K&C's Two Latest Club Figures (2 Viewers)

Just done a new thread on this subject and missed this one apologies
Sorry guys,

I think this figure of the 'Mad Jock' is Andy's way of making a huge joke !!

You are raving on about what a great figure it is, but I think its much like the Father Christmas figures, like Daffy Duck and Mickey Mouse.... all fantasy, and who would pay good money to get such a thing, when there are SO many wonderful military miniatures depicting accurate uniforms, poses and equipment.

Why waste time sculting, casting and painting, when we are crying out for other figures of the high standard that K&C and do....

More Napoleonics is what we need.....

CF025 -- Lieutenant Colonel HAMISH “Mad Jock” MacTAVISH

“Mad Jock” MacTavish (1876 – 1982) was born into a family of famous Scottish soldiers. His great grandfather raised his own regiment “The Agile & Suffering Highlanders” to fight in the Americas during the Revolutionary War.

“Mad Jock” himself was commissioned into another of the family’s regiments “The Queen’s Own Scottish Murderers” in 1895. He saw extensive service during the Boer War… the Great War…and the North West Frontier.

Our K&C Club figure shows him as he appeared whilst serving with the regiment in the Khyber Pass in 1935. During the Second World War he commanded a battalion of the Home Guard… “The Auchenshuggle Volunteers”.
After War Service he emigrated to the Falkland Islands to run a sheep farm.

He was killed while attacking an Argentinian armoured personell carrier with his walking stick during their ill-fated attempt to capture the Falklands in 1982.

A brave soldier to the end!

Could the 'MacTavish figue be the start of a COD 4 Series?:D
Only kidding?:D
I agree with Obee. I dont understand why K&C would put time and resources into a fictional figure (especially one that looks like such a cartoon). It just doesnt make any sense to me, and I hope it is a one-off type of thing and not a indicator of where the company might be headed in the future.:confused::(
Re: “No Need To Say Sorry!”

Hi Guys,

My Aussie friend Obee does not seem to like our “Mad Jock” MacTavish just released as one of the new club figures… Well that’s his God given right not to like something (or anything come to that)… I can respect that.

BUT it’s my God-given right to design… sculpt… cast… and paint anything (or something) I like or think some others might like also. I certainly never consider that a “waste” of my time. K&C designs, sculpts, casts and paints literally hundreds of wide ranging figures every year. They cover a huge variety of different historical eras ranging from the mostly very serious to very, very occasionally subjects that could be regarded as romantic (our recent WW1 parting couple)… a wee bit racy (our topless Egyptian dancing girls)… politically incorrect (the entire LAH Berlin ’38 series)… the whimsical (our K&C Christmas sets) and now Lt. Col. “Mad Jock” MacTavish.
More Napoleonics is perhaps what he needs (and indeed more are in the works) but this fabulous, fantastic hobby of ours covers a wide ranging spectrum of likes… needs… wants… and must haves. And K&C attempts, reasonably successfully I hope, to reach out to many of these collectors all over the globe.

I also like to have fun with toy soldiers now and then and so, once in a blue moon, I’ll invent a [B]“Jumping Jack” Flashman or in this case a “Mad Jock” MacTavish.[/B] Maybe next time I’ll come up with Capitaine Jacques Clouseau, the famous Napoleonic nude wrestling underwater champion and inventor of the diving bell…

Au revoir… a bientot… et bon chance!
Andy C.

P.S. K&C’s Christmas Sets are also a big, big seller… fantasy or not… I still believe in Sanity Clause. Sacre Bleu!
Re: “No Need To Say Sorry!”

Hi Guys,

My Aussie friend Obee does not seem to like our “Mad Jock” MacTavish just released as one of the new club figures… Well that’s his God given right not to like something (or anything come to that)… I can respect that.

BUT it’s my God-given right to design… sculpt… cast… and paint anything (or something) I like or think some others might like also. I certainly never consider that a “waste” of my time. K&C designs, sculpts, casts and paints literally hundreds of wide ranging figures every year. They cover a huge variety of different historical eras ranging from the mostly very serious to very, very occasionally subjects that could be regarded as romantic (our recent WW1 parting couple)… a wee bit racy (our topless Egyptian dancing girls)… politically incorrect (the entire LAH Berlin ’38 series)… the whimsical (our K&C Christmas sets) and now Lt. Col. “Mad Jock” MacTavish.
More Napoleonics is perhaps what he needs (and indeed more are in the works) but this fabulous, fantastic hobby of ours covers a wide ranging spectrum of likes… needs… wants… and must haves. And K&C attempts, reasonably successfully I hope, to reach out to many of these collectors all over the globe.

I also like to have fun with toy soldiers now and then and so, once in a blue moon, I’ll invent a [B]“Jumping Jack” Flashman or in this case a “Mad Jock” MacTavish.[/B] Maybe next time I’ll come up with Capitaine Jacques Clouseau, the famous Napoleonic nude wrestling underwater champion and inventor of the diving bell…

Au revoir… a bientot… et bon chance!
Andy C.

P.S. K&C’s Christmas Sets are also a big, big seller… fantasy or not… I still believe in Sanity Clause. Sacre Bleu!

Anything is acceptable as long as there are more Ancient Egypt and Market Garden. All the best, from another down under.
Re: “No Need To Say Sorry!”

