K&C and World War 1 (5 Viewers)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
Was just wondering how many of you are a) already collecting K&C WW1 or b) will probably start with next years anniversary? When K&C launched their WW1 range I was too deep into other fronts and so did not get started. But I will be in on any new British releases that coincide with the centenary next year. Britains, First Legion, John Jenkins have all announced some terrific looking releases (no news on WW1 from Figarti or Collectors Showcase as yet) so I am really looking forward to seeing where and what Andy brings to the Great War table. At the moment and very roughly speaking it looks like JJ have aircraft and armour, Britains have Tommies and First Legion have Jerries. So it will be great to see which area K&C move into. :salute::

So guys, what are your WW1 thoughts??

I have only purchased the British tank so far. I am waiting for the Americans to arrive before I pickup anymore K&C WW I sets or figures.
Rob, you know me, I'm all for anything WW1 related. I have quite a large number of the initial KC 1914 French. I am very interested in seeing what may develop in the way of later war French and American troops and equipments. I have no doubt the German and UK troops will be well represented, as well. My main field of interest is the 1914-17 time period for the land war and, of course, the whole war in the air. I would love to see artillery from all sides, though I know it would be expensive. If nothing else, the French 75mm is a must. KC did a WW2 version so I see no reason why a WW1 version can't be done in the same excellent manner. KC has already done the German 77mm as well, which would hopefully mean the RHA field pieces could be done too. And early war cavalry. Whoever makes what I like first will get my money as I have no doubt that a lot of manufacturers will jump on the WW1 bandwagon and I don't have the bottomless resources necessary for a lot of multiples. Make it first and make it right wins. -- Al
I went to Belgium with a few friends.
we did a trip to Ypres battlefields of WW1.

and I now working on a new diorama for the first world war.

hope andy comes with french 1916
with the blue uniforms and helmets
and more germans 1916/1918

I've been collecting K&C WW1 for years, it's one of my favorite lines. As far as I know, what's next on the horizon is going to be early war French cuirassiers escorting German prisoners. After that I've heard that there will be 1914 English, more 1914 Germans, and possibly Belgians. I too would really love a 75mm gun but I don't think we will be seeing one, at least not any time soon. Same for Americans.
Rob, you know me, I'm all for anything WW1 related. I have quite a large number of the initial KC 1914 French. I am very interested in seeing what may develop in the way of later war French and American troops and equipments. I have no doubt the German and UK troops will be well represented, as well. My main field of interest is the 1914-17 time period for the land war and, of course, the whole war in the air. I would love to see artillery from all sides, though I know it would be expensive. If nothing else, the French 75mm is a must. KC did a WW2 version so I see no reason why a WW1 version can't be done in the same excellent manner. KC has already done the German 77mm as well, which would hopefully mean the RHA field pieces could be done too. And early war cavalry. Whoever makes what I like first will get my money as I have no doubt that a lot of manufacturers will jump on the WW1 bandwagon and I don't have the bottomless resources necessary for a lot of multiples. Make it first and make it right wins. -- Al

You and me both my friend, you and me both!:salute:: I hope you get loads of French items over the next four years Al. A French 75mm would be a must have even as a stand alone set^&cool As for cash I quite agree, only so much to go round. But maybe a little bit from here and a little bit from there!

I've been collecting K&C WW1 for years, it's one of my favorite lines. As far as I know, what's next on the horizon is going to be early war French cuirassiers escorting German prisoners. After that I've heard that there will be 1914 English, more 1914 Germans, and possibly Belgians. I too would really love a 75mm gun but I don't think we will be seeing one, at least not any time soon. Same for Americans.

Thanks very much for this, with Britain's doing Somme 1916 Brits I would just love to see K&C do 1914 Brits. I'd be in from the start on those.

I just received my first K&C WW1 at the weekend, ordered the chap with the umbrella the 3 x advancing and the German officer just to see what they were like really.

I like them!

I don't think I'll go too mad and my plan is to stick with maybe just 6-8 Brits and 3-4 Germans with a smattering of JG Miniatures trench work to complete a small shelf display but I'm sure you know these things tend to grow......

So in summary I'm happy with playing catch up with what's out there already:)
What can I say that I've not said before, more Great War everything from everybody is a very good thing......{sm4}
Have been busy and not posting of late. The WW1 Western Front is my quietly favorite line. Managed to finally get hold of FW025 and that completes all the retired ones. One of the PM Tommy seems to have flaking paint even after exchanging twice. Have all the planes and older vehicles as well. Collecting my Bill wagon this week. Looking forward to the next round of releases.

I went to Belgium with a few friends.
we did a trip to Ypres battlefields of WW1.

and I now working on a new diorama for the first world war.

hope andy comes with french 1916
with the blue uniforms and helmets
and more germans 1916/1918

NOTHING like visiting the battlefields themselves, there is something about the atmosphere of the Western front that is somehow different to all other battlefields, can't quite describe it but there is something about the place that no other battlefield quite has. Am going back to both Somme and Ypre next year and cannot wait!:smile2:


What can I say that I've not said before, more Great War everything from everybody is a very good thing......{sm4}

You've summed it up rather well actually mate:salute::

I got in on K&C's new "1914.... The March On Paris" series right after K&C came out with the first 1914 type German WW1 sets in about April/May 2007. I remember that the retail price per figure had then gone up to $25.00 USD. Now some 6 years later the $25.00 price tag seems rather reasonable, what! I hope to have an article published in Toy Soldier & Model Figure magazine in the first part of 2014 to denote the 100th anniversary of WW1 starting. I have attached just one photo of my main WW1 diorama below.

"Iron Brigade" / Gary

Forum 1.jpg
I got in on K&C's new "1914.... The March On Paris" series right after K&C came out with the first 1914 type German WW1 sets in about April/May 2007. I remember that the retail price per figure had then gone up to $25.00 USD. Now some 6 years later the $25.00 price tag seems rather reasonable, what! I hope to have an article published in Toy Soldier & Model Figure magazine in the first part of 2014 to denote the 100th anniversary of WW1 starting. I have attached just one photo of my main WW1 diorama below.

"Iron Brigade" / Gary

View attachment 136634

What a splendid scene, that column of troops is just great. Thanks ever so much for posting this Gary^&cool

This is a "TOP of the BILL" dio Gary
( figures at $25 a piece , these were the days !!!!!)
I managed to collect all the original 1917 figures last year. The scenic items are from JG Miniatures.



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I like the KC WW1 figures, very nice sculpts,fine faces, interesting poses and painting ok even if I would have preferred a more "grey" tone in the germans. My trench dio was hard to make, but i m very satisfied by the result, I added extra weathering , dust on figures and tank for more realism. I ll try to put a back drop as the dio is put near walls.

photo (800x598).jpgphoto-2 (800x598).jpgphoto-1 (800x598).jpg
another great ww1 dio . Very nice jeff
I managed to collect all the original 1917 figures last year. The scenic items are from JG Miniatures.


Terrific scene Jeff, looks really good, thanks for posting.

Someone mentioned earlier in this thread that Andy had mentioned doing 1914 Brits, here's a glossy set I would just love to see K&C do;


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