Dear Gunn Club
Happy 4th July to our American friends and also an exciting month for us as it’s our 3rd Anniversary today! We also release our first armoured car this month in the shape of the SdKfz 234/2 Puma, amongst other items of course!
The Puma has been widely regarded as the forerunner of the modern armoured car and was extremely advanced for its time. So without further ado here are the dispatches:
SS039 Puma comes in 2 versions with the A version being in a Normandy colour scheme and the B version in a winter whitewash. Both vehicles are in the markings of the 1st SS division. Priced at $139 with 175 of each version available this model will be available mid July, order yours soon because at this price and in these limited numbers they will not be around for too long!
Please be aware that the bumper on these models can ‘pop’ out of the front socket holding it in, remember they have travelled 6000 miles to get here! A simple application of superglue will remedy this and your model should be pristine once more.
SS047 Tank Crewman goes nicely with our Puma or any other quality manufacturer of 1/30th scale vehicles! Only armed with a can of oil our crewman will fit on or beside any German vehicle of your choice. Limited to 150 of each version and priced at $32 this figure is also available mid July.
ATW005 ‘Into Action’ features 3 more US Paratroopers fresh off the drop zone and straight into the thick of it! One figure is armed with an M1 Carbine, the other with the M42 Grease gun and last but not least our 3rd figure aims his Springfield rifle at the nearest unlucky German who comes into his sights. The A version sport the latest shade of tan in US Army issue uniform of the 101st Airborne ‘Screaming Eagles’ and the B version sport the 82nd AB Pathfinder camouflaged pattern colour scheme. Priced at $95 for 3 figures and limited to 150 sets of each version, these figures also available mid July.
ATW006 ‘30 Cal Gunner’ gives some much needed fire support to the rest of the rifle section as they move forward. The A version in the uniform of the 101st AB sports a Mohican haircut whilst the B version in a uniform of the 82nd AB calmly smokes a cheroot whilst laying down some covering fire. Limited to 150 of each version and priced at a very competitive $33 this is bound to be one of those figures that if you don’t buy now you will regret the decision later!
NAP018–020 feature 3 more and the final troops for the 95th Rifles.
NAP018 features a kneeling firing Rifleman with or without hat depending on whether you choose the A or B version.
NAP019 comprises a kneeling Rifleman cocking his Baker rifle, the A version wears the Shako hat whilst the B version has a nasty looking head wound.
NAP020 is a kneeling Rifleman reaching behind into his cartridge pouch as he reloads his rifle. The A version wears the standard issue Shako whilst the B version wears a soft forage cap. All available mid July and priced at $34 with just 150 of each version available. Please note these will be the last NAPS for a couple of months as we switch back over to WW1 for a while.
So that’s it for this month folks, we sincerely hope theres something you like.
Vicki Lucas (Marketing Manager)