K&C Dragoon a Pied (1 Viewer)

Guys i also wouldn't think that it would be to far fetched to believe that some dismounted foot dragoons could have aided the guard in there final advance at waterloo or in the attack on la haye sainte. According to many accounts the french were low on infantry and with so many horses killed i would't doubt many dragoons fought on foot.
I was happy to see someone do the Foot Dragoon regiments. K & C has done a super job of providing enough figures to put to have an impressive looking formation of marching figures. Nice work Andy. thank you

King's Man
Actually, I have a great Dragoon Book - I have to find it ! I believe K&C is on good ground with the release - I seem to remember the early part of the Napoleonic period where Dragoon units were being assembled so quickly that "Horse Power" was not available and foot units were formed. It was believed that the training they had in their Dragoon training would give other units an advantage in close combat situations.

As stated in the quotes - the other reason was the French Armies were capturing so many enemy supplies in conflicts - it was Napoleon's belife the enemy would provide for the French Empire in their Calvary needs ... I love the way this guy thinks ! ;) Really interesting was these units were also used as forward raiding parities to find those supplies for them selves and the French Army.

Once I find this great reference book I have - I will post it.
Great Ron, look forward to it.
I was happy to see someone do the Foot Dragoon regiments. K & C has done a super job of providing enough figures to put to have an impressive looking formation of marching figures. Nice work Andy. thank you

King's Man

To K&C

I would back 100% KM's and others' observation on a job well done ... this is very likely what most collectors of pre-20th century periods love in their collections. Color, pagentry and masses of it. IMO the wider the variety of poses offered in a particular action ( say marching, advancing or firing) the greater the temptation to acquire multiples to build a more realistic line, column or square.

May I suggest that K&C perhaps allow a couple of months for this first wave to sell out and then release Wave 2.
Remember the military maxim ... always reinforce success.

Also the near prospects of a Wave 2 would mean a faster sellout of Wave 1. More Positive feedback. :) :) :)

Thank You for listening.
New dragoons look great. Sorry if this was already answered but can anyone point me to a good reference book on Napoleon area uniforms, units and equipment. I have some of the osprey stuff but saw so mention of other sources and wondered if someone could give me a quick reccomendation. Thanks.
I agree with Pete buster and the Gentleman NY soldier it is a curious release for sure. the Dragoons carried Muskets and not carbines so that they could figth as infantry the original idea being that they could quickly ride to any conflict and fight dismounted as infantry.
There are some innacuracies, amongst them the Plume was generally only worn ceremonially and in this case NAP 170 171 172 sport Green Plumes topped with the facing colour in this case Pink. However this was only worn by the 1st 2nd 6th 19th

20th and 25th Dragoons The Plume colours of the 16th Dragoons as depicted by K&C NAP170 should be White.

Ron you are easily excited, the figures look very average at best
New dragoons look great. Sorry if this was already answered but can anyone point me to a good reference book on Napoleon area uniforms, units and equipment. I have some of the osprey stuff but saw so mention of other sources and wondered if someone could give me a quick reccomendation. Thanks.

Well here are some to consider, with their Amazon links but you can also search for better used prices. I have had good luck with that.

Soldiers and Uniforms of the Napoleonic Wars (Hardcover)</SPAN>


An Illustrated Encyclopedia: Uniforms of the Napoleonic Wars</SPAN>

Then there is this very interesting looking set of Napoleonic Uniform CDs, including those listed by Knotel that I have been thinking about trying. Just scroll down to the CD listings.

You might also find this review of uniform sources useful
I agree with Pete buster and the Gentleman NY soldier it is a curious release for sure. the Dragoons carried Muskets and not carbines so that they could figth as infantry the original idea being that they could quickly ride to any conflict and fight dismounted as infantry.
Thanks Panda.;) Well I am glad you noted that since I have read accounts of Dragoons fighting in Spain with carbines but looking into it further it does appear that the musket was their usual equipment but it was a special dragoon musket, shorter and lighter than the infantry model but longer than a carbine. The following is what I found on the Dragoon musket. The photo shows the pattern 1809 Dragoon Musket on top with the pattern 1808 Infantry Musket below. The Dragoon Musket is shorter and lighter in almost all aspects. I think that the special Dragoons a Pied carried infantry muskets but would be interested to see what others have found.

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I agree with Pete buster and the Gentleman NY soldier it is a curious release for sure. the Dragoons carried Muskets and not carbines so that they could figth as infantry the original idea being that they could quickly ride to any conflict and fight dismounted as infantry.
There are some innacuracies, amongst them the Plume was generally only worn ceremonially and in this case NAP 170 171 172 sport Green Plumes topped with the facing colour in this case Pink. However this was only worn by the 1st 2nd 6th 19th

20th and 25th Dragoons The Plume colours of the 16th Dragoons as depicted by K&C NAP170 should be White.

