Is this ALL of N.Africa Sets for 2007? (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Apr 28, 2005
:( The NEW N. Africa Sets are Cool, the Panzer II, and the Motorcycle Team is GREAT; but, hopefully there is going to be MUCH MORE Infantry, Vehicles, and Artillery for this WW2 ERA, N. Africa! I Love the Camels and Vichy French also! I thought Andy would give us an Italian M-13/40 Tank, Semovente 40-Self-Propelled, Italian 6-Man Fighting Infantry, Breda-MG Team, Mortar Team, and Motorcycle "Dispatch Rider"? ------------------------ ON the German-DAK side, A NEW Panzer IV Tank( Short Barrel)--(6-Man Attacking/Fighting Infantry), possible Tank Rider's, or Walking Patrol; and a OPEL TRUCK/MAULTIER, Towing Nebelwerfer?--------Suprise Us Andy? Please Make it Happen! Thankyou! I Love this Stuff!
Come on John,give him a chance.

There is also another point here.As popular as AK/EA is, its not THE most popular of the WW2 stuff.Can't expect stuff all the time,i would imagine there would be more D Day releases and possibly Bulge before we get more north Africa.

There is also another point here.As popular as AK/EA is, its not THE most popular of the WW2 stuff.Can't expect stuff all the time,i would imagine there would be more D Day releases and possibly Bulge before we get more north Africa.


Can you hear the people chanting:rolleyes:BATTLE OF THE BULGE, BATTLE OF THE BULGE.........???? OK it's just me!!!!:eek:

I think Andy has made really great pieces!!!!:D I mean I'm not really into the WW2 Africa Theatre, but even I am really attracted to the German tank!!!!!:eek:

I don't mean to sound stupid, but what do Italian Blackshirts mean????:eek:
Can you hear the people chanting:rolleyes:BATTLE OF THE BULGE, BATTLE OF THE BULGE.........???? OK it's just me!!!!:eek:

I think Andy has made really great pieces!!!!:D I mean I'm not really into the WW2 Africa Theatre, but even I am really attracted to the German tank!!!!!:eek:

I don't mean to sound stupid, but what do Italian Blackshirts mean????:eek:

They were an Italian fascist paramilitary group loyal to Mussolini. I guess the ones fighting in North Africa were similar to the Waffen SS except poorly equipped and a bit crappy.

Personally I'd have preferred to see regular troops with the excellent MkII. Having said that they do add to the variety of the DAk range though.

That DAK tank commander must be cursing his luck being lumbered with those guys for infantry support! lol
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The Italian Fascist movement, which came to power in the early 1920s (1922 I believe) was the model for the NASDAP, the Nazi Party. Mussolini dressed his version of the storm troopers in black shirts. Hitler and Rohm used brown shirts. Mussolini had gained power by marching on Rome. In his 1923 Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler tried to emulated Mussolini by doing the same. Hitler borrowed many features of his movement from Mussolini.
They were an Italian fascist paramilitary group loyal to Mussolini. I guess the ones fighting in North Africa were similar to the Waffen SS except poorly equipped and a bit crappy.

They may have fought poorly but they looked great.
The Italian Fascist movement, which came to power in the early 1920s (1922 I believe) was the model for the NASDAP, the Nazi Party. Mussolini dressed his version of the storm troopers in black shirts. Hitler and Rohm used brown shirts. Mussolini had gained power by marching on Rome. In his 1923 Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler tried to emulated Mussolini by doing the same. Hitler borrowed many features of his movement from Mussolini.

The Nazis had some very unsual influences didn't they? From Italy to Tibet, not to mention the mysticism and using the swastika as a political symbol.
Personally I'd have preferred to see regular troops with the excellent MkII. Having said that they do add to the variety of the DAk range though.

That DAK tank commander must be cursing his luck being lumbered with those guys for infantry support! lol

:D He's probably wondering what he's going to be having for dinner in the British POW camp. Black shirts in the blazing hot desert, great sense of fashion!:rolleyes:
I believe they took the swastika from the Thule Society, an early precursor of the Nazi Party. However, I think they got it from India. I have to consult my sources to confirm that.
They were an Italian fascist paramilitary group loyal to Mussolini. I guess the ones fighting in North Africa were similar to the Waffen SS except poorly equipped and a bit crappy.

