Awesome set up, Kevin! The black and white photographs are a nice touch.
Looking good Kevin :salute:::salute:::salute::
Stay safe mate
Kevin, your collection and photography have always been some of the best I've seen in this hobby!! Hope all is well Mate.
Nice bunker shot Kevin.
Those photo shoots were good times! You, me, Tim Tyler, Brad Lewin, and, of course, the late great Larry Lo. I would give my whole collection for just one more day with all of you, including Larry, doing another photo shoot . . .Just got around to reducing some more oldies from 15 years ago .... K&C German paras with their K&C aircraft. ^&cool
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Those photo shoots were good times! You, me, Tim Tyler, Brad Lewin, and, of course, the late great Larry Lo. I would give my whole collection for just one more day with all of you, including Larry, doing another photo shoot . . .
Those photo shoots were good times! You, me, Tim Tyler, Brad Lewin, and, of course, the late great Larry Lo. I would give my whole collection for just one more day with all of you, including Larry, doing another photo shoot . . .