Very true, Pat! That's why I refuse to buy Mig-anything. All he's done is to take things that are available on the market and combine and slap a label on it. Weathering chalks? Ha! I got myself a set of pastel chalks in earth tones at a local art store, a dozen colors from ochre to black, for $10, and they'll last me for years. Rust colors? Try real rust, grind it fine, or use a piece of sandpaper to grind it. Mix it with a drop or two of water and Elmer's glue--wait, no! I'm so Dutchy, I save the little bottles of white glue that come with some pre-fab furniture, I use that--mix with a toothpick and apply.
As the Frug used to say, "Frugal does not mean cheap--it means you don't waste anything!"