Introducing Loggerhead Military Studio! (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Feb 2, 2011
We have received in stock 2 items from Louise Handley from Loggerhead Military Studio in the UK. These are approximately 4.5" tall.
She has been painting resin and metal cast figurines for 25 years. Loggerheads Military Studio was formed in 2008 and aims to provide high quality, professionally finished Military Busts and Military Figures for the collector.

We currently have 2 options up for purchase on the Treefrog Website:
Sergeant Royal Artillery - 100mm

RSM Scots Guards, 1878 - 100mm

Fun photo from her studio!

I bought one of her wonderful 120 mm figures at the OTSN, and they are even better in person!
I ordered the German Infantryman a few weeks ago and it's now on the way ^&cool

She needs to make an Israeli...I know a guy who would buy it :)
She does comissions so if you're interested I'd contact Louise through her website.
The World War 1 120mm figures are sculpted in the United Kingdom by a very talented artist David Scheinmann.

The three WW1 figures currently stocked by Treefrog Treasures are the first in a range of nine. There is an additional six figures which David is currently in the process of completing.

Below are a few pictures of the work in progress of the full range including the original samples I painted for David.

  • [1]French Infantryman 1916
    [2]British Infantryman 1914 with leather equipment
    [3]British Lewis Gunner wearing leather jerkin
    [4]Highland Infantry
    [5]German Infantryman 1916
    [6]British Cavalryman

David Scheinmann.JPG
I believe they are Cheshire Volunteer by Alex Williams. I remember the adverts in Military Modelling during the 90's

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