k&c price increase (1 Viewer)

The book is well and truly out. I am now officially an expert on WW1 ... ask the ten people who have bought one! I lent Waynepoo one of the author's copies. He has neither read it ... or offered to pay for it!

I should pick your brain when next we meet. I am teaching a philosophy unit this semester!
Hey! the operative word here is 'lent'...................:wink2:
The book is well and truly out. I am now officially an expert on WW1 ... ask the ten people who have bought one! I lent Waynepoo one of the author's copies. He has neither read it ... or offered to pay for it!

I should pick your brain when next we meet. I am teaching a philosophy unit this semester!

I'll pay for one of those books 😎 and read it. Philosophy is great fun. You might find jumping from WWI easier with a little Max, MaxWeber that is... a German with a lot to say...and Joseph Conrad has some intriguing discussions - Andy's inspiration for the duelling hussars - toy soldiers and philosophy...a match made in....Hong Kong 😱
It is not about Hobby as that seems an excuse for some especially those on holiday to allow whatever happens to be accepted. Manufacturers are in business.

This is nothing more than increasing profits which must be dropping and making more from less and the remaining demographic who buy fork out. we know people gripe and will buy less but, maybe they actually are buying less and some folks are going to have to get used to paying a whole lot more for the fact they are.

This has zero to do with anything other than wanting more profit. The fact that the last several monthly dispatches have seen rises per one has slipped buy some. I cannot understand applauding and defending price rises just for the sake.

You post this with the unwritten assumption that profits are huge and the goal is to squeeze collectors to make them even larger. None of us have access to their profit-loss statements. For some, when they don't know the facts the assume the worst.

Nobody is ever thrilled with price increases, but I haven't heard anyone on here defending them. People will vote with their wallets (as they have always done).
For one thing , if K&C decide to increase their prices like that they will kill the Canadian market.
I do live in Canada and with almost 28% in difference with USD , and it really hurt us like a truck.

I for one do have the income to purchase in large quantity but at the rate they incease the price , i will surely limit my purchase every year.
I dont mind having a small raise but raising price of 5$usd a minimum for each figure, ouch, it hurts.

But i do know that some Canadian dealers are very affected about the difference in Cad/Usd difference, and it affects alot their sales.

Simple example: i do sale on Ebay K&C figure, and guest what??? 99% of my sales go directly to USA. That speak the whole truth about the exchange rate presently and it wont change soon. So canadian dealers almost make their sales in USA and not to Canadian customers.

the way i see K&C in the near future,

1- they will sell almost directly to customers with very few K&C dealers around the world, so making their 45% profits for them.

Do you really think its fair for K&C selling directly and offering promotions directly to customers when you have dealers dealing with imports, dollars exchange, shipping cost , rents, etc...

Im pretty sure that i can read in the mind of K&C of doing their business in the near future, and it will be the way i have just described above.

2- the raise in price will make K&C make lower runs of figures but still keep their % intact.
Example : i raise my price for the service im doing, sure customers will be upsets, but doing so properly done , is you make the same profit for working 8 months of work instead of 12 months.

****. Also. When you purchase in bulk your K&C figures make sure you inspect them very carefully after receiving them , because K&C will reject any claim about damaged items!!!!! ********

Serge. :smile2:
For one thing , if K&C decide to increase their prices like that they will kill the Canadian market.
I do live in Canada and with almost 28% in difference with USD , and it really hurt us like a truck.

I for one do have the income to purchase in large quantity but at the rate they incease the price , i will surely limit my purchase every year.
I dont mind having a small raise but raising price of 5$usd a minimum for each figure, ouch, it hurts.

But i do know that some Canadian dealers are very affected about the difference in Cad/Usd difference, and it affects alot their sales.

Simple example: i do sale on Ebay K&C figure, and guest what??? 99% of my sales go directly to USA. That speak the whole truth about the exchange rate presently and it wont change soon. So canadian dealers almost make their sales in USA and not to Canadian customers.

the way i see K&C in the near future,

1- they will sell almost directly to customers with very few K&C dealers around the world, so making their 45% profits for them.

Do you really think its fair for K&C selling directly and offering promotions directly to customers when you have dealers dealing with imports, dollars exchange, shipping cost , rents, etc...

Im pretty sure that i can read in the mind of K&C of doing their business in the near future, and it will be the way i have just described above.

