K&C support for secondary market (1 Viewer)

No one forces anyone to buy anything anywhere, if some are stupid enough to pay crazy prices for some item then that's their right to be stupid.{sm4}{sm4}

Or they have so much money that cost is not a consideration when chasing an item that rarely comes on the resale market. I don't see how that ruins the hobby. I don't need a model that badly and I think most collectors are in the same boat. Note that the majority of resale items sell for about the issue price or less - say 80% of listings on ebay. Some sell for a premium over retail but less than 10% sell for big money. That's fairly typical of any secondary market. It's when the entire secondary market becomes unaffordable to many collectors that the hobby suffers. IMO, the sharp and rapid price increases of new models on the retail market pose far more threat to the hobby than a small number of pieces at very high prices on the secondary market.

Or they have so much money that cost is not a consideration when chasing an item that rarely comes on the resale market. I don't see how that ruins the hobby. I don't need a model that badly and I think most collectors are in the same boat. Note that the majoriy of items sell for about the issue price or less - say 80%. Some sell for a premium over retail but less than 105 sell for big money. That's fairly typical of any secondary market.

Spot on Terry.
No one forces anyone to buy anything anywhere, if some are stupid enough to pay crazy prices for some item then that's their right to be stupid.{sm4}{sm4}

Hello Wayne:

I also agree with your above noted comment. It is not the seller's business to question the reason or reasons why a certain buyer or buyers pay way more than we would for a certain item that has become rare. When I have at times sold K&C sets for really big profits I may have questioned why it sold for so much to my self, but I certainly wanted to treat such buyers with the greatest respect as they are paying me a price that represents a big profit to me. Indeed, any item for sale on eBay is either sold or not sold for whatever price based on market conditions. I have financed many new K&C sets by selling off old retired K&C sets as one can nearly always find new K&C sets to replace the old ones for a given display or in other cases I decided to convert a display area to a another period of history with new sets. Remember the old saying, "the customer is always right"!

"Iron Brigade" / Gary
Hello Wayne:

I also agree with your above noted comment. It is not the seller's business to question the reason or reasons why a certain buyer or buyers pay way more than we would for a certain item that has become rare. When I have at times sold K&C sets for really big profits I may have questioned why it sold for so much to my self, but I certainly wanted to treat such buyers with the greatest respect as they are paying me a price that represents a big profit to me. Indeed, any item for sale on eBay is either sold or not sold for whatever price based on market conditions. I have financed many new K&C sets by selling off old retired K&C sets as one can nearly always find new K&C sets to replace the old ones for a given display or in other cases I decided to convert a display area to a another period of history with new sets. Remember the old saying, "the customer is always right"!

"Iron Brigade" / Gary



Hello Wayne:

I also agree with your above noted comment. It is not the seller's business to question the reason or reasons why a certain buyer or buyers pay way more than we would for a certain item that has become rare. When I have at times sold K&C sets for really big profits I may have questioned why it sold for so much to my self, but I certainly wanted to treat such buyers with the greatest respect as they are paying me a price that represents a big profit to me. Indeed, any item for sale on eBay is either sold or not sold for whatever price based on market conditions. I have financed many new K&C sets by selling off old retired K&C sets as one can nearly always find new K&C sets to replace the old ones for a given display or in other cases I decided to convert a display area to a another period of history with new sets. Remember the old saying, "the customer is always right"!

"Iron Brigade" / Gary

Gary mate,
Excellent post cobber. Could not have said it better myself. {bravo}} In a free society collectors can pick and choose what they buy and from whom. "Caveat emptor"
Cheers Howard
One aspect of this I find quite amusing. There are currently numerous K&C items on E-Bay being offered at 50-75% higher than retail.The only problem is these items are still available at current retail prices {eek3}.I have respect for sellers that list their highly wanted and retired items for sale,but list their starting price at or near original cost.This at least lets those willing to bid and battle for the item have at it without going for the jugular from the start. Then there is the occasional collector who bought an item at 4 times the original cost and is looking to sell to just get their money back to maybe use for something else. Those trying to price gouge seem pretty easy to pick out of the crowd.
Cheers ........
The good thing also I have noticed being on here is that new collectors will be informed who is a caveat emptor and who offers reasonable deals. They are as you say very easy to see
One aspect of this I find quite amusing. There are currently numerous K&C items on E-Bay being offered at 50-75% higher than retail.The only problem is these items are still available at current retail prices {eek3}.I have respect for sellers that list their highly wanted and retired items for sale,but list their starting price at or near original cost.This at least lets those willing to bid and battle for the item have at it without going for the jugular from the start. Then there is the occasional collector who bought an item at 4 times the original cost and is looking to sell to just get their money back to maybe use for something else. Those trying to price gouge seem pretty easy to pick out of the crowd.
Cheers ........

If I have a collectible that is rare, why should I start it out at a cheap price and leave it the vagaries of the market. I'm trying to maximize my return. If it sells fine, if not, then not. Your position is very fine for a buyer but not for a seller.
If it is a rare high demand item it will draw in a large amount of bidders if the starting price is reasonable.of course it is each sellers perogative to determine how they want to go about the process. Coulda,shoulda, woulda..........
I respect that everyone has the right to their own opinion - but, it is not the responsibility of the seller to price his product to try to include everyone. The principals of the free market is name your price - for the seller - and buy what you like or at your price - for the buyer. There is no one with a gun to someone's head saying you must buy this ?

I am sorry if this hobby can be expensive - it is a high end collectable and luxury item - people have the right to sell there items for their price and people have the right not to buy them. We don't have to have Toy Soldiers - we want them for all different reasons - but, in the end it is something we all can do without. Unfortunately, prices are going up on our hobby and this forces increased prices on the secondary market as well. But, lets face it - this is not a cheap hobby to participate in.

Its your collection - do what you want to do with it - you paid for it - you used your hard dollars to buy the item and if you want to sell at a profit.

Secondary Market is just that a secondary place to purchase toy soldiers - stick with your dealers for retail prices and price controls - FYI .... K&C has a policy that restricts products to be sold for less than the retail price - they do not prevent dealers from selling above retail for their items - Also know the secondary market is open for all either up or down.

The great thing about the open market is the market sets the price in the end.
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not surprisingly, your missing the point of what has been said. You don't want to see it or accept another side thats put forth so, why re-iterate your point?
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