Ron you are easily excited, the figures look very average at best

Panda - Who ever you are ?

I don't particularly like being talked down to - nor do you even know me to make such a statement that I am "easily excited" - in you future posts you might want to avoid personalization of your posts - especially when they are negative towards a forum member.

Now thats out of the way....

I happen to like the new releases a lot - the sculpting and action in these figures make them a great addition to the K&C Napoleonic Range - its original and colorful - looks like a winner to me - IMHO. :D

To correct a mistaken point in another posting - it has been well documented that French have gone into battle with PLUMES ON - although not a usual circumstance. I swear - I believe people live to nit-pick King & Country and their fine work. :rolleyes:

This thread is for all views of K&C - simply don't share the negative ones.

We were I think having an interesting exchange of information, which I dare say I would hope we can continue with reasonable good humor. So if we could continue discussing the various aspects of the release good, bad, indifferent and historical, with no bad feelings, it would be oh so pleasant.;):D
I did find that the smaller Dragoon muskets were exchanged for carbines in 1812 so they likely carried those at Waterloo. Of course that was such a thrown together French formation that almost any weapon of the war would be plausible. I found the information and photos of the Dragoon muskets on a very well respected gun forum, confirmed by a number of books I have, including Fighting Techniques of the Napoleonic Age. Anyone have any different information?

I am not talking down to anyone. You are occasionally touchy when anyone has any form of criticism of K&C constructive or otherwise. Perhaps this maybe becasue you have a vested interest in promoting their products. Are you a dealer perhaps.?

I am primarily interested in the Waterloo period as a serious amatuer and feel I should be able to post my opinions on what is a public forum without rebuke. The poses in these new figures are the same as the Poses in many other K&C releases nothing new as far as I can see therfore I think they are very average and whilst you are quite entiltled to be excited about this product I am equally entitled to my opinion. I have both Positive and negative things to say about K&C products, IMO this release is not going to fly of the shelves because it simply doesnt fit IMO. I agree some units would wear plumes in theatre, but the 16ths plumes were white. We all seem to admire attention to detail in minature figures so why am I nitpicking for pointing out this obvious error ??

Happy collecting /trading

back on subject can the shorter Dragoon Musket mentioned earlier accept a Bayonet as this would be essential in an Infantry role.

Should you see me at the point of death ; carry me under an English Oak and I shall recover.
50% of the releases have old poses that we'd seen in the Russians etc.

50% were new poses. I will only buy those and skip the old poses.

btw, good observation, Panda
I agree with Pete buster and the Gentleman NY soldier it is a curious release for sure. the Dragoons carried Muskets and not carbines so that they could figth as infantry the original idea being that they could quickly ride to any conflict and fight dismounted as infantry.
There are some innacuracies, amongst them the Plume was generally only worn ceremonially and in this case NAP 170 171 172 sport Green Plumes topped with the facing colour in this case Pink. However this was only worn by the 1st 2nd 6th 19th

20th and 25th Dragoons The Plume colours of the 16th Dragoons as depicted by K&C NAP170 should be White.

Ron you are easily excited, the figures look very average at best

Panda - Who ever you are ?

I don't particularly like being talked down to - nor do you even know me to make such a statement that I am "easily excited" - in you future posts you might want to avoid personalization of your posts - especially when they are negative towards a forum member.

Now thats out of the way....

I happen to like the new releases a lot - the sculpting and action in these figures make them a great addition to the K&C Napoleonic Range - its original and colorful - looks like a winner to me - IMHO. :D

To correct a mistaken point in another posting - it has been well documented that French have gone into battle with PLUMES ON - although not a usual circumstance. I swear - I believe people live to nit-pick King & Country and their fine work. :rolleyes:

This thread is for all views of K&C - simply don't share the negative ones.



I am not talking down to anyone. You are occasionally touchy when anyone has any form of criticism of K&C constructive or otherwise. Perhaps this maybe becasue you have a vested interest in promoting their products. Are you a dealer perhaps.?

I am primarily interested in the Waterloo period as a serious amatuer and feel I should be able to post my opinions on what is a public forum without rebuke. The poses in these new figures are the same as the Poses in many other K&C releases nothing new as far as I can see therfore I think they are very average and whilst you are quite entiltled to be excited about this product I am equally entitled to my opinion. I have both Positive and negative things to say about K&C products, IMO this release is not going to fly of the shelves because it simply doesnt fit IMO. I agree some units would wear plumes in theatre, but the 16ths plumes were white. We all seem to admire attention to detail in minature figures so why am I nitpicking for pointing out this obvious error ??

Happy collecting /trading

back on subject can the shorter Dragoon Musket mentioned earlier accept a Bayonet as this would be essential in an Infantry role.

Should you see me at the point of death ; carry me under an English Oak and I shall recover.

