K&C Global Collectors Conference at The Imperial War Museum LONDON (1 Viewer)


Bob Neville

Hi Guy's and a BIG THANKS to Pete and Shannon for the forum.
I first met Andy over ten years ago in HK where I have lived for the last 11 years. I must admit I found the K&C figures first in Pacific Place and then had to find the creator!
Dad (Mike) and I, are both mad model makers, fell in love with K&C there and then and with Andy's OK we set up K&C UK which was 10 years old last year.
So I hope Dad and I can add some thing to the forum conversations with regards to K&C.
Thanks to Cannon Fodder for the posts under 'General Discussion' and in an attempt to clarify I would like to make you all aware of some work in progress.

The Toy Soldier Show, London, 3rd DECEMBER 2005
We now run The Toy Soldier Show, London www.thetoysoldiershow.com and in December, we will be close to 250 tables, which we believe will make it one of the largest shows of its kind. These shows will become more of an event as we need to attract new collectors in to the hobby and give more. At the December show we will have a British Tommie theme (we had Romans in June which was good fun!). To bring the December Show to life we will have a YMCA Austin K2 van from 1941 along with some Tommie’s and some Land Army Girls to help bring it all to life and add some glamour.

At the show there will be a number of K&C highlights-

§ Andy Neilson will be with us for the weekend.
§ We will have and launch our exclusive K&C UK vehicle (available to all and limited to 500), Andy signing certificates.
§ 60ft of K&C diorama product display.
§ Old K&C, early IWJ, LAH,VN (VN1-VN8 as an example) DD (DD1 – DD23 as an example), WS (WS20 as an example), Arnhem (AN1 – AN16 as an example), etc. We have yet to decide on the way to sell these items BUT the closing may well be at a special event we are planning in the evening!


Agreed and with the full support of Andy Neilson we have booked the whole of the Imperial War Museum www.iwm.org.uk/lambeth/venue for the evening following the show on the 3rd.

The ‘gathering of the band of brothers’ will take place in the large exhibits hall amongst real versions of the K&C models! The evening is open to any one from anywhere!
There will be a cost for the evening to us so we will have to charge to cover costs. Anyone 6 - 16 accompanied by an adult will get free entry.
Any money made beyond covering costs will be handed to the Royal British Legion

Whilst the final format of the evening has to be decided some highlights will be-

§ Open to all K&C enthusiasts not just club members, we want to get as many as we can together.
§ Cocktail reception
§ History and future of K&C by Andy Neilson
§ Pre registered collectors pick up exclusive K&C UK vehicle..
§ Final sale of the old K&C items. (as I say we are still working out the detail on how we will sell the K&C old items, it will not be on e bay though)
§ Exclusive event polo shirt
§ Private viewing of IWM exhibits.
§ Guest Speaker NICK PETTIT GM QGM , THE MOST DECORATED SOLDIER SINCE WW2 or Tim Collins author of Rules of Engagement, A Life in Conflict. We are speaking to both at the minute.
§ WW2 Re enactors……….K&C figures and vehicles come to life!
§ ……………..and a few surprises !

I will post more information as it is confirmend but would love to see you at what is sure to be a very memorable weekend for K&C lovers!
Terrorists may bomb London BUT they will not win, stop normal life or keep us from our K&C.....the show will go on!
Kind Regards
Bob Neville
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This sounds like an awesome show. Wish I could make it but that doesn't seem possible probably for many of us on the other side of the pond.

However, I am interested in that K & C UK vehicle. What will it be (hopefully a British WW 2 vehicle), when will it come out, how does one get one and now the important question -- how much will it be?
Hello Mike,

I have passed your invite to the show around to all of my collector friends. As I told you, for obvious reasons I can't make it that month. However, like my good friend Brad, I would like to purchase the K&C UK vehicle. Please contact me about price and details.


This sounds great.I actually work at the IWM as a tour guide for the public,so this is right on my doorstep!.Would very much like to know what the vehicle will be.Its a great setting at the IWM and makes a fantastic backdrop for all sorts of events.

I'm in for 2 of that special edition piece you have. Please let us know how to order and how much.

Bill Sager
I, like Brad and Louis will not be able to make the show. However I would like to buy one of the Special Edition Vehicles and a list of your old K&C items for sale or auction. Thanks, TSherman
Wow this sounds like a pretty cool event. I'm in the UK so i'd normally be able to attend without a problem.
However i have a real dilemma. 3rd december is my wife's birthday. I cant see her approving me heading off to a toy soldier show somehow. I need a plan!

Any other UK guys on this board who will be going?
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Get her a real nice present so that when you take off she won't be ticked at you :D. Alternatively, you could celebrate her birthday the day before so that when you're gone for a few hours she won't be that upset. She will be ticked no matter what but if you take her out and get her something nice, that may soften the blow.
Better Yet Buy 2 Tickets Well In Advance For The For The Toy Soldier Show & Take Her For Her Birthday And Give Her The Uk Vehicle As A Gift
Doug S :eek:
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Hello I would also be interested in the special vehicle and I would like information on the retired items if you decide to sell them also.
Doug Stork said:
Better Yet Buy 2 Tickets Well In Advance For The For The Toy Soldier Show & Take Her For Her Birthday And Give Her The Uk Vehicle As A Gift
Doug S :eek:

And who said romance was dead? :p
Hi Guy's
Thanks for the replies and interest.
Eazy - Weekend in London, Christmas, Oxford Street, AND because it is your wifes Birthday we will give her FREE entry to the show and the Collectors Convention. If you want I can do a Red Letter Card for her :)
Eazy would she be willing to dress up as a 'Land Army Girl?'

jazzeum - Would agree with you, Doug knows how to treat a woman, maybe he should write some articls about 'Romance and Toy Soldier Collecting' :D
Thinking about it maybe Shannon should do that .............