Personally I'd have preferred to see regular troops with the excellent MkII. Having said that they do add to the variety of the DAk range though.

That DAK tank commander must be cursing his luck being lumbered with those guys for infantry support! lol

Just to straighten out a misconception, the vast majority of the troops under Rommel's command in North Africa were Italians. Many of the Italian Infantry formations fought very well for the Germans in both North Africa and on the Russian Front. The problem with Italian formations was twofold: the Italian officers sucked and the Italian troops were incredibly poorly equipped, particularly in motor vehicles, Armor and Artillery. Italian troops under German command were often instrumental in Rommel's successes. I suspect that the Black Shirts, along with other elite units like the Bersiglieri, were among the troops that fought well.
The Nazis had some very unsual influences didn't they? From Italy to Tibet, not to mention the mysticism and using the swastika as a political symbol.


I checked and the Thule Society contributed the swastika. This society was founded towards the end of World War I, just as the German revolution was beginning. It was an anti-semitic pan-german sect that was named after the supposed location of ultimate Aryan purity, Iceland, and used the swastika to denote its racial priorities.

What was interesting about the Thule Society is that it contained several members who were to be prominent in the Nazi Party such as Hans Frank, Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg and Dietrich Eckart. One of its newspapers, the Volkischer Beobachter (the Racial Observer), was eventually purchased by the Nazi Party. It was from this society that a member made contact with Anton Drexler, who founded the Nazi Party. So, this group was quite influential in the formation of the Nazi Party.
Just to straighten out a misconception, the vast majority of the troops under Rommel's command in North Africa were Italians. Many of the Italian Infantry formations fought very well for the Germans in both North Africa and on the Russian Front. The problem with Italian formations was twofold: the Italian officers sucked and the Italian troops were incredibly poorly equipped, particularly in motor vehicles, Armor and Artillery. Italian troops under German command were often instrumental in Rommel's successes. I suspect that the Black Shirts, along with other elite units like the Bersiglieri, were among the troops that fought well.

I'm really not sure the Blackshirts would qualify as an elite unit. They were poorly trained and poorly equipped fanatics from what I understand (which admittedly isn't a huge amount)

However the Italians did have a number of fine divisions including Folgore (whose paras we would like to see! Ariete (a favourite on this board:) ) and Bersiglieri which you mentioned. All of whom served well in North Africa.

I guess the problem the Italians faced was that the vast majority of their army just didn't have their hearts in it to fight and die for a mad dictator.
Hi Guys,

Re my response to John’s plaintive plea...“Well, actually it’s not all I have planned for North Africa in 2007’s all I’m going to tell you about at this moment in time!”

Now, that’s not me or K&C being coy or clever it’s just good, common business sense. As most of you know even the best laid plans can, due to circumstances, (seen as well as unseen) be changed, altered or even dropped.

Over the years I’ve seen companies (including K&C) sometimes promise too much...and then have to disappoint their collectors when such and such an item fails to appear or turns up later than expected.

It’s better, sometimes, to shut up and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt!

Best New Year wishes and...happy collecting!

Andy C. Neilson
Hi Guys,

Re my response to John’s plaintive plea...“Well, actually it’s not all I have planned for North Africa in 2007’s all I’m going to tell you about at this moment in time!”

Now, that’s not me or K&C being coy or clever it’s just good, common business sense. As most of you know even the best laid plans can, due to circumstances, (seen as well as unseen) be changed, altered or even dropped.

Over the years I’ve seen companies (including K&C) sometimes promise too much...and then have to disappoint their collectors when such and such an item fails to appear or turns up later than expected.

It’s better, sometimes, to shut up and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt!

Best New Year wishes and...happy collecting!

Andy C. Neilson

Speculation anyone??? :rolleyes: More tea vicar.......:D LOL

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