2- the raise in price will make K&C make lower runs of figures but still keep their % intact.
Example : i raise my price for the service im doing, sure customers will be upsets, but doing so properly done , is you make the same profit for working 8 months of work instead of 12 months.

****. Also. When you purchase in bulk your K&C figures make sure you inspect them very carefully after receiving them , because K&C will reject any claim about damaged items!!!!! ********

Serge. :smile2:

All very interesting regarding the Canadian situation. However I can't see how K&C can be held responsible for the rate of exchange between Canada and USA. Same applies to Australia where I think our currency follows closely to Canadian. I remember clearly 2008 GFC when price rises in Canada and Australia were about 50% in under 2 months solely due to the dramatic exchange rate. A few years later Australian prices became better than US$ as A$ became stronger than $US. So the solution for Canada and Oz TS prices is for the US economy to go bad.
It is not about Hobby as that seems an excuse for some especially those on holiday to allow whatever happens to be accepted. Manufacturers are in business.

This is nothing more than increasing profits which must be dropping and making more from less and the remaining demographic who buy fork out. we know people gripe and will buy less but, maybe they actually are buying less and some folks are going to have to get used to paying a whole lot more for the fact they are.

This has zero to do with anything other than wanting more profit. The fact that the last several monthly dispatches have seen rises per one has slipped buy some. I cannot understand applauding and defending price rises just for the sake.

When did profits become a dirty word? As much as we may like it, there is no right written into law that we are guaranteed the right to purchase toy soldiers at a price of our own choosing.

I think the problem for some is that because "toy soldiers" are what is being bought and sold and it's a hobby and brings back memories of childhood pursuits, many don't see it as a business. However, a business it is with people's livelihoods depending on this business just as much as any other livelihood.
Nobody likes to pay more for a product they enjoy. However, every company needs to make a "Return on Investment" (ROI) and how much that is depends on the business or person. I do not think that Andy only makes Toy Soldiers because he loves the hobby, he also needs to make a living.

Everyone need to make a ROI. We work for wages, I imagine not many individuals will work for free, if their ROI for working at a particular place does not meet their requirement they will look for a higher rate of pay elsewhere.

Price increases are a fact of life. The only time people like them are when they benefit, such as raises or bonuses at work or higher stock dividends. Higher wages must come from somewhere.

I hope the manufacturers continue to make a profit, but no so large:wink2:, as I like to buy as many toy soldiers as possible.

Well, i just read that K&C Uk closed their doors,

and it just confirm me the future of buying K&C stuff that will go almost directly and if not exclusively from the Website of Hong Kong.

Its not K&C fault about the exchange rate at all, but it really does hurt me and all canadians customer thats for sure, and in the end it affects K&C.

the US economy is still strong enough right now to support a good volume of purchase from K&C products, since most purchase made are from US customers.

Me a few days ago i really wanted to buy in the 5 figures an order from Bill Sager's but just decided to postposne until i can see the canadian dollars comes closer to the US dollars.

and this affects direclty sales and profits for Bill Sager's and K&C Company.

Serge :smile2:
If i were to be in Andys's shoes ,

thats what my strategy would look like,

1- close all dealers, its like closing all the Brick and wall business.
2- close all the web dealers only. K&C can handle all the incoming orders, why not do this and keep their profits for themselves instead of having to give some to their dealers.
3- Keep for myself all direct orders. and that means more money for us to operate and keep business running. $$$ and i understand perfectly this situation.
4- Andy is a happy person.

Serge :smile2:
I don't think anybody begrudges anybody a profit.I think it's frustration as not everybody makes the money some of you do.It's no fun to be collecting a range and not to be able to afford it anymore.
Exchange rates (just FYI)
HKD is pegged to USD
AUD, CAD and SGD have weaken against the USD, interestingly AUD is now almost 1:1 to SGD.
RMB (Chinese Yuan) has actually weaken over the past year.

And, please try not to use that "little" word on the Chinese workers of these miniatures. Some are skilled sculptors and others are skilled painters. Some perhaps have already made enough big money in real estate or in other biz over the past years of China growth. More have travelled or have friends who travelled overseas. The transparency of the internet means that they now know how much the product is really selling for overseas. Perhaps they are now more aware of their negotiating power. And like you, they now treasure their quality time as well. Not as sweat shop as you would think.