Can both of you calm down a bit. Panda, please do not personalize posts.
Good Morning

I see the "Lets HATE King & Country Club" have found their way to this thread :rolleyes: Interesting to note - when newcomers start off with bashing K&C in their first few posts ? Might want to check those IP's - Members of the Council.

Well I for one appreciate the efforts King & Country have made to produce great Napoleonic figures without breaking my bank account. I enjoy them and find that there more reasons to collect them - than not.

I find these Dragoons - great step in the right direction in relationship to the Marching figures. Andy, now is providing different style of marching figures which make for more realistic marching displays. Bravo - keep up the good work.
Good Morning

I see the "Lets HATE King & Country Club" have found their way to this thread :rolleyes: Interesting to note - when newcomers start off with bashing K&C in their first few posts ? Might want to check those IP's - Members of the Council.

Well I for one appreciate the efforts King & Country have made to produce great Napoleonic figures without breaking my bank account. I enjoy them and find that there more reasons to collect them - than not.

I find these Dragoons - great step in the right direction in relationship to the Marching figures. Andy, now is providing different style of marching figures which make for more realistic marching displays. Bravo - keep up the good work.

Dear Ron,
I see the "Lets LOVE King & Country Club" have found their way to this thread Interesting to note - when oldtimers start off with rah-rah K&C in their every posts ? Might want to check those IP's - Members of the Council. See how it goes bothways. I never have an issue with a given message, but how some members present it. We ought be civil, in our gripes about something, but their are also too many " victims "on ths forum, hoping to tamp down on legit questions about this K/C piece or that. Michael

I have no problem with legit questions about K&C releases and accuracy (although sometimes it become tiring) - everyone has a right to voice their opinion - however, there is no question there are a few contributors who like to run down King & Country at every chance - those members, we all know - is who I am refering to in that statement.

Remember - this all began with a personalization with a member's post for whatever reason our "Council" decided to leave up and let this new member attract his K&C criticizing friends to come over.

I am sure we can find something wrong with every single Toy Soldier made today - but, who in there right mind would want to spend the time to point out the negative - when you can simply enjoy the positive ?

I am a collector - and love King & Country - make no bones about it !

This all does become so tiring when the K&C thread is the new place for people to work their hate issues.

The Dragoon release is great and I plan to collect it. To each their own.


I have no problem with legit questions about K&C releases and accuracy (although sometimes it become tiring) - everyone has a right to voice their opinion - however, there is no question there are a few contributors who like to run down King & Country at every chance - those members, we all know - is who I am refering to in that statement.

Remember - this all began with a personalization with a member's post for whatever reason our "Council" decided to leave up and let this new member attract his K&C criticizing friends to come over.

I am sure we can find something wrong with every single Toy Soldier made today - but, who in there right mind would want to spend the time to point out the negative - when you can simply enjoy the positive ?

I am a collector - and love King & Country - make no bones about it !

This all does become so tiring when the K&C thread is the new place for people to work their hate issues.

The Dragoon release is great and I plan to collect it. To each their own.


I agree the Nappy's look great, but my Nappy,s are all from a particular mfg. and size wise, K/C could never fit in.. Since I am not a rivet counter, some of the critical details minutia would not effect my decision to buy K/C. I am more of the correct rgmt. for the battle represented kind of collector and all my collecting calls are based on that..People can point out wrong details without the agressive adjective embellishments and personal member references. Because of great historical info offered ,I have at times repainted a collar, epaulettes and such to make them right and even to add a plume or two...But, that is me...I think that most members should know by now, what are " fighting words "and maybe for fun, we should come out with the 10 commandments for posting on a forum..Michael
What a discussion about nothing. I like and collect K&C because the offered "toy" soldiers to my liking. I have a keen eye for other manufactures, but I have not the space or the time and money to collect others. Incidentely I started with some other brands:D.

But most importend, I like collecting ans I like them all. And for me I known that no uniform is like the other. Even to day if Dutch soldiers go to Afghanistan they buy extra equipment from privat retailers so there uniforms differ from the standerd. And if you read about the napoleon armies you know that no uniform was equal. As all soldiers do, they get it along the way and even then uniforms where expencive.

So any thing goes and I like Dragoons.
But, that is me...I think that most members should know by now, what are " fighting words "and maybe for fun, we should come out with the 10 commandments for posting on a forum..Michael


Not belabor the point - when you say something that is a put down towards another member in a sarcastic tone ... it becomes an issue.

The best way to go - is not to insult - forward or backhanded - anyone when posting your opinion.

Everyone has their right state what they believe and I believe that there are folks who just like to put down K&C -no matter what - and thats all. ;)

The best way to go - is not to insult - forward or backhanded - anyone when posting your opinion.

Does that mean I can't say that Napoleon was a small man with a giant ego, whose mother was a hamster and whose father smelt of elderberries?

Just want to clarify, that would be wrong then? ;):D

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