Hi Andy'

We all have likes and dislikes.I too am not keen on this figure but you have so many great figures out there I can pick and choose at my leisure.It's great to have you back on line and you will take a few hits from time to time but your presence will sell more figures.Give us your opinion and why but stay on here no matter what people say or sling at you because K&C collectors need to here from you to keep things moving.
I'll re-subscribe just for that figure (MacTavish) and for Skorzeny too..i grew in the admiration of those characters, particularly british and in this case scottish since the tales of my father , when he saw a british officer for the first time..when he talked to me of that particular encounter he told the tale with such a awe.."the british officer advanced through the smoke and debris like going for a walk..stick in one hand and revolver in the other..."..then came the movies about the british empire, the Man who would be King, and even Afghanistan for me , in my mind was a magical place to live in..and there are plenty of these characters in literature (fiction or not)...think to Colin Maud , the beach master,or the "mad" brigadier from the series Sword of Honour..i'd have added a dog too to Mac Tavish!I don't own it but i already love that figure!!!
Gotta admit, I pissed myself laughing when I saw MacTavish and ordered one straight away.

If my military career is anything to go by, the army is filled with assorted windbags, bullshit artists, pissheads and maladjusted nutjobs, not just bronzed heroic ANZACs fighting the good fight or being valiantly slaughtered for no good reason at all. Sometimes I think we glorify some of that stuff a bit too much.

I guess that's why I like the figure and the idea, it's a bit irreverent and not to be taken too seriously. There's plenty of diversity in K&C and everybody would like to see more releases in their 'area' of interest. I am no exception. But, regardless, I look forward to the new products, regardless of whether they are what I want or not, it's good to see something new, fresh and different.
I think it's important to have fun and not take ourselves too seriously as this hobby should be about having a good time and it's good to see that Andy is still being mischevious. It's not a figure I think I'd buy but it was obviously quite a lark and as a matter of fact with the way Andy described Jock I thought he was a real person :)

I have the Flashman figure and enjoy him and I doubt I would have read any of the books in the absence of the figure.

Perhaps Andy could try his hand at writing the adventures of Jock. Might be a whole new career path for him.
Re: “No Need To Say Sorry!”

Hi Guys,

My Aussie friend Obee does not seem to like our “Mad Jock” MacTavish just released as one of the new club figures… Well that’s his God given right not to like something (or anything come to that)… I can respect that.

BUT it’s my God-given right to design… sculpt… cast… and paint anything (or something) I like or think some others might like also. I certainly never consider that a “waste” of my time. K&C designs, sculpts, casts and paints literally hundreds of wide ranging figures every year. They cover a huge variety of different historical eras ranging from the mostly very serious to very, very occasionally subjects that could be regarded as romantic (our recent WW1 parting couple)… a wee bit racy (our topless Egyptian dancing girls)… politically incorrect (the entire LAH Berlin ’38 series)… the whimsical (our K&C Christmas sets) and now Lt. Col. “Mad Jock” MacTavish.
More Napoleonics is perhaps what he needs (and indeed more are in the works) but this fabulous, fantastic hobby of ours covers a wide ranging spectrum of likes… needs… wants… and must haves. And K&C attempts, reasonably successfully I hope, to reach out to many of these collectors all over the globe.

I also like to have fun with toy soldiers now and then and so, once in a blue moon, I’ll invent a [B]“Jumping Jack” Flashman or in this case a “Mad Jock” MacTavish.[/B] Maybe next time I’ll come up with Capitaine Jacques Clouseau, the famous Napoleonic nude wrestling underwater champion and inventor of the diving bell…

Au revoir… a bientot… et bon chance!
Andy C.

P.S. K&C’s Christmas Sets are also a big, big seller… fantasy or not… I still believe in Sanity Clause. Sacre Bleu!

L’Inspecteur Clouseau! Excellent idée !
I love this Guy, and already ordered one. Will go great next to my Monty and Patton figures to lighten them up. Regards, Larry.
I ordered one the minute I saw it. First of all, it bears a frightening resemblance to a certain "Mad" Scottish diorama builder we all know and love. Second, it is an Homage to the "Mad Jock" characterization of the Scottish professional soldier . . . brings to mind the crazy sapper officer from George MacDonald Fraser's autobiographical "Quartered Safe Out Here" (the one who asks young Fraser if he is a "Lurkin Furkin" or a "Creapin Gremlin").:D

Andy, you keep making cartoonish characters like old Hamish, and I'll keep buying them . . . :cool:
Re: “No Need To Say Sorry!”


thanks for your comments on 'Poor Mad Jock", and from what I read of the comments posted from the other guys, I'm well and truly into the minority in liking him.

As usual you have picked the market, make something that people do love and will buy, and thats why you are in that business and I'm not.

Well done..... my hat's off to you..

Keep up the good work :)


P.S. I thought I'd get some bites from what I posted, but its much more that I anticipated!
Gotta admit, I pissed myself laughing when I saw MacTavish and ordered one straight away.

If my military career is anything to go by, the army is filled with assorted windbags, bullshit artists, pissheads and maladjusted nutjobs, not just bronzed heroic ANZACs fighting the good fight or being valiantly slaughtered for no good reason at all. Sometimes I think we glorify some of that stuff a bit too much.

I guess that's why I like the figure and the idea, it's a bit irreverent and not to be taken too seriously. There's plenty of diversity in K&C and everybody would like to see more releases in their 'area' of interest. I am no exception. But, regardless, I look forward to the new products, regardless of whether they are what I want or not, it's good to see something new, fresh and different.

Here here Jules, well done that man. I met more than my share of Nut Jobs during my time too!!

Funny thing is,most folk are talking about the Jock figure and not the Skorzeny figure.All we need is a crashed glider,more FJ figures,mussolini and we've got ourselves a rescue scene;)

The possibilities for this raid and, as I mentioned branching out into the italian campaign are tremendous. So many commonwealth troops as well as poles and US as well as some of the best German units all waiting to be made.

When K&C did the Fields of battle I did think they may do others but, this would be an ideal second topic to cover. I think the response from collectors on here and people I have spoken to should make Andy think hard about covering it and would add nicely to the current Italian forces range.

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