Jenkins verses Frontline (1 Viewer)

Aussie Monty

Mar 10, 2007
Gentlemen and Ladies,

With PolarBear's excellent photo's and story's (cool man cool :cool:) and now mixing of Jenkin's and Frontline figures, I have some questions for you all.

I do not own any of the new French Indian War Frontline figures (I have a number of the Old Nap & Zulu Sets) and was looking at buying some Frontline FWI figures to fill out the ranks for a battle set up.

What is anyone's opinion of the two sets of figures as far as the following goes:

1. Compatibility of Figures (are they the same size, paint standard and shape, can you tell the difference if sets placed together)

2. Quality of Overall Figures (painting, scalping & poses)

3. Quality of the Painting

4. Price of each figure (John's new sets are running at approx $26 USD and Frontline at approx $22 USD)

5. Limited or not Limited (that is the question)

6. Number of Releases of New Sets

Here's my thoughts:

1. Compatibility - No comment on New Frontline v Jenkins (as I have none), but comparing the Old Frontline to Jenkins, we all know the answer there NOT COMPATIBLE.

2. Quality - Jenkins 9.5/10 (but I am a hard marker) v Old Frontline 5/10.

3. Painting - Jenkins 9/10 v Old Frontline 6/10

4. Price - At $26 (Jenkins) best figures around at that price. But do not tell John. :D

5. Limited - the more limited the better.

6. Releases - Jenkins 2 or 3 a month v Frontline only averaging 1 per month.

But that's my options ;), any others.
Here are some pictures to compare the JJ and Frontline (newer style) figures.
I like the quality of both of them and don't really would want to pick a better or a worse. The style is simply different. The size is very close as you can see and I would say that there is not problem displaying them together, especially in groups on a larger display they will mix well.


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Here are a few more.
Especially the Indians can be used to make large groups, in my opinion.


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I definitely prefer Jenkins figures because of their animation and variety of poses. I have mixed them with Frontline in dioramas and I think they can work together. Uniformity may be more pleasing to the eye but for realism I think some variety in size and painting style bodes well.
I have sets by both manufacturers, and I prefer and purchase John's toy soldiers. That said, I think Frontline's scuplting for set IFW 1 is fantastic. The problem with too many of Frontlines FI figures is that the scuplting is awkward. Also I don't consider a run of 1,000 figures a limited production.
Just my 2cents

I believe there is a certain style that JJD has which draws me personally.

It looks like the most of the Frontline guys do mix well - I just have the French Flag Set of Frontline with one of my JJD dioramas. Thanks KOGU for the photos of the others.

I am very excited about the upcomming releases for JJD.


I believe there is a certain style that JJD has which draws me personally.


Me too. They have that old school charm - maybe not as "realistic" as some others including Frontline - but I like that style a whole lot.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't John sculpt a number of sets for Frontline in the beginning?

I like them both but Frontline lets the figures run forever it seems and that makes me unintrested. I like limited sets or retirements as long JJD does that I will buy them. Anymore than 500 releases and I probably wont buy them. As for overall quality (I do have a few frontline figures) they are different styles and both are quality figures.
Who can tell me is the most accurate on uniforms and headgear,the grenediers headgear especially look very different.
Who can tell me is the most accurate on uniforms and headgear,the grenediers headgear especially look very different.

Mark, the uniforms of the John Jenkins figures are very accurate as compared to the paintings of David Morier. Morier was commissioned by the Duke of Cumberland (the Captain General of the British Army) to paint the uniform of each regiment (grenadiers especially) of the 1750's. Interestingly though, according to, the 44th and 48th regiments left their uniform coats in Alexandria, VA, and marched to Fort DuQuesne in western Pennsylvania in their waistcoats. If this is so, the grenadiers were probably wearing a forage hat and not their distinguished looking mitre caps - that's just MHO.

The wearing of a waistcoat without the uniform coat was a common practice during the FIW, Rev War, (et al) on long marches and campaigns - kind of a fatigue uniform. More probably than not, the British forces at the Battle of the Monongahela were not dressed in full uniform.

With all this stated, I still think that the John Jenkins figures of the 44th are exquisitely done and I am glad I have collected them.

Actualy John Scuplted a few figures and got Frontline to make them and distribute them for him. Those weren't frontline's! Although if you have any you will see the card inside saying that it is xx of 1000 but only 150 where made of each set. Which makes them very hard to find and expensive to buy when you find them. I'm just glad i found them a few months ago.


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