Jumping into first Legion Naps (1 Viewer)

Yep, know the feeling. Like a surgeon, a steady very careful hand, ever so watchful not to move unnecesarily, and at last. It is done. And in your hand is the prize. And you can not help but be awed once you see it. Because it is perfection, or at the very least near it. And you can hardly wait for the next one to come along. And you search for the next one.......
Josh Looks AWSOME!!!! just received Gen. Dorsene. I really enjoy this thread and happy for you and thought I share a pic.



Neil :salute::
Thank you, I'm really enjoying getting into First Legion, they are awesome. The General looks amazing, I can't wait to add him to my own growing collection one day. Congratulations on your own new acquisition!
Ahh, the awesome joy of seeing the UPS man at my door! This joy is only tempered by the terrifying prospect of ever so carefully removing my new figures from First Legion's unyielding packages. Indeed the foam seems loath to reveal their closely guarded treasures, but yield they do. With joy filled eyes and trembling fingers I then do ever so carefully exam each figure and marvel at their detail and color. Bravo First Legion, Bravo! The new Red Lancers are awesome to behold as is the ever fearless Ney. The 18th line officers are perfect and their Eagle is borne with obvious pride, that said I am particularly awed by the amazing Chasseur Eagle bearer. He is probably one of my favorite figures now, the level of detail and emotion conveyed in this figure is beyond compare. I feel as if he will lead the charge across my table right in front of me. Again, well done First Legion/Matt!

Hi Josh,
You could have a future in writing your post is like reading Dickens :wink2: First Legion's Napoleonic line does seem to attract the best and brightest ^&grin. Again Welcome to the Glory that is First Legion :salute:::salute::. regards Gebhard
I am very tempted to buy Ney now, he really does look great. Watchout my General Colbert. You might just be taking orders from Someone.
Thank you for the compliment, it's easy to sound enthusiastic with products this great.

He is magnificient and well worth getting, he will look great in your collection I'm sure.

The General has arrived! He is indeed magnificient and well worth the praise so lavishly heaped upon him by my fellow Treefroggers.


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Finally got the rest of my new acquisitions unpacked, the Old Guard are glorious in their desperation!


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Great acquisitions!!!., they all look great!!. And getting a piece that is long retired, Well that is ...that is just cherry on top!!
Thanks for taking and sharing the pics!!
The General has arrived! He is indeed magnificient and well worth the praise so lavishly heaped upon him by my fellow Treefroggers.

Great stuff Josh , he looks even better surounded by a few of his fellow
Cheers Rob
A few Frenchmen decided to join my wife and I in celebrating our wedding anniversary!


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A few Frenchmen decided to join my wife and I in celebrating our wedding anniversary!

Hi Josh,
First let me congratulate both you and your wife on your Anniversary {bravo}}. Also Great new acquisitions The piper, Drummer and the STANDARD BEARER were the first three figures from the 18th that I bought and can you guess what the 4th was? It was the Sapper who may be my favorite of the unit, I think I posted some pictures of him some time back they did just an incredible job :salute:::salute::. Thanks for adding to this thread I missed your last few posts as I was out of the country on Vaca GREAT STUFF and thanks for sharing .. regards Gebhard
Thank you for the kind words! They are great, I always try to pick up Sapper figures, they are usually my favorite. I too snatched up the standard bearer, I hope to eventually complete the 18th, they are wonderful to behold.
The Old Guard figures are really nice aren't they? Congratulations on your compliment of them. I know I am very happy to have gotten the full release with multiples some time back. The poses are actually pretty versatile. I have them arranged in an assault formation against my British Guards, with some conversions of 108 and 109 to serve as variations of advancing figures. I am also halfway through assembling a full set of the 18th, another excellent release.
Give me night or give me Blucher!


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Is it Grouchy?

Nay, it is the Prussians!


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Thank you, it is a superb figure! I managed it at quite a painful toll, but I had to have it. {sm4}

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