For one thing , if K&C decide to increase their prices like that they will kill the Canadian market.
I do live in Canada and with almost 28% in difference with USD , and it really hurt us like a truck.
I for one do have the income to purchase in large quantity but at the rate they incease the price , i will surely limit my purchase every year.
I dont mind having a small raise but raising price of 5$usd a minimum for each figure, ouch, it hurts.
But i do know that some Canadian dealers are very affected about the difference in Cad/Usd difference, and it affects alot their sales.
Simple example: i do sale on Ebay K&C figure, and guest what??? 99% of my sales go directly to USA. That speak the whole truth about the exchange rate presently and it wont change soon. So canadian dealers almost make their sales in USA and not to Canadian customers.
the way i see K&C in the near future,
1- they will sell almost directly to customers with very few K&C dealers around the world, so making their 45% profits for them.
Do you really think its fair for K&C selling directly and offering promotions directly to customers when you have dealers dealing with imports, dollars exchange, shipping cost , rents, etc...
Im pretty sure that i can read in the mind of K&C of doing their business in the near future, and it will be the way i have just described above.
2- the raise in price will make K&C make lower runs of figures but still keep their % intact.
Example : i raise my price for the service im doing, sure customers will be upsets, but doing so properly done , is you make the same profit for working 8 months of work instead of 12 months.
****. Also. When you purchase in bulk your K&C figures make sure you inspect them very carefully after receiving them , because K&C will reject any claim about damaged items!!!!! ********
Serge. :smile2: