of money with little change of getting a return at a later date if you went to sell it on eBay your be lucky to get £250.00 even before eBay and PayPal take there cut make you think ! Say to me prices have gone up but no improvement in the product, also with there being so much kc stuff on eBay I've had no problem picking up old sets for a fair price so for me nothing old I need made . Just my personal opinion on the hobby
You've mentioned this 'new price verses old price' issue multiple times on TF over the years and it's been the topic of many threads.
It's obvious why prices are going up and it's been explained both on TF and a number of other social media sites in detail and yet you continue to raise this topic like there's some sort of conspiracy going on and we're all being screwed over by K&C and some other TS manufactures.
I've never understood why you and a few others on here, believe that they should be able to sell off parts of their collection for the same price that they paid for it.
If you buy a new car and then try to sell it a year or two later you are not going to get full retail for it. Ok sure it's been used, but so has TS items that have left the retail store, removed from their box and been displayed.
No one is happy about the price increases, especially not the manufacturers who in the long term will also see a loss in profit.
Paying more for something sucks, but thats life.
Be thankful that you are still able to pick up some really good bargains on ebay and other such auction sites. To me thats a positive mate and a fun way to fill in those gaps in your collections.
Look at it this way, if it wasn't for the price increases, you probably wouldn't be able to pick up all those bargains.
Just my opinion.
Cheers Toddy
This set a classic the crew where brilliant just wish the TIGER was to scale with the figures.
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Interesting how you compare toy soldiers to mass production cars , differences is is you probably need a car or van to go to work so it make you money! Toy soldiers are sold on the basis that there hand crafted collectible toy soldiers with a low production number to make them hold there value but when dealers can give you discount and free shipping on a product tell me there must be a big mark up on the price,also where the market is flooded with the stuff and prices are going up every month is killing the hobby , personal I don't buy into materials and production cost are going up every month but more to do with profit margins, at the end of the day you will need a car to get you to work but can you say the same about toy soldiers when tanks cost £200.00 plus and soldiers are £45.00 to £60.00 each make you think is it good value for money !?You've mentioned this 'new price verses old price' issue multiple times on TF over the years and it's been the topic of many threads.
It's obvious why prices are going up and it's been explained both on TF and a number of other social media sites in detail and yet you continue to raise this topic like there's some sort of conspiracy going on and we're all being screwed over by K&C and some other TS manufactures.
I've never understood why you and a few others on here, believe that they should be able to sell off parts of their collection for the same price that they paid for it.
If you buy a new car and then try to sell it a year or two later you are not going to get full retail for it. Ok sure it's been used, but so has TS items that have left the retail store, removed from their box and been displayed.
No one is happy about the price increases, especially not the manufacturers who in the long term will also see a loss in profit.
Paying more for something sucks, but thats life.
Be thankful that you are still able to pick up some really good bargains on ebay and other such auction sites. To me thats a positive mate and a fun way to fill in those gaps in your collections.
Look at it this way, if it wasn't for the price increases, you probably wouldn't be able to pick up all those bargains.
Just my opinion.
Cheers Toddy
...and a new Wall for the Desert Village...
My two requests would be:
View attachment 186024 View attachment 186025
Here's hoping!
Now Kc releases TRW series with slightly different color schemes. I hope the set TRW 030 Deadhorse. comes into a different color schemes!
View attachment 189412
Bogart's Lee is a real K&C classic. Perhaps the first of the movie vehicles? I would love to see this little guy revisited.How about updated remakes of real classics....The desert Matilda or Bogart's" Sahara " Lee...?
Bogart's Lee is a real K&C classic. Perhaps the first of the movie vehicles? I would love to see this little guy revisited.