K&C UK vehicle will be a British Sherman, British Crew, and special box, price has yet to be fixed but we will make sure you guys are looked after. Register your interest at BritishSherman@kingandcountry.co.uk

Retired K&C we are still working through our back catalogue but will make sure you guys are aware of the items we have. We are not sure yet how to sell but our gut feel is to make them available to K&C Hardcore rather than putting on E Bay. Old K&C should go to a loving home :)

The K&C Global Collectors Conference will be an annual event should it go well this year. We will take all feed back and look to make it the best we can ...........

The Toy Soldier Show 3rd December 2005 www.thetoysoldiershow.com We want to make sure our great hobby of Toy Soldiers has a future so we will be agressivly developing the show so that it becomes more of an event and maybe even 'wife freindly'! :D

All the best
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Thanks for your very informative (and very witty) post. However, when I click on the tank link, I am led to the main UK K & C page. Is there a special link or should I (and others) send you an email. By the way, will the Sherman be European or African theater? At any rate, I'm looking forward to this special tank.

Hi jazzeum
British Sherman
My mistake with the link :eek: , it should just be an email to me so please try again at British Sherman
Drop me a mail to register your interest.
It will be in European theater..................
Please be kind to me as I am a bad speller and up untill last week thought the glass fronted box on my desk was a micro wave............. :D
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Bob Neville said:
Hi Guy's

jazzeum - Would agree with you, Doug knows how to treat a woman, maybe he should write some articls about 'Romance and Toy Soldier Collecting' :D
Thinking about it maybe Shannon should do that .............

Having other toy soldier collectors give advice on your life of romance is like having the guys at the bar give advice on how to convince your wife you're not a drunk. From one addict to another ... :)

Perhaps you just need to point out how masculine and handsome these figures are if you look at them closely. Your wives may take down their Kevin Costner posters and start looking at the 'hunks' in your displays. Its worth a shot ... Then again, they may want your to get back into shape so YOU look like the hunk in your display. This could backfire.

This message was NOT approved by Shannon, the queen moderator. I think I'll go get her some ice cream now as a bribe. :D :D
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Hi Bob,

I've decided i'm going to make a special effort to attend. We have actually met at the NEC Toy Fair back in May. You might remember as i was the guy there with his mom!!!! :D She took a shine to the jagdpanther and the riders. See my mom's dead keen on this stuff but my wife, Neet, that's another story. She's very sensible. A babe but sensible. A birthday weekend together in London sounds great but we have two tiny girl terrors who we can't really inflict on someone else overnight, so it'll just be me. I can just picture my wife as a land girl too.

Yes i can remember Anna Friel from that film :) Rachel Weisz as well but that's just being greedy.

Anyway i've just reserved some accomodation for that night so that's one hurdle crossed.
How will i book a ticket or is it on the door?

Now. I have a few months to break it to her gently.
Hi Eazy
I know who you are!
As toy soldier collectors we need more women like your mom, she was great and was very much in to the Germans! With your mum it should be an easy sell to your wife! :D
Maybe see you at the NEC on the 21st August?

I will post and send out information about the 3rd of December in the next month.

Book tickets for a show (non toysoldier!!) on the friday!!! for her birthday take her to a nice resturant in the westend.
Satursday quick wiz around the show. K&C UK stand is awesome and Andy by th esounds of it will be floating around. Take her shopping aftyernoon. Then to the IWM in the evening. I see is as accruing credit. My wife is happy as anything after a night in London and usually loosens the purse strings if she has bought all the cloths that she wants!!!

I have been to both the London shows that the K&C UK guys have set up and i have to say they are awesome. My son is no even more interested as last time a roman shield maker let him help and the Centurian let him hold his sword. He now collects the romans as of it. The K&C UK guys have brought toysoldier out of the closet and made it a very interesting event. Even my wife liked it this time.

Bob book me two adult tickets for the evening and a place for my son.
Tell me will you be taking bids on the 'old stuff' or just have set prices?

Any idea of the vehical yet as i and a friend definatly want one.

See you on the 3rd.

LONDON PRIDE - we will not be beaten. We need as many people to support the LONDON shows, for more than one reason after the aweful atrosities of the 7th.
Hello Bob.This show you are inviting us to attend sounds like the cat's meow for K&C collector's.I guess I'm a little jeolous that the US or others don't warrant a show of this K&C magnitude.I know from earlier posts that the UK is the bigger K&C market but I would imagine that the US market share has increased in the last few years and I can see by the recent two forum boards that there are plenty of US funds heading Andy's way.Yes, I have attended the Chicago show and think its the best show the states has but it doesn't have what your show is offering the individual K&C collector which is the opportunity to see alot of retired sets in one place and then the chance to possibly bid and add to one's collection.To top that off a show special Sherman :eek: .Nail in the coffin!!!!
I'm not lashing out at you Bob or putting the show down.The opportunity is there for me to go but the time and the funds are a problem :p .I see that many forum members are showing interest in the show special and I would also like to possibly put my name in for one.Would there be anyway that if enough people ordered we could have one shipment put together?Would Shannon and Pete except there store as a drop-off point?Just an idea.I know shipping will be a killer..
Thanks again Bob for the intel.I expect pic's to be posted... :D

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