I went over to Jeff's house to deliver a templar figure. Also had a look at his growing collection.
We straightened out the ladder on his medieval siege display. Decided to put the ladder at a steeper angle to minimise the stress when figures are placed on it. I had a chance to look at the ladder. the metal ladder appears to be cast wholly in one piece so it is expected that overtime, this will bend. I think that a more permanent solution is to epoxy strips of steel wire along the edges to strengthen it.
As he had bought a grassy mat, we decided to put a raised platform under the Custer display to create a simple knoll. I think that this heightens the display dramatically.
He has bought another huge display from Scandinavia to represent rocky terrain. It is now placed in his storeroom until he can source for matching US cavalry to place in this scene.
He also had a massive Rorke's drift with house and sandbags, british soldiers and zulus {all WM Britains} but I didn take a picture.