July dispatches (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Feb 5, 2010
Tuesday 1st is a holiday in Hong Kong, so not sure whether we need to wait until Wednesday. Going into the second half of the year K&C have so many series on the go, pot luck these days working out what may be released. I am hoping some of the earlier series get a shot in the arm like AE, SOTE, MG. The Home Guard, cricket club, John Ford, those waterfront warehouses which are reversible, German Medics and Grey German are all on my hit list. Any thoughts? Robin.
What we need is something left field like an Italian Warbird to go with the IF collection. So how about some of the following: Macci 200 or 202 and then we could have some more airfield support such as petrol tankers and of course we all need some 88mm flak guns for the DAK.

The current collection from K and C continues to delight
What we need is something left field like an Italian Warbird to go with the IF collection. So how about some of the following: Macci 200 or 202 and then we could have some more airfield support such as petrol tankers and of course we all need some 88mm flak guns for the DAK.

The current collection from K and C continues to delight
Italian fighter planes are an unexplored area. Would love to see a Fiat CR.32 or CR.42 or maybe a Fiat G.50. -- Al
Looking forward to the return of Modern Special Operations figures.Seals,British Sas,Russian Spetsnaz!!!If Andy makes it,I'll buy it!!!!Hey,a guy can hope for something can't he?lol
Looking forward to the return of Modern Special Operations figures.Seals,British Sas,Russian Spetsnaz!!!If Andy makes it,I'll buy it!!!!Hey,a guy can hope for something can't he?lol

I am hoping with you, I think the modern sets pieces needs to be retouched again.
In WWII items I am hoping to see a long promised Sumoa or a Hotchkiss tank for 1940 or a long awaited KV-1 for the eastern front. As for NAPs, I would love to see the Waterloo Gatling Gun with a 3 man naval crew.

Im hoping for more British 8th army - Humber Armoured car, Humber Utility vehicle, Desert version of the Jeep, Desert Sherman, some marching or at rest Brit's or at rest or attacking Aussies!

Need British Cruiser tanks:

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If the running gear on the first and second photos looks familiar, the A-9 and A-10, it's because it's essentially the same as that found on the Valentine. My personal favorite of the four is the third model, the A-13, the vehicle that won Beda Fomm. Finally, how could KC not have done an M3 Honey yet??? Boggles the mind.{eek3}
Phantom Warrior;647993 As for NAPs said:
Can't be done. The Gatling gun was phased out in 1812 when the line infantry were equiped with AK47s. Trooper
Can't be done. The Gatling gun was phased out in 1812 when the line infantry were equiped with AK47s. Trooper

Maybe so - but did they phase them all out except for one that Wellington used too stop the French columns and put an end to the battle. I'm sure if it gets made it will be a popular seller. It was it's first successful use.

Right beside the gating gun was the Calico Gun (put the 100 bullets into the container), just in case your on the go and need some fast supporting fire. The troops loved it. Thanks for the remind.
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Maybe so - but did they phase them all out except for one that Wellington used too stop the French columns and put an end to the battle. I'm sure if it gets made it will be a popular seller. It was it's first successful use.


Your research is at fault, Terry, it is an undisputable fact that the first rearward movement of the French occured after the charge of the Eleventy First Light Heffelump Brigade under the command of Sir Hubert Wetherington-Gore, a fearsome warrior who always went into battle wearing a luminous pink wig and his regimental tartan toutou. Trooper
Your research is at fault, Terry, it is an undisputable fact that the first rearward movement of the French occured after the charge of the Eleventy First Light Heffelump Brigade under the command of Sir Hubert Wetherington-Gore, a fearsome warrior who always went into battle wearing a luminous pink wig and his regimental tartan toutou. Trooper

He never wore a pink wig - that was Wraith


And I think you are avoiding the topic of the Waterloo gatling gun because there are no pictures so it will be difficult to get it right. Well, use your imagination.. No harm there.

And there is a photo. Awaiting the French columns at Waterloo Note the 2 gatlings hidden in the line of 6 pdr. horse artillery. No one ever expects gatlingss in a line of 6 pdr's


Now how about one with it's 3 man naval crew.

That photo is of Crazy Horse's firing line at Little Big Horn, not Waterloo ! Check the uniforms. Trooper
Yeah, I remember that picture in a book. If I remember correctly those gatling guns was suppose to be commanded by Lord Nathan Algren, but he changed sides, when he was captured by the French, and fell in love for a widow of a Red Lancer Officer, that he killed, And I do believe she was taking care of his wounds, that is why the feelings were developed.
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