June 2007 Dispatches (1 Viewer)

How typical would it have been for Bormann to appear in a SS uniform?
Great sets.. But how in earth can we afford all of those WWII sets?? I was saving money for the new Glider Troops and Waffen SS, but after seeing the upcoming releases, I don't know how to afford all of them.. A new car has to wait.. I think I'm gonna ride the bus a few years..:eek:
YouTube is an excellent source for finding war film not usually seen on TV.
Excellant link Brad,thank you.I really want that Somua now!


I was going to lobby Andy on the Somua (and may still) but I don't know how interested he may be in making it with the Renault coming down the road.

I really liked that clip about the Char B. Glad Andy made it, esp. the second version.
That you tube is very good isn't it.The film you posted had some excellant clips,might be worth asking Andy about the Somua.You never know!;)

I didn't buy either Char B,kinda wish i had now:rolleyes:
Thank you Brad,that is a reasonable price indeed.

I guess in the scheme of things it wasn't retired that long ago.

Ron is right. Treefrog has one for $89. I wouldn't delay :eek: For some reason, this wasn't as popular as FoB 009 although I like this one better. Approximately 300 were produced. The Chars are some of the best tanks Andy has made.
WHAT DID BRAD SAY ???? :eek: :eek: :eek:

"Ron Was Right ! " - Have I lived long enough for Brad to appreciate my POWER of being RIGHT !!

The World has stopped for just a single moment :D
Don't worry, you'll be wrong again momentarily, and the world will start turning again.
It's true what they say, Ron: the exception does prove the rule. :)
I just found this clipe on Youtube about French pre WW II tanks. Quite interesting. I also placed this in the Suggestion area.

Thanks for the clip Brad, really enjoyed it. I love these French tanks. I've got the Char B1 and will definately be picking up the new Renault. It'd be great to see K&C do the Somua S35 and maybe a Hotchkiss H39 somewhere down the track.

Ya Know, I'm convinced Andy does this to make us crazy!
We all know that truck belongs in the FOB range, towing a 37mm anti-tank gun and loaded with a Wehrmacht gun crew!
I suppose all the seated figures are glued in?

For the LAH Recce Truck (LAH079), the driver and Officer are glued in but the other figure sets are removable. Hope that is partly good news?:cool:
For those who don't know it, Praetorian, who has an interesting profile, is Andrew, who has recently joined King and Country. Welcome to the Forum.

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