K&C Russians (1 Viewer)

.....but, all this eastern front stuff that can't really be used in the west and nothing to fight surely, must mean there is a possibility of russians soon

One would think that BUT....

BACK IN 1999-2001- their first WS 5-25 were done in winter camo-a parallel versions of the normal WS sets yet we had Yanks- Cold weather GIs- 3 sets- 1 was a non-fighting set and then 7 or 8 sets of Russians- I think- can't remember right now.

Count me out of this one fellas, I'll take a lesson from history and not look to open yet another front. Historically facinating- YES, Looking to drop $35 on those God awful Russian uniforms or $300 on a JS2- Not with my American Money!! ;)
I have all the russian items that KC have ever produced (exept for the very first winter sets) The SU85-Katyusha-T34 twice and all the figure sets..and I still love them all!!!!.
Well sculpted, Great animation, I always found it hard to believe Andys comment at a toy soldier show Oh they just dont sell!!!!!. Well maybe not then, but now i believe the Market (KC collectors) is more than ready for new sets of russian infantry to put up against the plethora of SS figures that have been released in the last couple of years!!.
How can a diorama of Berlin be complete without some russians scrambling over the rubble on thier way to a hard earned victory!....YES Andy give us more russians and while your at it throw in an ISU152 for supprt.


Would like to see some russian prisoners which, could make a superb diorama with the Kursk tiger in a wheat field near prochorovka

I would politely suggest that the original Russian figures (eg the Stalingrad figures) were more "basic" than the standard of K&C figures now available so that may account for the lower sales figures at the time.

If the figures were upgraded and re-released, the sales may be better eg the original T34 has rivet- like turret markings which would not occur in 2011. The stalingrad figures had over- size raised stars on their caps which would not occur in 2011.

To suggest that NO Russian figures will be released in the 70th anniversary of the invasion of Russia is like trying to sell;
* Zulus but no redcoats
* Romans but no Barbarians
* 8th army but no DAK
* Union but no CSA.
It simply dont work .

Some Summer/ Winter Russian prisoners would be appreciated. I would be overjoyed at some generic Russian figures too eg firing, running, dead, marching.

I don't expect it all in one month but I do expect it from a serious manufacturer..

cheers from Downunder
I hope my fellow collectors get their wish on the Soviets however I think K&C know their business the best and if Soviets don't sell then we should take their word for it. I think its a long shot to expect a manufacturer during these hard economic times (when most collectors are cutting back) to make a product that doesn't have mass appeal. :(

Having said all that I've got a small sampling of Soviets in the form of the K&C T-34 and the Soviet flag bearer set and have appreciated them very much. On the whole however I find the Soviet uniforms and weaponry very plain and uninteresting for the most part. With the increased costs of collecting that particular theatre will be relegated to the back of the line! :salute::
I would politely suggest ...

To suggest that NO Russian figures will be released in the 70th anniversary of the invasion of Russia is like trying to sell;
* Zulus but no redcoats
* Romans but no Barbarians
* 8th army but no DAK
* Union but no CSA.
It simply dont work .

... cheers from Downunder

Then perhaps next year in 2012, K&C NAP collectors can look forward to a Tsar Alexander command group, with Russian Guard cavalry to back up their infantry/artillery already released.

Any interest here ?


We all have our wish lists.

However there was only ONE Tsar Alexander in history so K&C could only achieve one sale per purchaser.There were millions of Soviet soldiers in WWII.

Whilst I am not suggesting that the sales would be in the millions, a reasonable verity of poses should ensure greater sales.

As long as the poses were usable (ie no crap time please) I would be buying them.
I remember Andy taking some grief about the painted windows on the Katyusha. So it gave me a laugh when I came across this in Moscow:

I remember Andy taking some grief about the painted windows on the Katyusha. So it gave me a laugh when I came across this in Moscow:

:D :D :D That's terrific Combat!!! I guess this means all the nay sayers out there are wrong and Andy was right! The Katyusha's window's were painted out. :D :D :D
Aidman, i am with you. Andy doesn't have to do a lot of russians, but one release a year would sell well. Just some infantry and maybe a vehicle or two. I mean how much desert, and normandy stuff can one have. And winter germans are dual purpose so some winter russians would be great. I need a new crusade for something from kc since they have come out with that gorgeous jagdtiger. So here is hoping for some russians and maybe a puma, brumbar or wirblewind too.
Then perhaps next year in 2012, K&C NAP collectors can look forward to a Tsar Alexander command group, with Russian Guard cavalry to back up their infantry/artillery already released.

Any interest here ?



I'll be any new NAPs :)

I would like to see winterized Russian vehicles like the T34 among others^&cool
I tend to believe Andy when he says he won't make more Russians. That said, it was the incredible Battle of Berlin collection that first brought me into the hobby--both for the terrifically original German sculpts as well as the incredibly dynamic Soviet ones. In recent months, I've considered selling a number of my older pieces (I just don't have space to display them) but I know I'll hang on to the Battle of Berlin items till the end.
I suggest picking up the Figarti JSII or ISU152 if you're starved for Russian figures. They're both awesome and I don't regret the purchases. I mix and match Figarti and KC and they're perfect together. Ultimately, I guess I prefer the JSII over the ISU152, but both are incredible and both are perfect for dynamic battle scenes.
Ultimately, I'm relieved there aren't more Soviet pieces out there... I don't have the money to collect every month!

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