Direct selling will continue to be a threat to all retail business of products that do not need on-site or in-store customisation. The retail store function is looking more like a way for attracting new walk-in customers. So, if they die off, it will impact the ability to draw new customers, especially for a hobby like this.

Prices. Who knows? Maybe these are price increases now with incentives and free gifts when you buy more, so you go work your maths. You get two bananas in the morning and one in the evening OR one banana in the morning and two in the evening. But it will only work if the free gift is something that you want or if you can choose from.
Hopefully brick and mortar shops don't go away. They are the ultimate in free advertising for the manufacturer They are the main reason I got into it. I never would have spent 300 for the fl Pz3. In fact yesterday I picked up at the Johns shop the new jagdpanzer iv because I saw it at the shop.
I don't think anybody begrudges anybody a profit.I think it's frustration as not everybody makes the money some of you do.It's no fun to be collecting a range and not to be able to afford it anymore.

Mark, by and large, KC prices STILL appear to be lower than those of First Legion for individual figure sets. Perhaps, the company is trying to re-position itself and focus on a more affluent customer. Maybe, they've decided that's where the future is taking the hobby, to a narrower, more exclusive audience. I have no way of knowing if that's the case, and I'm relatively certain that no one who does would ever confirm it. If I offer this as an explanation, it's because I know that many of our readers are perplexed, particularly in light of the apparently concomitant demise of KC/UK.:(

I don't think anybody begrudges anybody a profit.I think it's frustration as not everybody makes the money some of you do.It's no fun to be collecting a range and not to be able to afford it anymore.

Mark, I agree. The only way I can afford to purchase what I want is by selling off other parts of my collection, principally K & C WW II. I was lucky enough to start collecting in the early 2000s so I'm getting a decent return (everything considered) on my eBay sales. Without this I wouldn't be able to indulge in buying what I do.

I also think that toy soldiers is an ADHD hobby. People constantly get distracted by this or that great looking range. It takes discipline to say, no, I'm not going to buy that and am going to stick to what I like best. It's not easy to do so.

I agree with you Brad.There is so much out there it really is hard to focus on what you really want.You have to step back and say do I rally want this.
Not true.

Since 2010, K&C figures have led the hobby in price increases.

Using WW2 figures for example, price increases per figure have been as follows:

K&C figures increased around 68% or $22 ($32 to $54 per figure)
First Legion increased around 34% or $17 ($49.95 to $66.95 per figure)
Thomas Gunn increased around 28% or $9 ($32 to $41 per figure)
Collectors Showcase increased 12% or $3.90 ($33 to $36.90 per figure)

Think the problem I have paying $54.00 for a figure instead of $32.00 is there been no improvement in the figure and as other had sad in some cases there not as good which would back up why there not holding there price on the secondary market , just my personnel opinion :smile2:
i think it would be a crass thing to do to increase prices in the current situation, the closing of K & C UK, plus is there a difference between this 'announced' increase and the one that seems to happen on what seems on a quarterly basis!

I have made many comments on the price of K & C as have many others, so will not comment anymore.
i think it would be a crass thing to do to increase prices in the current situation, the closing of K & C UK, plus is there a difference between this 'announced' increase and the one that seems to happen on what seems on a quarterly basis!

I have made many comments on the price of K & C as have many others, so will not comment anymore.

I also believe that after what happened K & C UK is not convenient to raise prices, can cause a contagion effect mainly in Europe.

brick and mortar shops related to this hobby and miniature figures will all die sooner or later.

I now run a company distributing the major manufacturers of figure kits here in Canada and it works beautifully because it is an internet based company ONLY.

I offer price matching on every kit I sell. That's it. No owner of any physical store will be able to compete with my prices.

I also have local customers who can visit the warehouse with an appointment.

this is the future of this hobby and all others related to this it.

by cutting rent, salaries, etc. I can increase my inventory and offer the widest range of products possible, ready for shipping. Also, I only distribute products from companies from which I can select what I want to buy & what will sell the most.

And most importantly, this company only represent a very minor part of my income. It's just for the fun of it !



Hopefully brick and mortar shops don't go away. They are the ultimate in free advertising for the manufacturer They are the main reason I got into it. I never would have spent 300 for the fl Pz3. In fact yesterday I picked up at the Johns shop the new jagdpanzer iv because I saw it at the shop.

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